
Transmigrator Survival System: Rise Of Maxmillan Slade

After dying in an atomic blast that wiped off an entire city due to sudden invasion by an overwhelmingly large number of zombies, Maxmillan's soul transmigrated into the body of a five year old in a new world where Astra Mystralis; an energy that causes endless magical manifestations, could be harnessed and manipulated to cause the instantiation of myriad preternatural effects. But unfortunately for Maxmillan, he couldn't control Astra Mystralis and therefore missed admissions into magical institutes where he would be trained to become an Astra Spellcraft Commander, one of the highly reverenced positions that absolutely everyone dreamt of becoming. After being deemed a Reject, where he wasn't accepted anywhere within his city and in any other city that he might travel to, how would Maxmillan survive? How would he live? Would his unparalleled fighting skills as a seasoned veteran soldier in his previous world, help him in any way in a world where absolutely everyone, including five to six years olds could control Astral Mystralis and bring about fascinating magical effects? Would he be able to thrive and survive in a world where Rejects, also referred to as cripples, were intimidated, scarred and terrorized by individuals capable of absorbing, controlling and utilizing Astra Mystralis? To know more, accompany Maxmillan in his journey as he tries to survive, thrive and defeat every nigh-insurmountable odd that would appear in his path using the Transmigrator Survival System; a powerful, dimension-warping intelligent consciousness that chose him out of millions and would continue to empower him with countless futuristic weapons, gadgets, equipments, as well as technological cycles and vehicles, for as long as he can complete certain really difficult tasks, missions and quests within a fixed timeframe! A/N: This book is a perfect blend of Sci-Fi and Fantasy. Also, I own the book cover. Thanks for reading!

koladeizdavid · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Chapter 49 - Hidden Lords descends

Chapter 49 - Hidden Lords descends

Immediately Maxmillan left in another direction, three Astra Spellcraft Lords that stood at the rooftop of a really tall building, looked at each other with furrowed brows.

"That guy, his spellcasting prowess is next-level. I couldn't even detect when he casted a spell to increase his movement speed. Also, did you clearly see how he knocked away five highly-trained magical bodyguards with just a few palm strikes?" 

"I suspect that he is a genius and must be the student of a powerful Astra Spellcraft Lord who delightfully indulges himself in prize-giving, public gladiatorial matches." An Astra Spellcraft Lord who had numerous, massive illusory thunderclouds stacked upon each other and floated many meters above his head; released soundless but brilliantly dazzling and resplendently colorful, highly-branching lightning bolts and could cause terrifying, earth-shaking thunderous booms to rampantly ring out if he wanted to, said with intense amazement in his face when he recalled the incredibly exhilarating feats that Maxmillan carried out many moments ago. 

"Exactly. I couldn't notice when a spell was casted. Must be some really high-level magical skill for it to escape our magical perceptivity." Another Astra Spellcraft Lord called Lord Revered Lotus, said with a strong light of bewilderment in his eyes.

"Well, let's descend and talk to that man. Let's see how much he is willing to give us. We can't be alertly standing guard over this organization and not have anything tangible given to us, even though we were directed by the Government to constantly monitor the establishment's inner and outer premises for attacks by local magical rebellers, savagers and foreign invaders." An Astra Spellcraft Lord that had six, resplendent globe-like objects formed out of pure magical energy and constantly emitted fearsomely powerful, hair-raising ripples of energy that caused numerous miniature pockets of air around him to infinitely expand and result in multiple pocket vacuums, said as he looked at the others to see if they would agree with him.

"Definitely. Let's talk to him." Lord Revered Lotus said and immediately took into the air with the others directly following behind him. 

Once they landed before Edgar, the Astra Spellcraft Lord with layered thunderclouds above his head and was called Lord Stormbolt, said with a smile in his face to Edgar who was visibly irritated and annoyed at their alarming, intimidatory presences before him, "Edgar, we saw how much that fighter kid dropped in front of you. And when we calculated it, we found it to be a mind-staggering amount of two million copper coins."

"And so? What do you want me to do about it? You should understand that every money I get from land buyers, always go into the Government account. I won't take a single dime out of them. So please, spare me the fruitless discussion you want to have with me. I don't have time for that. My flowers need me. They need my nurturing. So, if you would excuse me." Edgar said with the expression of great anger manifesting in his face before he turned around to continue pruning the beautiful flowers that surrounded him in the large colorful garden.

"Oh really? So, that land, if I may ask, how much can it be really sold for? Especially for someone that is given the silver-framed, irreversible land ownership certificate? I am guessing eight hundred thousand copper coins and, probably a hundred thousand silver coins, right?"

"Actually, as Lords with naturally powerful sights that can further be enhanced by augmentation magic, I saw for myself the size of land that kid wanted to purchase for the man that he came with." 

"So, if I may ask, where would the remaining one million and two hundred thousand copper coins go to, as well as the remaining hundred thousand silver coins?" Lord Six Worlds Revolution, the Astra Spellcraft Lord that was encircled by six glowing energy-globes and caused pockets of air for many feet around him to both explode and implode and rapidly form into numerous, small vacuum points, asked intelligently with an inexplicable smile in his face.

"I can see you are poking your smelly noses into people's affair, especially Government's affair that you shouldn't be poking your irritable noses into. If this continues, I will ask that you Lords be changed to another. I am tired of your pokey-nosey attitudes. Why don't you mind your businesses? Don't you have secluded meditative practices on Astra Mystralis to carry out?" Edgar said with a seriously fuming expression in his face. 

"Oh really? Do that and be disgraced. In case you don't know, every transaction that you had with land buyers for the past few years, were magically recorded by us. We have solid evidential proofs of every payment remitted to you by everyone that came to you for either rentals or land purchases, with the figures summing up to a whopping two hundred and eighty million copper coins, which I am sure you only paid like ninety million copper coins into the government account." Lord Six Worlds Revolution said and was winked at by both Lord Stormbolt and Lord Revered Lotus for driving in a strong point. 

"A threat?" Edgar asked with a pained and wrathful expression in his face as he stared glacially at Lord Stormbolt.

"Yes, a threat. And many more to come if you don't cooperate with us!" Lord Revered Lotus said with a gravely serious expression in his face.

"Hmm." Edgar said and looked at them with an inexplicable gaze in his eyes. 

He then said further with a surprising smile appearing in his middle-aged face, "Actually, the land that was purchased by the kid for that man, was overpaid for. The land was previously bought for three hundred thousand copper coins by Hortsworth. While the boy paid two million copper coins for it. And to get an irreversible certificate of ownership for that piece of land, fifty thousand silver coins will do. But he gave me two hundred thousand silver coins, and then another fifty thousand silver coins in my office as a token of appreciation for my quick decision and bumpless cooperation with him." Edgar said and produced a great smile in his face.

"That's good. Really good." Lord Revered Lotus said.

He then spoke further, "So, how do we share it amongst ourselves?"

Edgar looked at him and shook his head in extreme bitterness and annoyance. If he was a really powerful Astra Spellcraft Lord and not an Astra Spellcraft Commander, he would have long brutally destroyed the head of Lord Revered Lotus. 

"I call that shot. While you sit back and listen to me!" He said irritatedly.

He then proceeded to mention, "We would share the money amongst ourselves in the ratio of seventy to thirty. I will take seventy percent of it, while you guys will be given thirty percent. Cool? Or you have things to say about it?"

"Hmm. Well, we are cool with it." Lord Revered Lotus said and looked at the others who nodded their heads as positive responses to what he mentioned.

"Alright then." Edgar said. 

He then mentioned further, "When I share the money in my office, it's certain that you Lords will get your shares. So, if you don't have anything more to discuss about, I would love to retire into my office. Thanks for ruining my day."

"Our pleasure." Lord Stormbolt said nonchalantly and immediately shot into the air to return to his watchpost, before being followed by Lord Revered Lotus and Lord Six World Revolutions who cackled lightly as they flew into the air.


"Hmm." Maxmillan who had taken a carriage that will take him back to Greenriver town, muttered with a smile in his face.

"In weeks to come, if my plan goes well, I will have many times my current wealth." He said with the smile in his face broadening.

Actually, when Maxmillan appeared in front of Edgar and made up many highly convincing things as he spoke, his heightened superhuman sense of hearing and super-strong sense of smell allowed him to easily hear the really powerful heartbeats of three people from a certain high rooftop, and then the fresh revitalizing smells of Astra Spellcraft Lords that constantly exuded from their bodies which caused him to continuously put up a false front in front of Edgar, just so that what he newly planned right there upon sensing their concealed powerful presences, won't go in vain!

And he was glad and grateful that his dad, although heavily shocked by his strangeness and the weird facade that he continuously put up even after the whole thing had ended, played along with him and made the whole thing believable by everyone that would be looking at them.

"Thank you dad." Maxmillan said.

He then looked at the massive holographic screen in his vision and said, "Initiate."