
Transmitted into novel with modified plot - NTR'd- FANFIC

i do not own any of the characters in this story, this is fanfiction. (only the starting few chapters have an original story line, after that everything is original content) this is my first time writing , so ignore grammar. ( English is not my first language so bear with it). Story depends on mood while writing, can happen anything. Be aware ! [ You are welcome to give ideas in the comments ] (If you want to support) ETH/BSC Address: 0x595A0f35FE52ef84632F4984E41d2AB211cf0746 this is just to pass time or as a hobby. Note : [" Do Not Read, If you Don't Like NTR "] Cover Image is generated by AI Tag: #NTR, #Netorare,#netorase.

DaoistdHvNRu · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

legendary pepper!?

After Li Hugo got the principal of fifty taels, he came to the market immediately. There were more beggars than merchants in the market. This place was like a concentration camp for refugees. , but now, he has to take these principals to earn more money.

Although the common people don't have much money, these merchants who come and go are all fat sheep!

Now it was time to use the system he thought , and said "system" when he looked, he suddenly found that there was a screen similar to a projection interface in front of him!

"Alimama, an online shopping platform."

And he clicked into his personal account and found that his balance showed 50 taels of silver! He felt very strange, so he bought a bottle of soda for three taels, but box fell from the sky and landed in front of him. He opened the box and saw that there was a bottle of Cola!

Tons of tons... Li Huguo drank the cola and found that it was still iced cola. At the same time, in the interface, he still had 47 taels left in his balance!

Could it be that you can use the plug-in yourself? He suddenly remembered, isn't this online shopping system a very OP's golden finger of the protagonist?

At that time, after Ye Qiong came to this world, relying on the online shopping system, she made great progress all the way, was promoted and raised her salary to become the elder of the sect, and later appointed the head of the sect, married Bai Fumei, and reached the pinnacle of his life!

However, Ye Qiong's online shopping system is just a random draw, and his own online shopping system can actually browse and buy!

This made Li Huguo both surprised and delighted. Could it be that it was a benefit given to him by the Lord of Hell? Thinking about it again, it seems that Ye Qiong's online shopping system is called

"Ali Dad", while her own is called

"Ali Mama", which seems to be a similar online shopping system... Li Huguo started thinking about what to buy in the system, now he still has 69 days of lifespan, he still has to think about changing the plot of this world as lord Yama wanted, just by thinking about how he would make Nalan Meng do perverted stuff was giving his head pain because even though, she was not related to him in any way, he has inherited a memory of Li Huguo who had feeling for Nalan Meng as her wife, even though, he loves a saxy wife like Nalan Meng and didn't want her to be touched by any other man he still had no choice if he has to continue being live, and after half a year, even if the protagonist doesn't come to kill him, he is likely to be killed by the villain who is chased by the protagonist.

Now that I have this Alimama as my capital, at least some aspects can be a little better.

You must know that there was a bloody storm in Nalan City at that time, and the villain was the protagonist's brother Ximen Lang, and also the love rival of the protagonist Ye Qiong. He came to Nalan City, which is a typical revenge-type social personality. And the cultivation base is very high, fully reaching the peak of martial arts, that is, almost reaching the level of the king of martial arts.

It's not too funny that Ximen Lang, who was at the level of Wu Wang, was chased by Ye Qiong, who was at the level of Wu Ling. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "Dragon Son-in-law", read novels, talk about life, and find confidants~

"Damn, the bitter fruit that I planted, no matter what, I have to take care of the aftermath, at least I have to live." Li Hugo murmured while holding his fist.

What's more, after this accident, there are still many disasters that have come to Haotian Kingdom, because Li Yuguo himself is an online author who likes to write abusive plots.

But he never thought that he would actually abuse his head in the end, which made him wonder whether to laugh or cry. Li Yuguo looked around. Although the people here are poor, they are all pitiful people. It would be too miserable if they all explained here after half a year.

after thinking for a while he brought a pepper from Alimama , since he remembered this was an expensive product in the city, the box just dropped and inside he found a paper.

But at this moment, a man came from a distance, a fat man, the fat man moved his nose, and after seeing Li Huguo, he was overjoyed: "This, is this the legendary pepper?!"

"Ha?!" Li Huguo was stunned. The fat businessman ran over quickly: "Sure enough, this is pepper from the Western Regions, this friend... can you sell me this pepper?" Li Yuguo coughed seriously: "This, you know, this stuff is rare, so I bought it with a lot of effort. If you say you want to buy it... I'm very embarrassed..." Li Yuguo said with a painful expression on his face. .

The fat businessman said quickly: "Money is a good thing to talk about, easy to talk about! So, please come to my house for a gathering, what do you think?"

"Okay, then I will reluctantly go there." Li Yuguo packed the pepper. When I came to a tent, Ling Lang was surrounded by some commodities, and the fat businessman said, "Well, I bid fifty taels, and you sell me these peppers, what do you think?"

"Fifty silver?!" Li Yuguo was shocked. , The heart said that this money is difficult to make so well? Seeing Li Yuguo's appearance, the businessman thought that Li Huguo disliked the price, he hurriedly said: "One hundred silver, let's make friends!"

"One... one hundred silver?!"

"Cough cough, one hundred and fifty silver, no more Plus, it's already a very good price."

"What?! It turned out to be one hundred and fifty silver?!" The fat man clenched his fists with an uncomfortable expression on his face: "It seems that I have met a connoisseur today, you know, now that I have the pepper powder, I have to take it to the capital. If you buy it, you will have to pay for it on the road... So, two hundred silver, that's the price! If I add more, then I can't afford it."

"Okay, the deal!" Li Huguo held out his hand. The businessman was overjoyed, shook hands with Li Huguo and said,

"But can you tell me... where did you buy such fresh pepper powder?"

"This is a trade secret. If I tell you, I don't have food for myself. ?" Li Hugo had a profiteer smile on his face.

The other party smiled and said: "Okay, I understand... We are all peers, I'm Shi Da cheng ,Can you trade with me in the future?"

"This... It depends on your sincerity, Li Yuguo is here. "Li Huguo said calmly, as a thirty-year-old writer, he is familiar with the various routines in the book, and a Shi Da cheng was a wealthy merchant of Nalan City and owned marchant group and has a ownership of lots of famous bar and brothel in Nalan City, he thought this pig face merchant can be useful in future.