
Transporter : Fishman Island

I some how ended up on Fishman Island, in the One Piece world after getting lost in the mountains. I plan to leave the Strawhats alone and live a normal life while enjoying the wonders of the new world I find myself in, but everyone has to make a living in any world so I'll... ... Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Paypal.me/DrakeGrimmhound Pat reon.com/DrakeGrimmhound Twitter.com/@DGrimmhound

DrakeGrimmhound · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Cha 4 : Welcome to Hell

When Solomon woke up he found himself laying face down on a cold and dirty metal surface, when he tried to put his arm underneath himself to raise himself up he felt a great pain in his arm and at the same time he also felt the pain in his leg spike up, more pain then he had ever felt before.

After sitting up, with great difficulty, and putting his back against the bars of the cage he found himself in, he looked over his arm and leg at where he felt the pain, he had bandages made out of rags wrapped around his arm and leg, dark red blotches covered the make shift bandages, blood, his blood.

"I wouldn't be poking at that, we used are last 'good' bandages to fix you up as best as we could, but our best isn't very good so don't make it worse, you'll need all your strength from now on, your future don't look bright friend, and it seems that the bitch has taken a liking to you as well ... so what did you do to get that sick, twisted bitch so excited?" The one speaking to him said, looking around himself Solomon saw that he was locked in a cage with just one other, he was locked in one of the largest cages because of his height, there was smaller cages around the room that held more normal sized people.

Humans, of all races, from the long legged tribe to the long armed tribe, he even saw Fishmen and Minks of all kinds, the one he was in a cage with was a Bull Mink, they would be the same height if you didn't count the horns.

"Garchu." Solomon greeted the Bull Mink tiedly, using noticable enough to touch the side of his face to the Mink's, the Bull Mink returned the greeting, "Please don't tell me that I was captured by a celestial dragon... " Solomon said to the Bull Mink, who then realised once he heard what Solomon said that Solomon didn't actually know what had happened, "Hah~ sorry to be the one to tell you mate but you have and it seems the bitch has her hooks in you now for whatever you did to her, so what did you do?" The Bull Mink sighed but got excited when he thought of what Solomon could have done to make the celestial dragon that owned them all so mad, all the other people in the room were listening closely.

"I stopped her from getting her hands on a young Mermaid girl." Once Solomon said that all the other peoples mouths dropped open in surprise, especially the other Fishman, it was unheard of for a human to help a Fishman, especially from a celestial dragon, but Solomon didn't notice their shock and continued on telling his story, "I guess I didn't realise that they had also shot me twice when I managed to get the little girl back into the ocean, the last thing I remember is telling her and her friends to go back to Fishman island as fast as they could, I just hope they remembered to take my bag with them, I had brought a lot of medicine that I was going to take back home to Fishman island and it's desperately needed down there." Solomon sighed to himself and the fate that he had found himself with.

"H-hey I remember you now! Your Creed D. Solomon! Before I was captured and sold a year ago everyone would go to you if we couldn't get something on Fishman island or from those bastard merchants who always over sold things, so when you suddenly started taking requests of what you should buy and bring back from the surface it was like a god send, I remember because of you my sister got better with the medicine you brought back!" The Fishman shouted as he burst out into tears, this also prompted some other Fishmen who knew him to speak up as well, telling stories about how Solomon had helped them in one way or another in the past, they didn't recognise him because they simply couldn't have thought that they would ever see him in the same situation as them.

This made the rest look at him in a new light, especially the Bull Mink he shared a cage with, "It seems you're a pretty important guy back on Fishman island." He said to Solomon, who just shook his head, frowning when he felt the collar around his neck, "No, I'm just a guy who coats ships." Solomon said as he rubbed his stiff neck.


"Come on slave, time to get your brand." A guard called out, as if he was board with the same old same old. He then dragged out the weaken Solomon with help from three other guards that were able to hold him down when he tried to fight back, they had brought him to a room with a young girl that could be around 10 years old, she was wearing a bubble around her head.

Just from that alone you would know that she was a celestial dragon, if not the sneer that was plastid across her face when she looked down at him in sick glee was another dead give away, "You let my little friends get away! And I was going to have so much fun with them! I guess I'll just need to have fun with you instead." She said as she took the branding iron out off the flame it had been heating up in, the metal glowing red with the heat it contained inside, she was just about to press it down onto Solomon's chest when he suddenly spoke for the first time.

Which surprised her, as she was normally used to the slaves shouting at her by this point.

"You disgust me."

It was three simple words that she had heard and been called many times by her slaves before she would go to play with them but it wasn't just his words that set her off, no, it was the look in his eyes and the feeling he projected as he said it, he truly meant what he was saying and he was saying it for a reason, not just to be mean, he was saying it like he was proclaiming a truth to the world that had remained covered up or at least covered from her eyes at least.

That's what set her off, the fact that his words had actually made something in her react and made her believe what he was saying was true but being the celestial dragon that she was she ignored it and though back to all the times she had been told how she was above everyone else, a god among peasants, "You know nothing!" She screamed as she pressed the branding iron down onto his left pectoral, she was going to laugh at his screams of pain when she finally noticed that he wasn't making any sound, he just had that same look in his eyes, those same eyes would go onto constantly reminder her of what the one and only thing he would ever say to her was.

"You disgust me."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


https://www.pat reon.com/DrakeGrimmhound

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