
Transmigrator's Random Travels in Fictional Universes

What if you suddenly got transmigrated into a new world. And it even got some of your favorite anime characters? You also got an omnipotent system to help you. Well this is that kind of story, where an otaku who was transmigrated as Kinoshita Kazuya and how he enjoys his new life. WARNING:: Before reading this, I just want to inform you that Kanokari will not be the focus of this and it will be boring mostly for some. I just took the characters so don't expect that the plot will follow KanoKari just because the mc is Kazuya.There will be plotholes and cringe moments. And also some characters in this will sometimes differ from their canon counterpart in terms of maybe their personality, some history, etc. And this story mainly revolves around the desire of the mc to do what he wish. So, please leave if you don't like any info I wrote above. (AN: Also please leave comments or your opinions about the chapters and proper reviews okay? That's all I'm asking for since, that's all my entertainment for writing this fanfic. And please leave your honest thoughts, I promise I will read every one of them even if they are hate comments or whatever) (PS: I dont know how to classify this fanfic but it will contain many slice of life chapters mixed with some actions so I don't know. Well it's up to you guys how you classify this novel whether a slice of life or action etc.)

Lazy_Author69 · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs


Sometimes you have days like this. Days where the most trivial little thing... Ends up getting you wrap-up In some big annoying trouble.

- Annie Leonhardt ( Shingeki no Kyojin )


"The commander wants to see you... " Said Reine as she stared at Kazuya in interest.

"But what about shido?" he pointed at Shido who is still unconscious.

"I'll take care of him"

"But I don't know where the commander is"

"I'll guide you," Said Reine and Kazuya sweat dropped 'What about the part where you should take care of Shido?' He retorted in his mind.

Suddenly some random guy, presumably a low-ranking staff of Ratatoskr entered and said he will guide Kazuya.

With the guidance of the random guy, which Kazuya didn't even ask the name of, they arrived in the control room.

A blonde guy is waiting there wearing a white uniform. Said blonde guy turned to the random guy who brought Kazuya.

"You can go, I'll guide him to the commander" He then turned to Kazuya "Follow me please and nice finally meeting you. I'm the vice-commander of Ratatoskr, Kannazuki Kyouhei" he held out his right arm.

Kazuya smiled before introducing himself, "Kinoshita Kazuya, nice to meet you Kannazuki-san, and please just call me Kazuya"

Kazuya shook hands with Kyouhei before walking in towards the seat of the commander.

And voila there she is a cute girl about 14 yrs of age with flaming red hair tied in twintails. Along with red eyes, and a lollipop in her mouth.

She sat in the commander seat proudly. She also wore her commander outfit as he stared at Kazuya while smirking. Itsuka Kotori, the sister of Itsuka Shido.

"Surprised? First of all thank you for protecting my idiotic big brother, though there should be no need of it"

Kazuya just calmly listened to her, 'Well he could just heal even if he is wounded' He knew from the anime that Shido has some unique powers like his healing factor which is inhumane.

"Also welcome to Ratatoskr. And let me reintroduce myself, I am Itsuka Kotori the current commander of Ratatoskr" She said proudly.

He just smiled, "So? What does your organization do?" he asked calmly which surprised Kotori as well as the other staff.

Kotori stared at Kazuya before asking, "Why are you not surprised?" she asked feeling flustered at the calm reaction of Kazuya.

Kazuya shrugged, "I have seen and heard weirder things. This revelation kc yours is not shocking compared to what I experienced"

Well if you transmigrated and got a system isn't that already a shock. Added to the fact that he even traveled to a different world.

Kotori stared at him in surprise, "Just what did you experience then?!" She felt like crying, shouldn't people's normal reaction when knowing a secret organization shock? Why is this abnormal young man like this?

Shrugging, Kazuya changed the topic, "So where are we currently?" He was really curious as well as excited 'It's gonna be my first time seeing the ground from a spacecraft.

Kotori and others also recovered now, "We are in the sky above the city," She said then she snapped her fingers.

The whole control room's floor became transparent and showed the city below. Kazuya was amazed by the technology here.

After his excitement died down he turned to Kotori, "So what's your purpose in inviting me here?"

Kotori smirked, "Well since you know the existence of spirits we decided to recruit you. Do you know what spirits are?"

Kazuya nodded much to the surprise of others, "Yeah, I even have a 'spirit' friend, she is quite beautiful you know? Though she's also deadly" He grinned playfully as he answered. He wants to see their reaction when they know Kurumi.

"A-alright then, I'm surprised you know spirits but oh well" Kotori sighed, 'Is there nothing that can surprise this guy?' she thought

"Oh yeah, I agree to join. Also is there a training room here? It's time for my training"

Kotori just pointed at Kyouhei, "Kyouhei guide him to the training room. Also, guide him around, you can also spar with him"

"Yes Commander, please follow me"

Kazuya smiled wryly 'She treats the vice commander an errand boy

They walk around as Kyouhei explained some things. And soon they arrived at the training room.

It is a huge room with various equipment. There's even a weapon rack at the side. And of course, there is a free space of about 100 square meters.

The reason he is here is to try his brand new Breathing method which is his quest reward. Earlier he completed the quest, and the system informed him he can stay for a month maximum or if he wants to go home earlier just tell the system.

He was also rewarded with 150 DC. Kazuya was quite excited, the knowledge of the breathing method is already assimilated into him. With that, he has basic mastery of the said breathing method.

Though it is said to be a breathing method, it also includes 10 forms of sword techniques. And a set of martial arts techniques.

He first picked up a wooden katana from the weapon rack. He walked towards the free space while Kyouhei watched him from the side.

"Fuuuuhhh..." He exhaled and inhaled a ton of oxygen. He held his wooden katana tightly.

1st form- Dragon King's Razor Claws

He slashed his wooden katana 5 times simultaneously in a fast speed. It created 5 wind blades in the shape of a claw.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! x5

2nd form- Dragon King's Piercing Fang

Kazuya who just finished the 1st form turn then stabbed the air in a fast motion.


He continued,

3rd form- Dragon King's Might!

Slamming his sword on the floor, the impact created a wind barrier to shield him. Next,

4th form- Dance of the Dragon King

Kazuya did a special footwork while slashing creating a scene like he was dancing while slashing enemies. This form is for fighting multiple enemies.

He stopped at the 4th form as the rest of the forms need more control. Next was the set of martial arts techniques.

Dragon King's Mighty Fist!

He did a set of punches making the air vibrate.


Dragon King's Crushing Claws

He bent his fingers forming claws with his two hands. He swung his hands cutting through the air like a real claw.

When he was done he noticed Lyouhei still hasn't left. He didn't notice him earlier whether he left already since he was focused.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

"Wonderful Kazuya-kun" Kyouhei smiled. He was amazed, he is a martial artist so he admired Kazuya's techniques.

Kazuya smiled, " Thank you for the compliment, I still haven't mastered the techniques so I'm sorry if I showed you a shameful display"

Kyouhei waved his hands, "No actually I'm amazed. What were those techniques?" He asked curiously.

Kazuya smiled then explained. Soon the two talked about various things. And after staying at the ship for hours Kazuya left to sleep at his home.

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