
Transverse System : I became Conan's Big Brother

This is a Detective Conan Fan-fic And I have another work too if you want to read Fated wife? (Where are you?) Male lead story I don't own anything with the Conan world just writing a fan-fic A soul roaming in the vast multiverse of the anime world ​with the Transverse System bounded to it with the only dream of retrieving the one and only memory of the life from where it all started. As it keeps forgetting all the memories of the previous world but it knows there will be an end. And to this quest has taken this soul to detective Conan world The soul has been transmigrated to Kudo Shinichi's Cousin Brother how he is going to survive in the detective Conan world and help Conan fight against the black organization. And the story will follow the canon with an only little bit of changes 3-4 chapters a week and bonus on Sunday ya on Monday ************************************************ Donate on PayPal https://www.paypal.me/nitinchatterjee Support on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/NCARROW Buy a Ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/ncarrowblackb ************************************************************* hey guys this is my first novel so please support me and be patient as this is a slow story and there will be only 3 chapters a week or maybe more if i Write more that is Note;- Author isn't born in an ENGLISH speaking mother tongue and has no editor either. So please be understanding if there are any grammatical errors. **************************************************************** Bonus Chapters 700 powerstone = 1 chapter/week 1400 powerstone = 2 chapter/week as it goes This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of detective Conan. Please Support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content. **************************************************************** Author other works:- Fated Wife! ( Where are YOU?)

NCArrowBlackb · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Idol Sealed room murder case 1

All the people were seated on the sofa excluding Conan and Ran both were beside Nitin and Kogoro Mouri and Yoko Okino and her manager were seated on the other side and snacks and tea were present in between.

And Nitin also came to know that Yoko Okino came to assign a case to Uncle Mouri.

And Now Yoko Okino started speaking

" The truth is I am being watched by someone "

Kogoro Mouri replied shockingly

" Someone is stalking you"


Nitin reasoned that

" And it's not some weekly news magazine reporter or any other reporters"

Yoko replied

" That's what I thought first"

" But what's going on is too weird"

" And that's not all that's happening"

" When I go home the furniture is in different places as it being moved by someone"

" I've received some strange photos of mine being taken from strange angles"

" I also received many calls every day with no one speaking on the other side"

" Someone was even chasing me last night "

Yoko tremblingly said

" I'm so scared, I can't even sleep well at night"

Kogoro angrily said

" How could someone do this to Yoko-san"

Nitin also felt sad for her and without thinking replied

" How about I become your bodyguard, a 24x7 bodyguard to keep you safe"

The moment Nitin finished this sentence all the people in the room are staring at him and Kogoro is glaring at him as like he would eat him now as he has stolen his wife from him.

Seeing everyone staring at him, Nitin also spoke embarrassingly again

" I am just saying it' If you don't want then it won't be a problem"

Yoko Okino seeing Nitin embarrassed face and warm smile she also calmed down a bit when she found herself staring at his face which looks a bit handsome so suddenly blushed and thought what a handsome guy but then collected herself and also thanked god as no one noticed anything as all were concentrated on him.

" No that's not required, I can manage that"

Seeing Yoko-san talking to Nitin, Kogoro also became angrier and angrier and was about to blow up but disturbed was someone as heard him say that

" We would like you to make this investigation in secret if you could…, if police find out about this her image will be ruined "

Kogoro finally met the chance the vent his anger so he glared at him and said

" Who are you?"

" oh, I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself I am Yamagishi her manager"

As they were discussing the case and how to investigate

Nitin started talking to Yoko Okino while presenting his card

" Yoko san this is my card, call me anytime if you need a bodyguard"

Yoko also smiling took the card and said

" Sure if there is any problem I will call you."

But just after that, he can hear an annoying voice in his ears

" Brat what are you doing there, I have work to do with her. Don't mess here"

Hearing pervy uncle voice Nitin replied smilingly as he knows it's best not to start any argument now or my dinner will be gone

" Nothing Uncle, Just giving me Visitor's card to Yoko-san"

" Don't disturb me now I have to discuss this case "

Then just after that Kogoro picked and paper and said seriously

" Now please write your address and phone number here"

" Yes "

" And your autograph"

" Huh "

" Don't forget to write Kogoro-san"

Seeing him like this Nitin also brought 4 paper from somewhere and said

" Yoko-san here also gives me 4 autographs"

Seeing more paper Yoko also started more autograph

" And don't forget to write Nitin-san, Ran-san, Conan-Kun, Agasa-Kun. "

So after signing the autograph Nitin picked it up and said

" Thankyou"

Nitin turned around and said giving the autograph to Ran and Conan and said

" Ran-chan this one for you "

" Conan-kun this one for you and give the other one to Hakase"

After giving them Nitin also started admiring his autograph and kept it aside like it's the most precious thing here.

As Nitin kept the autograph aside he heard Ran-chan speaking

" Wait, Otou-san can we go too"


" I want to see what an idol's house looks like, Don't you Conan-Kun"

Nitin also jumped and said

" I also want to go and see"

Seeing so many people Yamagishi replied embarrassingly so many will not fit in the car

Nitin replied

" Oh! You don't have to worry about that just tell me the address, I have my own car"

Seeing it like this Yamagishi also told the address so Nitin spoke to Ran and Conan

" Ran-chan Conan-Kun let's travel from my car"

" Yes Nitin Nii-san" Ran replied

Nitin went to his office first put the autograph on the table then took the keys from the table and went down and opened the garage and there was a Silver color Ferrari can be seen standing stylishly and low-key look.

Nitin get on the driver's seat and said to Ran and Conan

" Hop on"

Ran sat on the shotgun seat and Conan on the back seat unwillingly as Ran entered earlier than him

Nitin then started driving

As Nitin is driving the car he spoke

" Ran-chan I got a call from Shinichi "

The moment Ran heard Shinichi's name she sprung up and asked hurriedly

" How is he, what is he doing, When will he come back"

Nitin also got embarrassed and said

" He is fine and I don't know what he is doing. I haven't asked about that and also don't when he will come back"

Seeing the relief and dim expression on Ran Nitin continued

" But I have asked him to call him, He said he will call you back. "

Ran also smiled and said

" Thanks, Nitin Nii-san"

And seeing that her mood was not quite right and started the different topic

" Say Ran-chan How do you get this kid"

Ran also spoke of how she bought Conan back home and Conan also chipped in between and like this they reached the destination.

The moment they reached their destination he parked the car and came in front of the building he saw Yoko-san and the others.

He waved at them and they gathered together and went inside to go check the room.

They went to 25th floor that's where Yoko lived

So when we reached the 25th floor Yoko-san went to open the door.

And we were standing at the window admiring the view

Ran can be heard saying

" What a magnificent view "

And this moment Yoko Okino voice can be heard

" AH!!!!!"


[A\N Our protagonist is gonna play soy sauce in this first case as this is the first case and he also doesn't have any skills right now to help so please be patient till the end of this case as our protagonist can't fight Shinichi Kudo the Sherlock Holmes of Japan it will take some time for him to reach there so just that you know after all this story is too long too and our protagonist needs time to develop himself.]

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