
The Shadowlands... or The Crashlands?

Heading towards my personal storage, i wonder what things to take with me, some spiced nerf milk, which actually taste like milkshake with alcohol, and a bunch of food and energy pellets that should last a good while . We're currently hovering above the mountains in the shadowlands, where the weather, is seriously, exactly like the Sith capital Dromund Kaas. Dark Dreary Skies, and the nights becoming almost pitch black at times, lots of thunderstorms, and only average precipitation. I wouldnt be surprised if there are monsters down there, just like in Dromund Kaas, created by sith alchemy. The only difference seems to be is that there are alot of pitch black crevices and valleys just below the mountains. Then again, i do feel a few life forms living in down there, maybe the shadow men, or the reavers that the yi ti empire constantly defend themselves from.

The force, i can feel it everywhere on this planet, even more so than my in game memories can recall. It is truly such a useful tool, to think i would be able to use it ever. The planet should be a great place to start testing out some of the more violent and dangerous of my force powers. Or should i use it to completely absorb those whirling souls. Maybe another time, ive always wanted to explore Westeros, Essos, and the Yi Ti empire. Not too familiar with the shadow lands, and from the map i remember, and from some lore i read on GoT wiki way back then, there is not lot of info on it. The only ones i remember are poisonous rivers that turn green at night, sounds like radioactivity to me, probably radioactive fish in there too, the ruins of Stygai, and its home to the shadow men. It also where the dragons came from, ghost grass, wonder if its similar to Dromund Kaas' glowing reeds and plants. Now that im imagining it as similar to Dromund Kaas, im actually not that frightened, there are no sith alchemy monsters, and i could feel the use of the force, but its very strange, and no where near as powerful as it was on Dromund Kaas. Its dark, but not corrupting, like the memories ive had with sith alchemy, and the Tombs, that are a few km away from Kaas City. I wonder if my in game appartment is still standing there in Kaas City?

We are now in the Got World around the shadow lands, probably around its heart. Since its a mountainous area, there must be lots of resources that we can use to establish a base, and with Alexa with me, building, research and construction should be fairly easy, as i can most likely delegate all of the those tasks to her and the droids. I head towards the shuttle hanger where my ship is. The Fury Imperial Interceptor class frigate, 100 meters long, and 88 meters wide, heavy armoring, with interchangeable weapons, shielding and other devices, and has the maneuverability and speed of a heavy fighter. My second favorite ship in the entire game, first is the phantom owned by the agent. Tho, this is no longer a game, this ship is a fully functional, capable and reliable starship. Wish I could ride this around and show it off to the guys at work on earth, but im in a different world, and probably galaxy now too, so i doubt ill be able to. Still marveling at it gives me a sense of calm and wonderment somehow. Looking around, I see a contigent of Zakuulan and Imperial Battle Droids, shuttling towards the mountain surface , fully armed and at attention, as well HK-55 waiting at the entrance of my ship, along with Gemini, and i could see Alexa, slightly protruding from where the center main communications console hub of the fury should be. I'll just assume that she can do that since she is a star forge. She could probably meld, fuse and then seperate with any machine or objects she wishes. Makes things less shocking i guess when she does more strange things as a star forge.

Arriving at my ship, i asked Gemin, "How is establishing outposts all over the area looking?" "Quite well your majesty, we only used 3 war supplies from the stockpiles in the storage area to establish a medium class outpost, equiped fully with a fusion generator, a communication tower and a radar satelite, along with a few defensive emplacements, a landing pad for shuttles as well as your ship your majesty, and droids", she responded. War supplies, they seem to work the same as they do in the game. During guild operations and Conquests, we could set up bases at specific locations using our guilds war supply, to think, we could use it in this world too, and we have thousands of those sockpiled in our guild bank. The tens left in the storage are just a small number of them. "Can you access the guild storage kiosk gemini?" I asked curiously, "No your majesty i could not, it kept rejecting me as i tried to access it" she responded. Interesting, so the only to access our stock piles is if im the one that accessed it. I wonder if this also has to do with using the force. Is this spatial force, or something else, perhaps another kind of undiscovered force. Lots of things to look over once i get back. "How is the surface like so far?", i asked. "There doesnt seem to be any threats detected along the mountain ranges and cliffsides. We have established our outpost on a plateau above one the mountain cliffs just 2km from our ship. There are several more such plateau's but i didnt want to waste our war supplies just incase we encounter hostiles beyond the mountains." She's thoughtful, and careful it seems, or did she think i would get angry for wasting our ships supplies. "Its ok Gemini, establish as many outposts as you can along the mountain tops, to allow us to establish a full radar and communications net of the area. I trust your judgment, you are one of the latest models developed, and have been specifically designed to serve me, and you will serve me well." Again, emotions from a droid, she seems pleased at my praise, and anticipation of what it can do for me. "As you command your majesty!"

As i entered my ship i could see alexa taking over about half of the main communication hub, i asked, "Alexa what is do you think of the planet we are on?", "Its rich, and alive master" she replied. Rich and alive she says. Theres definitely a lot of untapped and undiscovered resources in a world that is said to be, somewhat magical in the GoT lore, and alive, hmmm... makes me wonder what ill find in this world other than the usual humans in the TV series. "Only one way to find out then".

We leave the shuttle area and head for the outpost with a few droids and followed by the 3 shuttles to begin our expansion of the mountain tops. I arrived at the outpost and got contacted Gemini. "I have arrived at the outpost, we will be descending into valleys and exploring it for a few days. If you encounter any difficulties contact me. Also if you meet any locals, study them, learn theyre language, culture, biology, and so forth, and if they seem useful, employ them, and get as much information as you can about this world." "As you command your majesty" she replied. I ended the communication and looked towards HK-55, "Ready for another romp in the wilderness HK?" "Query: What actions are acceptable when encountering this world's meatbags?". "If they are hostile you may do as wish, but if you can at least keep the ones that are sentient and can speak, alive, i may want to learn somethings about this world from them." "Reply: I shall do my best as i always have to serve you master, though, i hope they are all hostile." I once again thank this mask, and armor, that HK cant detect any of my expressions or emotions, cause i still cant stop fanboing at the this HK unit.

We leave the outpost, and traverse the many crevices on the bottom of the mountain range, looking for a clearing to start our exploration. Finding a suitable landing spot by a river, an area with a diameter of about 600 meters, we begin setting up a base camp, we also find out that the river is very poisonous. To be more precise, it was radioactive, thank goodness for this armor im wearing. Upon taking a sample of water to be analyzed by Alexa, she chimed in saying, "Master the properties of this water is very peculiar", "Oh, how so?" "It can be used to enhance other substances, or improve energy transfers and distribution. It may also improve the effects of several sources of energy, including kyber crystals and Isotope 5." After her answer i podnered the implications of such a substance existing in a world where there is suppose to be no technology. "Can you tell me if this substance is of natural or artificial in origin?" "Analyzing; It is... both master, its a substance that exist to destroy all types of life, yet it is not, and the nature of this world seems to be adapting to it, rather than being destroyed by it. It also has properties that can be processed artificially and naturally." Wha?! Of course i couldnt blurt that out loud, "Are you telling that this liquid substance can be processed and used?" "Yes master, with enough research we may find ourselves with a new type of hyperspace fuel, or a new power source, or a new genetic mutagen." Not even a 10 meter walk for my ship and we have already found a new resource. And if this resources is abundant.. "Contact Gemini, ask her to bring a crew of engineering and research droids, along with combat escorts to begin analyzing this substance, im going to create a base around this area for theyre research. "As you command Master."

I was pleasantly surprised that the storage in the cargo bay of the ship was connected to my personal storage on the Wrath, and accessing also required the use of the force, strange, not thinking about it, I extracted 10 war supplies from my storage and started using them. A strange construction droid appeared and started builing me a base. It set up a center building base, mounted defenses on walls, covering the entire clearing, and gates on each of the available paths that can only be traversed on foot, or on a personal vehicle. Then after the walls and defenses were finished, it situated itself in the center and started, building... itself? It was a command structure, with a radar and communication tower. War supplies were introduced by the Gree, during an event on Illum, to study the conflict of both the sith and republic, and openly gave both republic and sith empire war supplies. Tho the technology was not shared, each side was given an amount based on how much and how many ppl participated. After the event, war supplies can be obtained from designated supplier on each side as rewards for killing world bosses, completing flashpoints, operations, and certain heroics and guild tasks.

The base was constructed in less than an hour, tho in game it would have taken 30 seconds to a minute depending on the size, this was a good thing. After the base was completed, 2 shuttles arrives with 20 combat droids, and and 20 research and engineering droids. I tasked them with analyzing and surveying the area for other such resources. Precious metals, gases, and any all exotic materials that could be used. I linked all theyre findings to Alexa for a faster analysis of anything they find and then begin my exploration. I figured since this river is the source of the substance i had to follow it to its source. When the 2 shuttles left 2 more arrived, with more combat, research and engineering droids, this will most likely continue for a while until the base is fully supplied for its size.

Not waiting for the base to fill i began my trek upriver with HK 55, encountering very little, tho we did see some fish along the river, i wondered how amazing this substance must be for anything that can live in it. It must also be some super mutated fish. Continuing along we encountered very little wildlife, tho we we some shadows move, about the size of the dog, i released a type of force aura that i learned from the dread masters, very weakly tho, which should be enough to scare off most wildlife, only those without, animal instincts like ppl, should run away from me. After a couple of days of traveling, we finally arrive at a clearing, its much larger than the previous one we established a base in. And then "Proclamation: Master, my sensors detect many metalic debris scattered all over this clearing, many of them are metals, not in my database, i also detect several large metalic objects further away from us." Ohhh... "Interesting, how large?" "Answer: About the size of a starship, fairly large as well, and many more up ahead" Activating my armor's sensors and getting a basic look at the current map, it could only reach up to 1km, i could see the makings of what appears to be crash landed ships, tho not functional, they are similar readings to what ive seen and found on Hoth, except, they look like large hills, and towering mountains, raised dirt and gravel. Could this area be a Ship graveyard? "Looks like we need to establish another base" "Suggestion: I recommend a full sweep of the area before establishing one master." "Proceed with it then HK." He then left as soon as i gave my acknowledgement. I open my communicator and contacted Alexa, "Alexa, can you fly the ship to my current location?" "I believe i may be able the take control... yes master, i will be arriving to your communicators location in a few minutes". I knew she could do that, as expected of a star forge sentient.

I was meditating for a bit, studying the kind of force energy swirling around the area of shadowlands. It was truly dark, but not consuming, almost welcoming, but not corrupted. I could even move it using the light side of the force. Could this be a new type of force energy, that uses both the light and dark side of the force? Analyzing it further, i am reminded of one of the masters in the game, Lord Zash, she we as very keen on studying the force, and was not as insane as most of the sith lords, as far most sith are anyways. Recalling some of her teachings, the holocrons of the korriban academy, and the tombs on Dromund Kaas, i am beginning to comprehend what kind of force this. When i try to use the dark side of the force, i can hide, or fade into it, i can also control what other force users can see or not see. When i use the light side of the force, i can bend light at will, and direct it, and it seems to be every kind of light. To the point of altering the many different spectrum, exactly like a cloaking device the jedi shadows, and sith assassins use, except its perfect invisibility, even to high level sensors. Fascinating! And using both, i can create empty spaces with which i can put things in and take things out of, i can move into this space and remain there, and exit at will, i can move where the empty space dimension is, and things that pass thru it. I can even mark an area of this space, to travel to that from any other ones that i create. This IS AWESOME!!.. Dimensional space, i can create a dimensional space using this force energy, manipulating it with both the dark and light side of the force. As i continued to delve deeper on this kind of force energy, i can hear the loud downward thrusters of my ship as it was landing near me. I may experiment on this type of force energy at some other time. And when she landed so too did HK arrive at my location. "Proclamation: Master i have eliminate all possible hostiles in the immediate vicinity, you may now establish any type of base at this location." I keep forgetting how overly zealous this assassin turned bodyguard droid is. I wonder what kind of hostiles he has encountered?

Emptying all the war supplies from my storage i begin the construction of a main base, and just like b4, the construction was fast, gathering sites for materials, a command center that had an advanced radar and comminications, several landing pads and strips, a droid and vehicle factory, and multiple dual and quad laser cannons for perimeter defense. Looking at this base reminds me of the Guild vs Guild battles we use to have in the game, how hectic it was, as everybody was trying to destroy the command centers, and each other, tanker and healer roles where the most important as well 2-5 ppl manning the command center to keep repairing and building the defenses... Those were really fun days. But now I am all by myself, and the decorations turned AI, or NPC Droids in this case, are now the ones helping me take over a planet. Still tho, i really miss those moments. I contacted Gemini and asked to bring 2000 battles droids, and as many engineers, research, and other construction type droids to my location, as this would be our main base. Then looking at Alexa, I asked, "Alexa, can you shape your chasi to a more mobile one? I would like to continue exploring this area, and i need to you to begin absorbing all of the crash landed ships around this area, as well as to follow me to where this river begins." "Hold on a minute master." Watching her work is truly astounding, with strange metalic tentacles, she reached out to some of the metal debris and parts that was left behind after the construction of the base, and began constructing a body. Humanoid it seems, looks like a dancer type droid, with sleek lines, an outer casing, and thousands, upon thousands of very complex wiring. Wait a minute, she looks almost like EDI from Mass Effect 3, or one of those fem bots, with metalic skin from the Austin Powers movie. Wow... She looks Gorgeous. "Excellent! Have your main core merge with the command center and begin construction of droids, and whatever kind of manufactory building to help you become a fully functional Star Forge." "As you command master." It takes less than 10 minutes for her main core to merge with the command center, as those metallic tentacles grab the other buildings and parts of the base as she gets to work. Droids after droids are being produced, as they dig, and move the crash landed space ships with an efficiency expected of a star forge.

"Alexa, HK, were going, we must find the source of liquid substance." They both nodded, i went in and grabbed my Wings of the Architect, which easily attached itself to my armor and folded neatly around my waist. "We'll be increasing our speed." They both nodded again and the armor attachment, which is considered a vehicle in game, unfurled and boosted me up. Seeing me activate my vehicle, Alexa and HK activated theyre booster rockets as we began speeding through the canyon valley following the river.

Masses upon masses of crashed ships were the only ones we seem to come across, during our speed thru the canyon valleys. Some ships protruding theyre thrusters 1-2 km out towards the sky, adding to many of the tall cliffs and mountains along our path. We came across some strange vessels resembling flying saucers, square shaped ships, and even strange squigly bent ones. As we continued further along, following this river, i saw something, very, very familiar. A Hyperion Battle Cruiser from Star craft, and not just 1, 6. I flew upwards surveying the crash sights, some them are well indented into the mountain and cliff side, some of them as small to large hills with various parts of them sticking out, and not far from them were command centers, and barracks, and even a machine shops, and broken star-ports, some stacked on top of each other, some missing a partial, or half of the building. What the hell happened here to have soo many crashed ships and flying buildings. I pointed to them and said "Alexa, make those a priority to study and process", "as you command master", after continuing further along i see some more ships that are extremely familiar. In fact these ships are often in contention with star wars ship. Federation class star ships. A sovereign class warship, along with Klingon, Romulan, Dominion, Andorian, and even Hirogen warships. Tens of them scattered. Upside down, broken in half, sideways, into and stuck in cliffs, and mountain sides. Holy... surverying for a few more kilometers more, ships, ships and more ships, all crash landed as far as i can see, with me hovering at over 2km up. This area shouldnt be called the Shadowlands, it should be called the Crashlands. Landing back down to lower valley i asked Alexa. "Alexa, can you process gree technology?" "With enuff time probably... yes i can master" "Good, im going to give you all available war supplies, and i want you to utilize the resources within them, to make this entire area your main base to construct a fully functional star forge". "As you command master!" She answered joyfully at that request, then i made another pointing at all the ships i know of from star trek, "Make sure to fully analyze, those ships, and make them the 1st priority in analysis. The previous ones ive mentioned will be your second". She neatly bowed, and i continued saying, "From this day forward, this mountain range shall be called The Crashlands."

Continuing on i get a message from Gemini, telling me they encountered sentients. I told her to hold them for now for questioning later, and continue with the base building. I also asked her to prioritize around the area where the hundreds if not thousands of crash landed ships were. She continued telling me of how strange these sentients were. Theyre bodies were in a constant state of decay, and regeneration. Theyre bodies are also heavily irradiated, tho, none of it is being exuded from theyre body. I asked if they were any dead ones, she said she had to put down a few, and the are currently being processed in the lab under strict safety protocols. I thanked her for that, and told her to keep the living ones on the ground in holding area, and study theyre behavior and language, as i continued along the river.

Traveling along for a fair distance, crash landed ships can still be seen, as well the source of where the river could end. A tall, and wide mountain seems to be its source. "Caution: Master, there is a large number of wildlife hostiles a few km ahead coming from that mountain", HK pointing at the source where the river was coming from. "Are these the same hostiles that you encountered around our main base?" "Answer: yes master, except, much, much larger in number." This i had to see. I flew up once again looking further into the direction of the big mountain and... There they were. Tens of thousands, rushing towards our particular location. Activating my helms zoom function, to see what we were up against. "HOLY !@#$!! ITS THE ZERG!!"