
01: Prolouge

Earth 2062

Bordrin was ecstatic. Ever since the release of <<Legends Arena>> 15 years ago, he had dedicated all his free time to the game, before slowly shifting it to be his main occupation. After stagnating at the peak of the rankings for the last 3 years, he finally found what he needed to break through.

'Finally, after choosing the supposed trash Transmutation class, I've found our Godly Manual', "Chip, confirm what I'm looking at please".

He was already imagining a future where he could finally transmute Divine Materials, giving him the means to up his equipment grade, as well as making some substantial money auctioning of his goods on the Global Platform.

Finally, he heard that monotonous prompt he was waiting for, [Affirmative, host has found the corresponding Godly Manual for his occupation, 'Legendary Transmutations Column']. With that, Bordrin was finally ready to break through.

His Formless Dragon Amorax shared his joy with him, as his master achieving a higher realm also meant that he could now advance to become a Divine being. Together they would finally top the Ranking and establish their own area, as had always been their dream.

Suddenly, [Warning! Interference noticed on host's Neural Interface. Recommend Host logs out immediately to avoid perm..fs.df.g..g.hddfr brajfhhd]


Deshar County, 732

Stratos was screwed. It was a short 3 months before the Induction Ceremony, where all members of the House Deshar could finally start practicing using their hereditary manual. If he could have just gotten that, he would have been able to show his talents and wouldn't be in the position he was in now. But sadly, his Aunt Amoreta decided to put their family grudge to rest and sent some people to finish him off.

He shouldn't have been in this situation, as his Grandfather who was at the heavenly realm, with a good chance at Nirvanic Rebirth was quite favoured. But ever since his mum had decided to insist on marrying a passing adventurer instead of the Count's son, he didn't have the status that should have been his.

But even without favourable treatment, he had still managed to achieve the first step of the Mortal Path before 10. With such talent, the higher-ups might choose to restore his family's status, giving him the resources that should have belonged to his Cousin Drexel, who was much more average. Drexel was fine with this, but his mum couldn't have this and sent people after him with the slight influence she still had. Even though she couldn't marry the Count's son with her normal talent, she had still managed to marry into one of the more powerful family branches, giving her more influence.

Now all he could do was run from his pursuers. Before long, he noticed that he had stepped into his clan's forbidden area, cordoned off for the periodical Kraft geysers, which had energy enough to rip apart the soul of any practitioner who hadn't yet stepped into the Earthly Path to cultivate their souls. But this was his only option, and as such, he continued to run.

"I see him over there. Go, quickly! The Mistress wants this done tonight!", Stratos picked up his speed upon hearing that. In fact, he was going to fast and didn't notice the rumbling that preceded a Kraft explosion, and as such took the brunt of it once it burst out. "Damn, back, back. Report this to the mistress, there's no way he can survive that"

Stratos was in so much pain. He could fill his soul splitting apart and knew it was just a matter of time before death. He couldn't control the piercing scream coming from his mouth, and as such didn't notice that seemingly familiar voice in his head, [Fusion with 'Legendary Transmutation Column' complete. Adequate energy source and body found. Commencing spirit transmutation, 1%…10%…30%..

Welcome to the world of Transmuter on a Heavenly Path. Have always been an avid reader, but after lurking for so long, decided to contribute my own entry into the Novel world. Hope you enjoy, and do consider adding it to your library and giving a rating so it can get good exposure. I'm quite confident in my writing and know you would enjoy it. Thanks!

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