
Transported - Land of Dawn

Hello Travelers, If you are in the mood to journey to worlds unknown, then you are in the right place. I have sent one of you to a place far away. A place where he greatly love. I saw how he greatly adore the game and its characters, I gave him my ultimate gift, to be IN THAT GAME. Will he find a way of coming back? Will he live in peace with his favorite heroes? or Will he perish and suffer for eternity? Join us on his journey inside the Land of Dawn, a Mobile Legend Story. Watch Out!! You might be the next... Always watching; Isekaied Author

IsekaiedAuthor · Video Games
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Prologue: A Close Game

It was a late night, as same as always. A young man enter in his room and check the time.

11:00 PM

He opens his computer and log in to UTube.

MPL Finals: Game 5 ***Live Broadcast***

He checks the in-game time and it was 35 minutes ago. He chuckled and grunted showing the discontent of missing the first 4 games. As he click the video…

Commentator A: OMG… another base race, at this late game anything can happen. What can you say partner

Commentator B: This is a do-or-die situation, it could be our last clash, ladies and gentlemen.

Commentator A: For those who are just tuning right now. Boy, you've missed a lot. For our first team partner.

Commentator A: Ok, let's get it on! Two team are: Team TNT, they have Raphaela, Granger, Allucard, Karina and Tigreal

Commentator A: On the other team, partner! Excreation! We have Alice, Vexana, Leomord, Moskov and Argus.

Commentator B: Now both teams are in in full buff. Possibly the last clash of the night.

Commentator A: This is it! Excreation approaching the higher ground.

Commentator B: TNT is on defense, with Tigreal tanking, Execreation would have a hard time winning.

Commentator B: Tigreal flicker and uses his ultimate, partner, stunning everyone. Pushing them using Sacred hammer towards the altar

Commentator B: Wait partner, Alice wasn't included in the Sacred Hammer, if she use her ultimate – Blood Ode here. This could be the end.

Commentator A: Flowing blood and Blood ode combo, partner. Hitting all of TNT but the damage from the alter is killing all the Excreation

Commentator B: TNT's alter are doing most of the damage, partner. But Excreation are hitting it like there is no tomorrow.

Commentator A: Vexana and Leomord died from tanking the altar. Excreation's minions are still quite far, partner..

Commentator B: Granger, Allucard and Karina died from the combo Alice's just unleashed.

Commentator A: Alice immediately used her Flowing Blood to escape the aggro of the altar

Commentator B: This is 2 on 2 partner, Tigreal and Rafaela for TNT and Argus and Alice for Excreation

Commentator A: TNT altar partner has about 50% of its HP remaining, while Argus is focused on the attack and Alice is kiting Rafaela and Tigreal on the side

Commentator B: Around 20% HP on the altar partner then, Tigreal uses his sacred hammer to push Argus away from the altar.

Commentator A: OMG, what damage!!! Argus have!!!. 4 critical hits, killing Tigreal immediately

Commentator B: And immediately Argus uses his demonic grip towards the altar

Commentator A: This might be the end my friend. Argus, might sacrifice his life here and let Alice end the game

Commentator B: Argus has still his Ultimate, partner which cause to absorb all the damage and convert it to life, this can buy him time to finish the game

Commentator A: Argus is at his 10% health

Commentator B: Oh wait!!!!, Rafaela flickered and cast her ultimate towards Argus and stunning him.

Commentator A: Oh boy Argus died and the altar is in 5% health only, Can Excreation win?

Commentator B: But wait partner the minions are here. Can Rafeala defend the base?

Commentator A: gibberish ***

Commentator B: gibberish ***

What? What is happening?

He was puzzled by the gradual losing of sound.

Then silence…

There is something wrong with the speaker, there is no sound coming out from it, he thought. The guy checks the connection and it was fine. As he clicked on the speaker icon, it showed that audio was there and yet he can't hear any sound.

He was into the game that he didn't noticed that the lights were out and the light coming from the monitor is the only source that is illuminating the room.

Knowing the game, he didn't mind watching it without a commentary.

By this time Alice was hitting the alter which is having 5% HP already then Alice cast her 1st skill- Flowing Blood to aggro Rafaela. That brought Rafaela's HP to 10%.

Alice continue hitting the altar, while Rafaela is retreating a bit.







Rafaela rushes forward for her last defense. Alice uses her Flowing Blood killing Rafaela in an instant.



As the altar was about to explode, Rafaela released her passive skill – Deity Penalization, that has an ability to releases Rafaela's last strength to damage 20% of the attackers HP, which ends up damaging Alice.

Then suddenly a huge flash came out from the alter as is was being destroyed. It was so bright that he instinctively closed his eyes, and when he slowly opened his eyes all he can see is darkness.

He rubbed his eyes in disbelief. He shouted Hello and nothing happened. It seems he was floating and on his feet at the same time. All he can see is his body. As he stayed calm, a small light can be seen in front of him then he slowly walk towards the light.

The light expanded and fill the whole space. Then inside his head he can hear

Welcome to Mobile Legends

Please Create your Character

Please state your Name…

As he is still processing on what is going on. He can hear the same voice in his head again.

Please state your Name…


He instinctively use his in game name.

Please confirm your Character name.


Please select your Gender


Suddenly everything turns black again. Then he hear…

-Voice Tutorial Activated-

-Welcome Mika-

The voice in his head was so clear as if it is one of his thoughts.

Where am I?

-Get ready-

Get ready for what?

Then a strong suction force pull his whole body into the light. Then a loud bang can be heard, as the blinding light slowly fades away. A voice can be heard…

-Welcome to the Land of Dawn-

-You have killed an enemy.-

Hello, the names and characters here is from a game called Mobile Legends - Bang Bang. Hope you will enjoy our journey.

IsekaiedAuthorcreators' thoughts