
Transverse System : I became Conan's Big Brother

This is a Detective Conan Fan-fic And I have another work too if you want to read Fated wife? (Where are you?) Male lead story I don't own anything with the Conan world just writing a fan-fic A soul roaming in the vast multiverse of the anime world ​with the Transverse System bounded to it with the only dream of retrieving the one and only memory of the life from where it all started. As it keeps forgetting all the memories of the previous world but it knows there will be an end. And to this quest has taken this soul to detective Conan world The soul has been transmigrated to Kudo Shinichi's Cousin Brother how he is going to survive in the detective Conan world and help Conan fight against the black organization. And the story will follow the canon with an only little bit of changes 3-4 chapters a week and bonus on Sunday ya on Monday ************************************************ Donate on PayPal https://www.paypal.me/nitinchatterjee Support on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/NCARROW Buy a Ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/ncarrowblackb ************************************************************* hey guys this is my first novel so please support me and be patient as this is a slow story and there will be only 3 chapters a week or maybe more if i Write more that is Note;- Author isn't born in an ENGLISH speaking mother tongue and has no editor either. So please be understanding if there are any grammatical errors. **************************************************************** Bonus Chapters 700 powerstone = 1 chapter/week 1400 powerstone = 2 chapter/week as it goes This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of detective Conan. Please Support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content. **************************************************************** Author other works:- Fated Wife! ( Where are YOU?)

NCArrowBlackb · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Idol Sealed room murder case 2

Hearing the shriek of the Yoko Okino from the door, we rushed toward the door and found a person lying on the ground in the room and the knife is buried on his back and his whole body is covered in his own blood and the whole room were scattered with things.

As soon as Nitin saw this he is also shocked and started repeating the same thing

" I am gonna call the police..., I am gonna call the police..."

[A/N our protagonist is new the body and it takes some time to get used to it, as for another one isn't a mystery fanatic he is more like an actor as he lived more time with Shinichi's mother instead of Shinichi's father and he was not into mystery and thriller-like Shinichi so he hadn't been to many cases or seen too much dead bodies so you can understand his reaction]

But as soon as Nitin finished the sentence Yamagishi latched onto him like a loach and turned his head towards Kogoro and said

" Please wait Mr. Detective, if the media gets the word, it'll turn into a scandal around her..."

" If we could keep it a secret..."

" See there Yoko-san, for Yoko-san..."

Seeing Yoko-san like this Nitin jerked off Yamagishi hand and said

" You two discuss it, I won't call the police..."

Nitin approached Yoko-san and kept his hand on her shoulder for comfort and said

" Yoko-san calms yourself, we will call the police and the whole ordeal will pass through..."

Yoko turned towards Nitin with tears in her eyes and tremblingly said

" How could this happen in my own apartment"

Nitin also started consoling her as anyone will be terrified witnessing a dead body lying in his/her room.

Back to Kogoro Mouri

Kogoro looked at the idiot manager and shouted angrily

" This is a murder, are you totally insane..."

" Ran call the police right now... "

In 15 minutes Police also came to the scene and the residents also perceived something was wrong and learned that a murder had happened in the building and various murmuring can be heard along the corridor and the building.

Passerby 1 " what's all this"

Passerby 2 " What's all this commotion about"

Passerby 3 " I guess there was a murder"

Passerby 4 " oh dear how scary "

As police came to the crime scene, it is led by Inspector Megure.

After entering the apartment Inspector Megure asked the forensics and other police officers to investigate the crime scene he is also observing the scene and said

" So you say he was already killed when you returned here... "

Yoko Okino replied " Yes... "

So Megured turned to us and said

" And when you arrived you were with them... "

Suddenly Kogorou jumped up to Megure and started talking merrily

As for Inspector Megure, he felt a headache just by the scene of Kogoro Mouri helping him solve the case and as for Nitin, he is already ignored as Megure knows that he is Shinichi's cousin brother and has accompanied him on varying crime scene but Nitin always goes on the back to take a nap while Shinichi solved the case.

Nitin also observed the dead body and surrounding after soothing Yoko-san but didn't get a single clue how the murder was committed or how to find the murderer.

So he turned to Conan and said

" Shinichi I can't help you here, I couldn't think about anything of how to proceed with this case..."

Conan also turned his head towards his brother and he knows that his brother is a complete reasoning idiot so he looked towards him and said

" You go back and look after Ran, I will see there and call you if required any help."

So Nitin also ignored the look from Conan's eyes and went towards Ran who is standing in a corner and stood beside Ran and observed everything that's going on here and also feeling hot so he unbuttoned two buttons on the shirt.

Seeing Nitin Ran spoke

" Nitin Nii-san aren't you gonna help them solve the case..."

" Ran-chan stop making a cold joke here..."

" Nitin Nii-san I am not joking you should also go and help maybe you will be able to learn something... "

" Ran-chan that's why I am here observing what everyone is doing here.... "

As Nitin observed the people taking photos and investigating the crime scene he noticed that Conan had already reached the dead body and started inspecting it.

As for Uncle and Megure-Keiji, they were standing together and Megure-Keiji started asking questions to Yoko Okino

Megure:- But this room is really hot...

Megure:- Do you always have the heater on so strong...

Yoko:- No, never this powerful...

Yoko:- And I turned off all the power when I left...

Megure:- That is quite strange...

But as they were talking to each other a voice suddenly interrupted them and that is Conan's voice by saying

" That's not the only thing that's strange Inspector Megure... "

Conan continued speaking after it

" There are small dried watermarks all around the body..."

( Nitin thought how the hell did he get the magnifying glass)

" The chair next to the body... "

" Everything else in the room is knocked over But the chair is standing... "

" And this room is too hot... "

" Is it to make it impossible to tell the time of death..."

" No wait maybe the body was doused with water..."

" This would…."

Conan is surrounded by Kogoro and Megure feeling what the hell is the kid doing here at the crime scene

And Kogorou punched Conan on his head and put him in Ran's arms and smiled embarrassingly and said

" Just watching for a friend "

Nitin also looked and Conan snickers a bit but didn't talk much but continued to observe as the things Conan said were of the point but thanks to my amateur observation and no reasoning I can't notice anything.

Nitin also made up his mind now, after he went back home tonight he will definitely get a Detective skill ( whole detective part in a one ) and update his observation ability too as he can't understand a damn thing here and don't even know where start his investigation.

As Nitin is pondering about the skills Nitin saw Conan again running towards the crime scene.

Nitin stopped Conan and said

" Come to me If you want to convey something to them..."

Conan also replied embarrassingly

" I forgot I had shrunk, So I listed out my observations as usual without thinking anything..."

" okay go now and keep in mind that you are just a 7-8-year-old kid… "

Conan again started looking at things

As for Nitin, he saw that Inspector Megure asked Yoko Okino and his manager if they recognized the victim or not.

Yoko Okino and the manager moved towards the victim then manager-san approached closer towards the victim then suddenly slipped and fell on the body and I think he took something from the victim then put it into the pocket.

Conan then run towards the manager and stepped on whatever manager picked as Nitin doesn't saw what he picked, then Conan turned his head towards Nitin and asked him that he doesn't need to mention this thing.

As Nitin keep observing the police he heard Inspector analyzing the case

" The window was locked, it's the 25th floor…"

" It appears that entrance from outside is impossible… "

" So the only entrance to the apartment is the door…"

" And we haven't discovered any fingerprints other than the Yoko-san..."

" So in other words…"

" I can't see how the killer will be anyone other than you…"

As Nitin heard Inspector Megure's word his face became more and more and ugly as he can't believe his Yoko-san will be the murderer so he also started thinking about the case but the conjecture of Inspector Megure looks more and more right as he was contemplating he can hear Conan words in his hear

" Don't they have duplicate keys… "

Yes, someone other than Yoko-san has done Nitin then subconsciously interrupted Inspector Megure and said

" Megure-Keiji Don't you think there can be duplicate keys and someone else is entrapping Yoko-san in this case…"

Hearing Nitin words Yoko-san said

" My manager Yamagishi-san has a duplicate…"

Hearing Nitin's words Kogoro Mouri said in a hurry

" Oh yea that's it…"

" The killer is…"

" Yamagishi the manager you!!!"