
Transmigrator Survival System: Rise Of Maxmillan Slade

After dying in an atomic blast that wiped off an entire city due to sudden invasion by an overwhelmingly large number of zombies, Maxmillan's soul transmigrated into the body of a five year old in a new world where Astra Mystralis; an energy that causes endless magical manifestations, could be harnessed and manipulated to cause the instantiation of myriad preternatural effects. But unfortunately for Maxmillan, he couldn't control Astra Mystralis and therefore missed admissions into magical institutes where he would be trained to become an Astra Spellcraft Commander, one of the highly reverenced positions that absolutely everyone dreamt of becoming. After being deemed a Reject, where he wasn't accepted anywhere within his city and in any other city that he might travel to, how would Maxmillan survive? How would he live? Would his unparalleled fighting skills as a seasoned veteran soldier in his previous world, help him in any way in a world where absolutely everyone, including five to six years olds could control Astral Mystralis and bring about fascinating magical effects? Would he be able to thrive and survive in a world where Rejects, also referred to as cripples, were intimidated, scarred and terrorized by individuals capable of absorbing, controlling and utilizing Astra Mystralis? To know more, accompany Maxmillan in his journey as he tries to survive, thrive and defeat every nigh-insurmountable odd that would appear in his path using the Transmigrator Survival System; a powerful, dimension-warping intelligent consciousness that chose him out of millions and would continue to empower him with countless futuristic weapons, gadgets, equipments, as well as technological cycles and vehicles, for as long as he can complete certain really difficult tasks, missions and quests within a fixed timeframe! A/N: This book is a perfect blend of Sci-Fi and Fantasy. Also, I own the book cover. Thanks for reading!

koladeizdavid · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Chapter 55 - Becoming incomparably wealthy overnight (I) 

Chapter 55 - Becoming incomparably wealthy overnight (I) 

'That amount of item rewards and twelve million, five hundred thousand points? I guess the mission would be an absolutely difficult one!' Maxmillan said within himself.

He then said, 'Yes!'


[System Alert!]


[Mission has started!] 

[Countdown to the end of the mission has begun!] 

[Failure to complete mission before mission expiration, will result in permanent strip of half of items and resources stored in the inventory; Host's Accumulated Points will be highly deducted; Host will not be allowed to use any function of the Transmigrator Survival System for 3 whole months!]

[Success in completing mission will allow Host to be rewarded with large mission points and previously displayed items!]


Once Maxmillan read through the content of the message, he minimized the holographic screen in his field of vision and said as he looked at his mom, "Mom, everything will definitely be alright. We will be fine in the end, I assure you."

Lenna smiled and nodded her head.

She then hugged Maxmillan and said, "I feel so relieved talking to you. It's like a great weight that heavily pressed down against my heart has been rolled off. Thank you for making me feel this way, my dearest son."

Maxmillan nodded his head and said with a smile in his face, "It's nothing mom. It's definitely nothing. You don't need to mention that."

After saying in Maxmillan's room for sometime, Lenna stood to her feet to return to her room. And once she arrived at the door, she blew a kiss at Maxmillan and locked the door behind her before leaving for her room to rest for the night.


"Lord Revered Lotus, Lord Stormbolt, Lord Six World Revolutions, here are pouches that equally contain thirty percent of the share of silver coins and copper coins that I assured you of getting." Edgar Blackwood said with a smile in his face.

"Good! You have done us well, Edgar. It's only right that we do well back to you." Lord Stormbolt said after collecting his own pouch of coins from Edgar.

"So, if there is nothing else, I will be returning to my office." Edgar said while the others nodded their heads.

Once Edgar had gone, the Lords looked at each other with Lord Stormbolt saying with a broad delighted smile in his face, "I hope someone like that fighter kid comes around to purchase lands for himself or someone they know." 

"If not for him, my accumulation of silver coins that has been stagnant for a really long time, now has the opportunity to grow." 

"Yea, that's right. Which is simply because we only receive large amounts of copper coins as payment for the unceasing services we render at this establishment." Lord Revered Lotus said. 

"Well, it may seem like the government isn't extending payments of silver coins payments to us, but actually, we are just here doing nothing. We aren't actively in the field contributing anything of major significance to the city. Only the Lords out there who are actively trying to contribute to the growth and development of the city at massive scales, are the ones getting the rewarded payments of gold coins and silver coins." Lord Six World Revolutions said.

He then spoke further, "Even as we do nothing here, we still experience the generousness of the government. Or you have forgotten that we are paid two million copper coins every months?"

Once Lord Six Revolutions asked that, the other Lords kept quiet.

Seeing that he had driven in a strong point to shut his colleagues up, he said to them, "Fellow Lords, I am returning to our watchpost. And yea, let's celebrate this. It's a wonderful thing that is deserving of celebration. Haha!"

"Right." Both Lord Revered Lotus and Lord Stormbolt said, before taking off into the air too to return to their watchposts.

However, as they flew into the air to the rooftop of a massively high building, they didn't know that thousands of self-replicating, spatially-transmittable nanodrones were actively dividing into whole nanodrones at a shocking rate of a single nanodrone, rapidly splitting into thousand other nanodrones in only a microsecond, before attaching themselves to the surfaces of the coins and turning on their ultra-stealth invisibility mode to eliminate all types of perceptivity or high-speed radiational energy-based scanning that will be targeted at them.

Edgar who was exceedingly glad about the coins that made him a little bit richer, since he was tremendously rich as he had been stealing from the government for many decades that he had been appointed into his current Landseller Chief post, stowed the coins away that was his own portion of the share and decided it was time to remit the remaining money into Government account through a secure magical payment channel, and then write a detailed report about the land that was purchased.

Once the coins were transferred by a magical transmission mean into a concealed massive vault that was the size of highly numerous, enormous mountain ranges and was heavily, secretly guarded by hundreds of high-tiered Astra Spellcraft Lords, the nanodrones that previously attached to the coins back at Edgar's office, began to self-replicate at enormous speeds, such that one nanodrone reproducibly formed many thousands more in only a microsecond.


Maxmillan who was laid in bed and thought of many things, immediately sat up when he started to receive never-ceasing notification messages in the holographic screen in his vision.


[System Alert!]


[Multi-purpose Nanodrones have attached to 10,020 copper coins...]

[Multi-purpose Nanodrones have attached to 25,600 copper coins...]

[Multi-purpose Nanodrones have attached to 50,080 copper coins...]

[Multi-purpose Nanodrones have attached to 100,190 copper coins...]

[Multi-purpose Nanodrone have attached to 205,020 copper coins...]


Maxmillan who was receiving unceasing strings of notification messages on the number of coins that had been attached to within the heavily-secured, coin storage vault owned by the government, produced a dazzling smile in his face at the thought of becoming incomparably stupendously wealthy.


[System Alert!]


[Multi-purpose Nanodrones have attached to 5,080,010 copper coins...]

[Multi-purpose Nanodrones have attached to 10,030,210 copper coins...]

[Multi-purpose Nanodrones have attached to 20,180,910 copper coins...]

[Multi-purpose Nanodrones have attached to 40,070,811 copper coins...]

[Multi-purpose Nanodrones have attached to 60,980,710 copper coins...]

[Multi-purpose Nanodrones have attached to 82,020,560 copper coins...]


"Haha. This is amazing. Hugely amazing. I am going to be extremely rich." Maxmillan said and delightedly grinned.

Although he understood that what he was doing was risky, in a particular way, he was however exceedingly careful so that what he planned on doing, wouldn't get traced back to him, since virtually everything was possible in this world that was entirely based on the skillful and inventive control and manipulation of Astra Mystralis. 

"It's better to take all that I need to take now, or I won't get the opportunity to next time, since their alertness will vastly increase, with many magical tracking or tracing methods employed to know where the coins were spatially transferred to. Furthermore, instead of Astra Spellcraft Lords residing outside of it to constantly keep guard over it, many more will be assigned to watch the coins from within the vault, and release all sorts of invisible magical traps and magical sensors that will immediately alert them of appearances of foreign objects or unwanted, unknown particles." Maxmillan said with a deep ponderous gaze in his eyes.

He then said further with a certain glow in his eyes, "Besides, I wouldn't want to use the same pattern next time, as is it would be more easier to trace. So, it's better to take all that I would like to take now and stay away from this sort of city-shaking theft activity for a really long time!" 


[System Alert!]


[Multi-purpose Nanodrones have attached to 1,400,080,010 copper coins...]

[Multi-purpose Nanodrones have attached to 5,021,900,015 copper coins...]

[Multi-purpose Nanodrones have attached to 10,234,010,221 copper coins...]

[Multi-purpose Nanodrones have attached to 21,210,010,891 copper coins...]

[Multi-purpose Nanodrones have attached to 42,780,010,134 copper coins...]

[Multi-purpose Nanodrones have attached to 63,111,080,010 copper coins...]


"Although I don't know how much copper coins there are in the vault, but I feel it should be many folds greater than the mind-blowing number of nine hundred nonillion copper coins. I however believe that the Government should possess far more than the figure that I exaggeratedly speculated, essentially because it's an authoritative and administrative, governing institutional body that probably has been existing for countless epochs ago." 

"I simply, really need to enrich myself because this is a one-time thing. It will be absolutely impossible to achieve such a feat next time. Besides, I wouldn't want to indulge myself in this kind of activity that might get Astra Nexus Paragons to rise from their long meditative seclusions at wherever they are and personally take action next time." 

"I am still a million times weak, or probably a billion times weak to contend with such god-like, space-ruling magical sovereigns that hold planet-shifting powers of infinite space-dimension creation, manifestation of unbounded temporal diversions, and instantiations of unlimited time-space divergences." Maxmillan said from his profound knowledge about them with a deep contemplative expression in his face.

He then said further with a certain gaze in his eyes when he suddenly thought of something, "If I successfully achieve this, maybe the Transmigrator Survival System will reward me with a really large bonus purchase points for using the multi-purpose nanodrones in a way that it wasn't even expecting. Haha."


[System Alert!]


[Multi-purpose Nanodrones have attached to 120,121,880,010 copper coins...]

[Multi-purpose Nanodrones have attached to 150,911,270,720 copper coins...]

[Multi-purpose Nanodrones have attached to 180,311,280,119 copper coins...]

[Multi-purpose Nanodrones have attached to 212,131,780,412 copper coins...]

[Multi-purpose Nanodrones have attached to 257,922,088,910 copper coins...]

[Multi-purpose Nanodrones have attached to 301,113,480,550 copper coins...]


"But heck, these are all copper coins. Where are the silver coins and gold coins stored in this place?" Maxmillan asked with a look of deep curiosity in his face. 


[System Alert!]


[Multi-purpose Nanodrones have attached to 200,120,121,850,710 copper coins...]

[Multi-purpose Nanodrones have attached to 450,122,321,980,116 copper coins...]

[Multi-purpose Nanodrones have attached to 629,520,321,380,911 copper coins...]

[Multi-purpose Nanodrones have attached to 830,640,951,710,033 copper coins...]

[Multi-purpose Nanodrones have attached to 1,560,200,320,721,880 copper coins...]

[Multi-purpose Nanodrones have attached to 2,720,700,891,521,560 copper coins...]


"I guess I can stop here for the copper coins. The figure of coins already attached by the nanodrones, are exceedingly massive in number. And yea, let me instruct the nanodrones to only seek for silver coins and gold coins this time. I already have enough copper coins that can last for greatly numerous generations." Maxmillan said and produced a look of boundless excitement in his face.


"Lurrein, speak! What happened to you?" A man who looked to be in his forties but was actually seven hundred years old, asked with a look of excessive worry in his face as he stared at his pale-skinned, dirt-covered son that would stain everything he touched and everywhere he walked into with blood.

He then began to check his son for injuries and to see if he was alright. 

Also, a woman who was with him and looked to be in her early thirties, whereas she was five hundred years old and radiated a type of weather-altering power that caused snow and rain to constantly fall outside their massive and grand residence, looked with extremely great worry at her son that was covered in blood from heads bursting into mists of bright red blood around him, and looked ghastly pale from being overly frightened. 

"D-D-Dad, it was a boy. A b-boy called M-M-Maxwell Thornfrost from A-Ahodiah city." Lurrein replied with greatly intensifying terror in his eyes when he recalled the vicious malevolent feats that Maxmillan gruesomely and balefully carried out around him with extreme delight in his face.