
Transmigrator Survival System: Rise Of Maxmillan Slade

After dying in an atomic blast that wiped off an entire city due to sudden invasion by an overwhelmingly large number of zombies, Maxmillan's soul transmigrated into the body of a five year old in a new world where Astra Mystralis; an energy that causes endless magical manifestations, could be harnessed and manipulated to cause the instantiation of myriad preternatural effects. But unfortunately for Maxmillan, he couldn't control Astra Mystralis and therefore missed admissions into magical institutes where he would be trained to become an Astra Spellcraft Commander, one of the highly reverenced positions that absolutely everyone dreamt of becoming. After being deemed a Reject, where he wasn't accepted anywhere within his city and in any other city that he might travel to, how would Maxmillan survive? How would he live? Would his unparalleled fighting skills as a seasoned veteran soldier in his previous world, help him in any way in a world where absolutely everyone, including five to six years olds could control Astral Mystralis and bring about fascinating magical effects? Would he be able to thrive and survive in a world where Rejects, also referred to as cripples, were intimidated, scarred and terrorized by individuals capable of absorbing, controlling and utilizing Astra Mystralis? To know more, accompany Maxmillan in his journey as he tries to survive, thrive and defeat every nigh-insurmountable odd that would appear in his path using the Transmigrator Survival System; a powerful, dimension-warping intelligent consciousness that chose him out of millions and would continue to empower him with countless futuristic weapons, gadgets, equipments, as well as technological cycles and vehicles, for as long as he can complete certain really difficult tasks, missions and quests within a fixed timeframe! A/N: This book is a perfect blend of Sci-Fi and Fantasy. Also, I own the book cover. Thanks for reading!

koladeizdavid · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Chapter 52 - Attempt to frighten them off 

Chapter 52 - Attempt to frighten them off 

He then went to Inventory and tried selecting an item on the list.


[System Alert!] 


[Inventory is packed with many items and gives a really disorganized view]


[Update display of items in Inventory]? 

<Yes >/<No >


'Yes!' Maxmillan immediately answered within himself. 


[System Notification!] 


[Updating Inventory display...] 

[Progress: 1%... 15%... 28%... 37%.... 65%... 87%... 100%] 


Once the progress bar counted to 100%, a new notification message displayed on the screen in his vision


[System Notification!] 


[Inventory display has been updated!] 

[Open Inventory]? 

<Yes >/<No >


'Yes!' Maxmillan quickly answered.




{{/System Alert: Host's Inventory has grown and will keep growing from addition of rewarded/purchased items to it. When number of items in inventory reaches {99}, Host will have to use Mission Completion Points/Purchase Points to buy a new Inventory page. New Inventory Page will cost 2000 purchase points/}}




{1} Fusion-Powered Atomic Bolt Torrent-Discharge  Cannon 

{2} Tissue-Vaporizer Super-Microwaving Rifle 

{3} Decay Inducing Ray Multi-Fire Spreadgun 

{4} Void-Beam Demolisher Gun 

{5} Rapid Space-Displacing Combat Assistive Light Battle Armor

{6} Quick-Solidifying Restrain-Foam Pellet Shooter 

{7} Acid Cloud-Discharging Mini-Missile Launcher 

{8} Target-Seeking Chainblade-Equipped Annihilator Drones

{9} Solid-Laser Amplified Kinetic-Supercharging Annihilator Sword 

{10} Multi-Functional Pulsar-Emission Devastator Rifle

{11} Personalizable Quantum Destroyer Space-Rifle


{12} Vast-Range Human-Beast Mind Unionizer, 

{13} Beast Impulse/Signal-to-Speech In-Mind Transmitter

{14} Condensed-Energy Armor Beast-Equipping Necklace 

{15} Seismic Destroyer Wave Emitter Mechanical Paws 

{16} Roar Super-Amplifying Devastator Neckband

{17} Fatigue-Toxin Eliminator Bots Injectors

{18} Adjustable Pyro-Blaster Equipped Beast Helm (+ Electrified Circular-Blade Shapeshifting ability) 

{19} Jump-Augmenting Thrusterpack

{20} Deflective Electrical Shield Projector

{21} Digital Compass 

{22} Binocular

{23} First-Aid Kit

{24} Sub-Machine Gun

{25} Long-Range Flamethrower

{26} .45 Magnum Pistol

{27} Pump-Action Shotgun

{28} Ultra-High Velocity Traversal Speed Boots

{29} Bio-Energy Channeler {Vitalizer} 

{30} Healing-Ray Cell Regenerator

{31} Vast-Physical Strength Turbo-Mechanical Enabler Multi-Functional Bionic Arm


[Return to Menu]


Once the item list was shown to him, Maxmillan neurally clicked on the last item. 

Then he immediately answered 'Yes' to the options provided at the bottom of the detail on the item. 

As soon as he said yes, a large and bulky-looking, robot-like limb that fully covered his right arm, suddenly appeared and began to actually mechanically meld in with his flesh and bones, reinforcing them to an enormously great level.

After thirty minutes of flesh and bone mechanical reinforcement and bionic arm melding, a message suddenly appeared on the holographic screen in his vision.


[System Notification!] 


[Vast-Physical Strength Turbo-Mechanical Enabler Multi-Functional Bionic Arm has been successfully integrated into Host's right arm]

[Host's right-arm physical strength has increased from 21 tons to 41 tons — Due to bionic arm constantly operating at 0,0001 % power {Current Operating Mode: 0,0001% power-level power mode}] 

[Congrats, Host]


"First step is complete." Maxmillan said with a serious expression in his face.

He then looked at the large number of items in his Inventory and shook his head with a radiant smile appearing in his face, "Truly, my inventory is growing. Just a week ago, only about ten ordinary and less-powerful items could be seen in my Inventory. But now, I have about twenty really powerful items that have been added to it, with more to be added soon, in like weeks or months to come. Haha. How wonderful is that?"

Still looking at the items in his Inventory, he said with a certain look in his face, "I will use this Rapid Space-Displacing Combat Assistive Light Battle Armor, Tissue-Vaporizer Super-Microwaving Rifle, Quick-Solidifying Restrain-Foam Pellet Shooter, and the Jump-Augmenting Thrusterpack in my back-up plans and orchestrations for that bastard."

Once Maxmillan was done thinking of items he would like to use for his plans, he looked at the bionic arm implemented into his right arm and said through his neural connection to it, "Shrink down and enter concealment mode."

Immediately he said that, the bulky-sized mechanical arm began to collapse as it rapidly, greatly shrank in size to the point of becoming a paper-thin layer on Maxmillan's right arm.

As soon as that occurred, in only a few seconds, the thin layer that it formed on Maxmillan's entire arm, suddenly vanished to reveal the color and skin of his arm. However, it didn't vanish nor dematerialize, but instead, it entered a special concealment mode called High Imperceptibly Mode that would prevent it from being noticed by any type of high-speed randomized item locator, energy-ripple or energy-pulse scanner, and by any radiation-wave sensor or special-frequency wave detector.

"Now that everything is ready, let me move on to the second phase of my plan." Maxmillan said and produced a fearsome look in his face as he prepared to move out.

So, without telling anyone that he was leaving the house to do anything, he produced the Ultra-High Velocity Traversal Speed Boots that appeared on his legs which he immediately used to dash out of the house to where Lurrein and his Astra Spellcraft Commander-level bodyguards had gotten to with the fast-moving engine-powered carriage they were in.


Suddenly, a loud bang sound rang out and caused the carriage to flip over multiple times before coming to a halt. However, it had sustained great damages, since many deep dents could be seen on the frame of the carriage. Also, the engine that powered it was producing a lot of smoke that filled everywhere, heavily indicating that it had been terribly damaged.


The carriage abruptly scattered apart due to a powerful, explosion-instantiating spell that was instantly casted upon it by an Astra Spellcraft Commander with a really fierce and angered look in his face. 

Once the carriage exploded into countless fragments, a Lurrein with dishevelled hair was revealed, along with ten Astra Spellcraft Commanders that protectively encircled him.

"Hi there." Maxmillan said and waved his hands at them.

"Huh?" Both Lurrein and the Astra Spellcraft Commanders that defensively flanked him on all sides, said with surprised and bewildered expressions in their faces upon noticing Maxmillan that stood about fifteen feet away from them.

"Who are you?" Lurrein asked with both surprise and anger in his tone.

"I was the one that ripped off the two front tires of your carriage and caused it to flip over." Maxmillan said with seemingly great pride in his tone.

"Idiot, how dare you?" Lurrein asked.

Maxmillan then looked at him with a baleful, blood-chilling gaze in his eyes and said, "Imbecile, how dare you plan on going to that family to cause trouble for them?"

"W-What?" Lurrein who was exceedingly shocked, asked in a stuttering manner.

"You heard me, smelly piece of shit. Why are you going to that family to trouble and attack them over a land that was purchased with wealth many times greater than yours? Speak to me, I want to understand the motive that drove you to even think of doing such." Maxmillan said with an aura of mystery and profoundness beginning to exude from his figure.

"I see. You must be that student spoken about by Edgar. But I would like to know, how did you know we were taking this route? Have you been monitoring me?" Lurrein asked with a strong light of curiosity shining in his eyes.

"I don't need to monitor you. I have a certain, bestowed passive ability that will clairvoyantly alert me about many certain things that will happen around me, or around people that I mark with the pulsing signature energy of that special ability. Then coupled with my inborn, peerless predictive ability, I am able to produce thousands of approximative predictions that will further assist my bestowed ability. Isn't that hugely fabulous? Yea? Well, this wonderful and marvelously great ability was bestowed upon me by a solitary lord called Lord Berserker from Ahodiah city, the most belligerent and war-thirsting, super-strong Astra Spellcraft Lord that I have ever come across." Maxmillan said with a faked, immensely proud and reverent expression in his face.

He then said further before they could say anything, "Tell me, Lurrein, what level are the Astra Spellcraft Lords in your family at? Because mine is at the 30th layer of Star Collapsion stage, Runemaker Tier. What's yours? I would like to know." 

Once Maxmillan said that, the Astra Spellcraft Commanders that flocked around Lurrein, had their eyes shine with exceedingly great shock before becoming visibly restless. What Maxmillan smoothly and pridefully said, impacted them really hard. Including Lurrein whose breath instantly ceased, and had his heart begin to beat wildly and erratically since Maxmillan's Lord and mentor was only three tiers away from becoming an Astra Nexus Paragon; an imperishable and nigh-invincible, god-level planet-wide effect caster of Astra Mystralis. 

Also, Maxmillan that he basically knew nothing about, just called him by his first name, which further terrified him. 

"What do you want?" Lurrein asked with his resolve beginning to greatly waver.

"Nothing much. Except that you leave the family alone and let them be. Let them enjoy their calm and peaceful lives, while you enjoy yours. Or would you like for my master to visit your home and slay everyone of your Astra Spellcraft Lord-level parent and family members to leave behind their severed necks, with their crushed heads taken away with him to his place where they would be stored in his underground shelf as trophies of triumph in war with confrontative adversarial opponents at his Lord-level?" Maxmillan asked and looked at them with intense coldness in his face. But he was really hoping they were buying all that he was saying, or he would have to switch to Plan B. 

"Well, since you are his student, why don't you show us what you can do? Show us your abilities to let us know and understand that you are truly deserving to be his student. If not, you will not be leaving this place alive for your rude and fearlessly bold utterances towards us!" The Astra Spellcraft Commander that entirely destroyed the damaged carriage that Maxmillan pulled off its two tires from and caused to flip over multiple times, said with a vicious look in his face, and with a heart that brewed with extreme prejudice.

"Stubborn, wicked and vicious, eh? Since you want me to prove myself through the way that you mentioned, after everything that I had said, then everyone of you worms should come at me without holding back. Let's see who would not be leaving this place alive!" Maxmillan said with a terrifying glow of light beginning to emanate from his gleaming cold eyes.