
Transported into the cultivation world

Our MC has made a bold choice: to be transported to a mystical cultivation world. With a clear goal in mind, she sets out to build her own sect and carve out a life filled with adventure.

USMEX_DSantiago · Eastern
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13 Chs

Oceanic Outlaws

In the dimly lit administrative pavilion of the Verdant Lotus Clan, two young men occupied the room. Lianhua Ming, the heir of the clan, sat in a grand chair, scripts scattered across the table before him. Across from him stood a core disciple, trembling as he clasped his fists and bowed deeply.

"What do you mean there's no information on the Oceanic Sect?" Lianhua Ming's voice cut through the silence like a blade, his gaze piercing.

"I-I checked with the Hall of Ascendancy, Young Master. They have no records of any Oceanic Sect," the disciple stammered, his voice shaky.

Lianhua Ming's fingers drummed rhythmically on the table, his expression hardening. "Even the civilians?" he asked, his tone laced with frustration.

"Yes, Young Master. None of them have heard anything remotely about it," the disciple replied, bowing his head even lower.

"Fine. You may leave," Lianhua Ming said dismissively, waving his hand.

The disciple bowed deeply once more before quickly walking out, relief evident in his hurried steps.

Left alone in the room, Lianhua Ming leaned back in his chair, his mind racing. "Who are they? Are they perhaps from one of the top five dark sects?" he mused aloud, his eyes narrowing. "No, if it were them, they wouldn't use a different name. That would go against their pride. So is it just an emerging sect? Are they in the dark or divine factions? It doesn't matter. They dared to steal from us and kill our disciples. That's a death sentence."

He rubbed his temples, frustration mounting. "What's concerning is their ability to kill seven mid-Nascent Soul and three late-Nascent Soul realm elite disciples and create a barrier our experts couldn't penetrate. They must be at least a mid-tier sect," he muttered, the weight of the situation pressing heavily on his shoulders.

Determined, Lianhua Ming pulled out a piece of parchment and began writing a letter to the Hall of Ascendancy. His brush strokes were swift yet deliberate.

"Guard!" he yelled, his voice echoing through the pavilion.

The door immediately opened, and a large man stepped in, bowing respectfully. "Young Master," he acknowledged.

"Ensure this letter reaches the main Hall of Ascendancy as soon as possible, and summon Merchant Bo," Lianhua Ming commanded, handing the letter to the guard.

"Right away, Young Master," the guard responded, taking the letter and quietly walking out.

Lianhua Ming watched the door close behind the guard, his mind still racing with unanswered questions. He knew this mysterious Oceanic Sect was a threat that needed to be understood and countered swiftly. He couldn't afford any missteps.

The Bloodstone Province stretched out beneath us, a breathtaking tapestry of emerald forests, rolling hills, and winding rivers glistening under the golden afternoon sun. The landscape was dotted with quaint villages and fields, with the distant silhouette of the capital city rising majestically on the horizon. From our vantage point in the sky, it was a scene of serene beauty and thriving life.

"To think it only took one day to reach the Bloodstone Province," Wei Zhang marveled, gripping the reins of Drakeon as the hybrid flew steadily. Xu Jie clung to Wei Zhang's robes for dear life, his knuckles white from the tension.

I reclined comfortably on the floating sofa, a sense of satisfaction washing over me. Yutian Wei was beside me, skillfully playing "Stairway to Heaven" on his guitar, the iconic melody blending harmoniously with the rhythmic beats of Drakeon's wings. "I told you so," I said with a grin.

'System, you there?' I called out mentally, hoping to reestablish our connection. Silence. I knew he was still upset about me forgetting to unblock him.

'Come on, man, I already apologized,' I said, but still, no response. I sighed inwardly. 'Whatever,' I thought, brushing aside the frustration.

"Grand Elder Zhang, let's land a few yards from that small town," I instructed, pointing to a quaint village nestled in a valley below.

"Understood," Wei Zhang replied as he guided Drakeon into a gentle descent onto a grassy hillside just outside the town.

"What's the point of stopping here, Sect Leader?" Xu Jie asked, his face etched with confusion as he scanned the surroundings.

"We need to prepare before entering the capital city," I explained, stepping off the sofa and stretching my legs. The capital was an important destination, and it was crucial to make a proper entrance.

Yutian Wei chuckled softly, rolling his eyes playfully as he donned his mask. Xu Jie and Wei Zhang exchanged puzzled glances, still trying to grasp our unconventional methods. I smirked at their bemusement.

"I'm talking about the Oceanic Sect's robes," I said, excitement tingling in my voice.

They looked at each other and then back at me, pointing at my attire. "Is that the sect's robes?" they asked in unison.

"Of course. Why, don't you like it?" I teased.

Xu Jie raised his hands defensively. "No, it's not that. It's just that we thought we were going to wear, I don't know, blue robes because of the ocean."

I laughed heartily. "That's too predictable and unoriginal," I said, pulling out two sets of clothes and handing them to them.

"Where do we change?" Wei Zhang asked, looking around.

"Oh, I almost forgot," I said, waving my hand. A small shelter formed from tree roots sprung up, providing a private space for changing.

"Sect Leader, are you in the Soul Transformation realm?" Wei Zhang asked, his voice filled with awe.

"Yeah, late stage," I replied nonchalantly.

"Good. What about you?" he asked, turning to Yutian Wei, who was still engrossed in his guitar, and Xu Jie.

"Early Core Foundation," Yutian said without looking up. Xu Jie added, "Peak Spirit Gathering."

"And you're only ten years old?" Wei Zhang asked Yutian, who nodded, still focused on his playing.

Wei Zhang looked at me with amazement. "Where did you recruit such a genius?"

"It's a secret," I said with a wink.

He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Yutian... Where have I heard that surname before?"

"Wait, is Yutian a unique name?" I asked, curious.

"Yeah, I just can't remember at the moment," Wei Zhang replied.

'Interesting. Does that mean Yutian Wei has family out there? Well, that's for future me to solve,' I thought.

"What are the qualifications again?" I asked, steering the conversation back to our mission.

"The sect leader has to be at least mid Nascent, at least two Core Formation members, either disciple or elder, and a location for the sect. Plus, ten gold coins as the fee," Wei Zhang explained.

"Okay, so we qualify then," I said with satisfaction.

"Looks like it," Wei Zhang confirmed.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Go change!" I urged.

Fifteen minutes later, they emerged wearing gold, black, and red robes, complete with cowboy hats and masks. They looked striking, a perfect blend of tradition and uniqueness.

"Now we properly look like a sect," I said, giving them a thumbs up.

"This is very unique silk and fashion," Wei Zhang said, raising his arms to admire the fabric.

"Of course, we are a unique sect, so we deserve unique clothing," Yutian Wei added, echoing my thoughts.

I reached into my inventory and produced four rings, each adorned with our mascot and crafted from rubies and gold. "Starting now, we wear the same rings. Only we four will have this ring," I said, handing them out.

"What does the ring do?" Xu Jie asked eagerly, slipping his on.

"It gives you full access to the sect, except for my personal quarters. It's exclusive to us four," I explained.

"What about future disciples or elders?" Wei Zhang asked, admiring the intricate design of the ring.

"They'll receive sect tokens according to their rank," I said.

"Will everything be red, gold, and black?" Xu Jie asked.

"Yes," Yutian and I replied in unison.

We all laughed, the excitement of our shared journey evident. "Okay, now let's go get our sect certified," I said.

Yutian Wei stepped forward, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Wait, Sect Leader. What about a change of clothes for you and me?" he asked.

I paused, realizing he had a point. "You're right," I said, nodding in agreement. "We need an upgrade."

A grin spread across my face as an idea formed. "We need something that will make the four of us stand out from the rest of the Sect," I declared. "Come on, Yutian Wei. Let's go change our outfits."

I could hear the system snickering in my mind. I knew he was making fun of me, but whatever.

With a determined stride, I led Yutian Wei towards the changing room, ready to transform our appearance and make a lasting impression.