
Transmigrator's Random Travels in Fictional Universes

What if you suddenly got transmigrated into a new world. And it even got some of your favorite anime characters? You also got an omnipotent system to help you. Well this is that kind of story, where an otaku who was transmigrated as Kinoshita Kazuya and how he enjoys his new life. WARNING:: Before reading this, I just want to inform you that Kanokari will not be the focus of this and it will be boring mostly for some. I just took the characters so don't expect that the plot will follow KanoKari just because the mc is Kazuya.There will be plotholes and cringe moments. And also some characters in this will sometimes differ from their canon counterpart in terms of maybe their personality, some history, etc. And this story mainly revolves around the desire of the mc to do what he wish. So, please leave if you don't like any info I wrote above. (AN: Also please leave comments or your opinions about the chapters and proper reviews okay? That's all I'm asking for since, that's all my entertainment for writing this fanfic. And please leave your honest thoughts, I promise I will read every one of them even if they are hate comments or whatever) (PS: I dont know how to classify this fanfic but it will contain many slice of life chapters mixed with some actions so I don't know. Well it's up to you guys how you classify this novel whether a slice of life or action etc.)

Lazy_Author69 · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs


I took the life of the woman I was supposed to call mother in the process of being born... in order to become the world's strongest shinobi... I became the incarnation of sand...

- Gaara ( Naruto Shippuden )


Kazuya was surprised seeing Kotori he couldn't help but asked, "What is it Kotori?"

Kotori stared at him in suspicion, "Where were you when the spacequake happened earlier? Your teacher said you were not in the shelter"

An obvious lie from her but it is true he was not in the shelter. He was with Yoshino after all.

"Hm? I'm in the shelter though, maybe our teacher didn't see me. Why do ask?"

It's still not the time to reveal he knew the existence of spirits. He was planning on joining Ratatoskr at the same time as Shido.

Kotori stared at him, "Nothing" As she said so she left directly. He was still curious as to what happened to Kazuya but she doesn't have evidence.

'Maybe he really was in the shelter...' She thought while walking away.

While Kazuya sighed, 'That was close, but I think Tohka will appear soon so no need to worry'

He also entered and ate his dinner before going to his sleep.


The next day, everything was as usual. Kazuya attended classes and went home in the afternoon.

When he was passing an old-looking building he smelled something, 'Blood? But why is there a smell of blood here?'

That's right he smelled blood, with his training all his senses were enhanced so he easily smelled the scent of blood. Besides, he often smelled it when he fought thugs.

He entered the building silently and saw a gory scene. Human body parts were scattered, arms, legs, organs like heart, lungs, the intestines.

It was quite weird but Kazuya was surprisingly calm and doesn't have the urge to vomit upon seeing the gory scene. But he is still uncomfortable seeing a dead person.

All of it was scattered along with blood on the floor. Kazuya looked around and saw a figure he was a familiar figure, it was Kurumi in her astral dress.

He also noticed an unconscious young woman. Her clothes were torn and it looks like she was assaulted. He suddenly has a thought of what happened...

While Kurumi was surprised seeing a figure entering the building where she just killed. She saw Kazuya who was walking calmly towards her as he reached for something in his pocket.

'A weapon?' She thought but didn't move. When Kazuya arrived in front of her he took out a handkerchief and wipe the blood that was splashed on her beautiful face.

Kurumi was surprised. While Kazuya smiled, "There all the blood is gone now"

After a moment of silence, Kurumi stared at Kazuya, "Aren't you scared of me now? You just saw me after I killed a person"

Kazuya smiled, "You probably did it due to some reason" He then pointed at the young woman with torn clothes "She was probably assaulted right?"

Kurumi looked where he was pointing and saw the unconscious woman. She then asked, "Hmm Are you sure?" She smirked playfully.

He nodded, "During the time we met, I just felt like you are a kind person. It's just my instinct"

Hearing his answer Kurumi laughed, "Pfft hahaha. Really? Instinct hahaha" But inside she thought 'Interesting, he's different'

She felt warm as someone didn't judge her and tried to understand the reason for her actions.

"Then we should probably turn her over" He pointed at the young woman.

"You can turn her over, I'm leaving bye-bye"


Kazuya took out his blazer and put it to cover the young woman. He couldn't possibly change her clothes without permission, right? After that, he carried the young woman away from the crime scene and woke her up.

After saying that the assaulter was beaten up by him he then escorted her to where she lived. After she changes clothes he got his blazer back and left to go home.


Kazuya was currently in his classroom as usual. Then suddenly the spacequake alarm sounded again.

He smirked as he knew the plot is starting. He sneaks out again and started looking for Shido who was looking for his sister.

Soon he found him, "Hey what are you doing outside" He tapped his shoulder.

Shido turned around in surprise, "Kazuya-senpai why are you here, it's dangerous"

Kazuya smack the back of Shido's head slightly, "Idiot if it's dangerous then why are you also outside"

"I have a reason"

"And what is it?"

"I'm looking for Kotori"

"Then let me help you" 'Though she is safe but for the sake of the plot' Kazuya thought.

"Thank you senpai"

Kazuya shrugged, "come on let's go"

After looking for minutes they still couldn't find Kotori. Well, she was safe already but Shido doesn't know that.

Suddenly, a spacequake appeared which almost hit Shido. Kazuya grab the collar of his shirt and jumped back.

When the spacequake stopped, they saw a beautiful girl wearing some kind of dress. Shido was surprised seeing the girl, "A girl?"

While Kazuya already knew who the girl is. But suddenly the girl held a sword and jumped towards them. She pointed the sword towards the two.

"Are you here to kill me? Then I should kill you two first" 'Princess' or will be known as Tohka waved her sword, Sandalphon, and almost cut the two.

Luckily Kazuya grabbed Shido and jumped away from the attack.

"Wait we're not here to kill you. And we wouldn't do so" Shido tried to explain.

Suddenly the AST appeared. Shido was surprised seeing them appeared as he saw his classmate, Tobiichi Origami.


Origami was also surprised seeing Shido and Kazuya, "Itsuka Shido and Kinoshita Kazuya-senpai?"

But Tohka interrupted them and fought the AST. It was different from the anime as she defeated the AST. She then disappeared, while Shido fell unconscious as he was hit by a shockwave.

After the battle, some people appeared in front of Shido and Kazuya. "Can you give him to us? Also please follow me"

A man said towards them. Kazuya nodded and someone put a blindfold on him.


When the blindfold was taken off, Kazuya found himself in a medical room of some kind.

A beautiful young woman was treating Shido although there are eye bags under her eyes. She is Murasame Reine an important member of Ratatoskr.

"The commander wants to see you..." Reine turned to Kazuya.

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