
Transverse System : I became Conan's Big Brother

This is a Detective Conan Fan-fic And I have another work too if you want to read Fated wife? (Where are you?) Male lead story I don't own anything with the Conan world just writing a fan-fic A soul roaming in the vast multiverse of the anime world ​with the Transverse System bounded to it with the only dream of retrieving the one and only memory of the life from where it all started. As it keeps forgetting all the memories of the previous world but it knows there will be an end. And to this quest has taken this soul to detective Conan world The soul has been transmigrated to Kudo Shinichi's Cousin Brother how he is going to survive in the detective Conan world and help Conan fight against the black organization. And the story will follow the canon with an only little bit of changes 3-4 chapters a week and bonus on Sunday ya on Monday ************************************************ Donate on PayPal https://www.paypal.me/nitinchatterjee Support on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/NCARROW Buy a Ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/ncarrowblackb ************************************************************* hey guys this is my first novel so please support me and be patient as this is a slow story and there will be only 3 chapters a week or maybe more if i Write more that is Note;- Author isn't born in an ENGLISH speaking mother tongue and has no editor either. So please be understanding if there are any grammatical errors. **************************************************************** Bonus Chapters 700 powerstone = 1 chapter/week 1400 powerstone = 2 chapter/week as it goes This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of detective Conan. Please Support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content. **************************************************************** Author other works:- Fated Wife! ( Where are YOU?)

NCArrowBlackb · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Exclusive Skill

Now that all the gift pack has been opened and all the reward which has to be rewarded has been awarded.

Now it's time to see the uses of the different types of the card and as which card is used for which purposes.

When Nitin opened the rewards, The awarded cards were only shown of different colors and their types and their quantity but the uses were not mentioned at that time

In other words, the uses were not shown at the time when the gift was opened or written there as after the reward was opened all the cards automatically shifted to inventory.

Now that all the gift packs and rewards had been collected now it's time for him to see the uses of these cards so that he can use them properly so he clicked the inventory and so that he can see the uses of these cards.

Golden Card: - You can think of the skill in your mind what you need then it will generate the skill that is similar to that or it will suggest that is related to that. ( Crush to use )

Silver Card: - It will generate any random skill after this card is used and the skill can be relevant or not. ( Crush to use )

Bronze Card: - It will help to increase the body attribute by 1 as each bronze card entitles 1 attribute. ( Crush to use )

Black Card: - It will level up the skills or we can say that it is used to level up the skills that are learned. ( Crush to use )

Well now that we have learned about the uses of the cards let's see what changes it has brought to the status window first

Name:- Nitin Kudo

Age:- 22

Strength: 5 (11)

Endurance: 5 (11)

Power: 5 (11)

Agility: 5 (11)

Speed: 7 (11)

Mainline mission:- 1) Destroy the Black organization

2) Protect Shinichi Kudo from the Black Organization

Branch Mission:- Find whereabouts of Shinichi Kudo ( Completed)

Make black organizations believe that Hirota Masami is dead and Save Hirota Masami's life from them.

Mission points:- 10 ( can be used to buy the props from the special shop )

Detective Points:- 20 ( can be used to draw lottery of different grades.)

Skills:- Judo (Amateur level 2 ) Kendo(Amateur level 3) Observation( Amateur Level 1) Bike-Driving ( intermediate level 3) Car Driving ( Intermediate level 2) Helicopter driving ( Entry level 2) Plane driving ( Amateur level 3) Shooting ( Entry level 2) Football ( Amateur level 4) Baseball ( Entry level 2)

Cards: - 2 Golden Card, 2 Silver Card, 1 Bronze Card, 20 Black Card.

Props: - Gun (Unlimited rubber bullets), 100 metric cubic storage space.

Well, now that I have 2 Golden cards the first thing I need to learn is detective skill as today when I was standing there I felt mediocre as I can't keep up with him and I also know he is the death god in other words wherever he will go someone will die and then he will definitely get involved with the investigation and more problem will arise by then.

If I want to protect my brother I need to match his thinking or at least keep up with him and his skills so that I can shield and help him from the people who had shrunk him from finding out that he is not dead and also to find the killers about my parents or whether it was an accident or not.

So as he kept all these things in his mind he thought to become the best detective in the world so that he can handle all these things and also stop Shinichi from solving all these irrelevant cases.

So he imagined in his mind to become the best detective in the world as his template so that he can get the required skill and after imagining these things he took out the golden card and crushed it as per the instructions.

The moment he crushed the card, Nitin felt as someone was trying to pull the soul out of his body which only felt for a moment then he heard a mechanical sound in his mind which felt like someone poured a bucket of cold water on him, his flaming fire which was burning his heart which will allow him to stand on the top of everything was suddenly extinguished by it.

" The skill you wished to incorporate has a variety of different skills in it so can't be generated please choose a relatively simple skill from this skillset"

" If you still want to learn you can learn this special skill which will incorporate all the required skills that you have imagined to be a detective skill you can learn it as an exclusive skill only but this exclusive skill will be only available for 30 seconds in a day. Resets at midnight and can't be stacked for the next day if not used the same day. ( For example, if you are on a crime scene and had all clues then it will fill up the blankness that is not in the knowledge like the type of poison and forensics on the spot knowledge etc. ) "

Hearing the mechanized voice Nitin becomes stunned for a moment as he had never heard any voice from the system speaking to him or contacting him from the time system has bonded with him so it took for a while to gather his bearings for him to realize what happened and who spoked.

After analyzing the comment that the system has given Nitin started frowning as it has given him 2 choices and both are not what he need now as if only he can become a top detective for 30 second he has to use it marginally and properly and he also is not confident whether he will be able to solve the case In the allocated time and another one will be able to help him make any progress or not is also a question that can be answered now and this put him on a tough spot.

But seeing that the system will not generate the skill he needed he had to compromise with what he had been given and also had to brainstorm as to how can he maximize his skillset or get the detective skill the choices he had been given and make himself a more comprehensive detective.

After hearing that Detective has a wide range of skills which incorporate to became Detective Nitin deliberately asked the system what are the skills in the Detective skillset that it incorporated or to be a top detective that he had imagined about.

As the system has said there are many skills needed to be a top Detective so Nitin thought if he asked the system about that it will definitely give him the options from which we can see what are the skills are incorporated into this skillset and Nitin also hoped that it will reply to me after that he had spoken for the first time.

After hearing the question the same mechanized voice can be heard again in his mind telling him

" In the Detective set of skills that you imagined, about being a top detective includes Chemistry ( to know different types of poison, etc. ), Anatomy, Practical Geology, Basic Politics( to recognize the deceased), Botany, Literature, Practical Law Knowledge, Cryptanalysis, Phycology, Deduction, etc. "

Well as Nitin heard the long list of various types of skills are needed to be a top detective along with some of the skills whose names he had never heard of and some confusing skills, Nitin's started feeling dizziness so he stopped the system from repeating the words and only said to show the list in front of him so that he can read the name instead of naming them one by one as it was making him more light-headedness.

After hearing the system naming them one by one Nitin had a feeling that this system never had people to talk to so that's why he is speaking so much so that he is venting his frustration for being mute for so long time on him as who will need to learn so much form being a top detective as I have always thought being a top detective only needed observation and deduction but it proved all these wrong.

After seeing the list of the skills that the system had listed and analyzing the skills that he had and which he needs to be ascertained to master the skill.

Nitin told the system that he had chosen the 2nd option as 30 sections of top detective skills can be very useful in solving the case as Nitin felt if ever been in a pinch he can use this skill to solve the case as it will definitely help bring the top detective after seeing so many skills named the system as it allows becoming top detective for 30 seconds only but it will definitely help him get out of the pinch at that moment.

" Option chosen"

" Special Skill transforms under exclusive skill "

"Operational successful"

After hearing these words Nitin immediately opened the status window to see what the system means and how will It been shown as it has told me it will not be a skill but an exclusive skill.

Name:- Nitin Kudo

Age:- 22

Strength: 5 (11)

Endurance: 5 (11)

Power: 5 (11)

Agility: 5 (11)

Speed: 7 (11)

Mainline mission:- 1) Destroy the Black organization

2) Protect Shinichi Kudo from the Black Organization

Branch Mission:- Find whereabouts of Shinichi Kudo ( Completed)

Make black organizations believe that Hirota Masami is dead and Save Hirota Masami's life from them.

Mission points:- 10 ( can be used to buy the props from the special shop )

Detective Points:- 20 ( can be used to draw lottery of different grades.)

Exclusive Skills:- 30-second Detective

Skills:- Judo (Amateur level 2 ) Kendo(Amateur level 3) Observation( Amateur Level 1) Bike-Driving ( intermediate level 3) Car Driving ( Intermediate level 2) Helicopter driving ( Entry level 2) Plane driving ( Amateur level 3) Shooting ( Entry level 2) Football ( Amateur level 4) Baseball ( Entry level 2) Physics ( Entry level 1) Chemistry ( Entry level 1 ) Mathematics ( Entry level 2 )

Cards: - 1 Golden Card, 2 Silver Card, 1 Bronze Card, 20 Black Card.

Props: - Gun (Unlimited bullets), 100 metric cubic storage space.