
Transmigrator's Random Travels in Fictional Universes

What if you suddenly got transmigrated into a new world. And it even got some of your favorite anime characters? You also got an omnipotent system to help you. Well this is that kind of story, where an otaku who was transmigrated as Kinoshita Kazuya and how he enjoys his new life. WARNING:: Before reading this, I just want to inform you that Kanokari will not be the focus of this and it will be boring mostly for some. I just took the characters so don't expect that the plot will follow KanoKari just because the mc is Kazuya.There will be plotholes and cringe moments. And also some characters in this will sometimes differ from their canon counterpart in terms of maybe their personality, some history, etc. And this story mainly revolves around the desire of the mc to do what he wish. So, please leave if you don't like any info I wrote above. (AN: Also please leave comments or your opinions about the chapters and proper reviews okay? That's all I'm asking for since, that's all my entertainment for writing this fanfic. And please leave your honest thoughts, I promise I will read every one of them even if they are hate comments or whatever) (PS: I dont know how to classify this fanfic but it will contain many slice of life chapters mixed with some actions so I don't know. Well it's up to you guys how you classify this novel whether a slice of life or action etc.)

Lazy_Author69 · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

Kurumi's Adventures 2

You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you.

-Sakata Gintoki (Gintama)


Kurumi chatted with Meru for a bit and then left. She continued walking around the city. At one point she spotted a clothing shop.

She remembered that she forgot to bring her clothes from her previous world, luckily she has some money which Kazuya gave her. So she entered and was welcomed warmly

"Welcome to our shop"

She smiled and walked around the shop. She tried various clothes which fit her. No matter what she wore it suit her.

'It would be better if Kazuya was here, ufufufu' she chuckled in her mind. After that, she picked the ones she liked and went to the cashier.

"I'll take this one" She handed the clothes she intended to buy. After knowing the total price of the clothes, she handed in the money then went out.

She looked at the time on her phone. It was noon now, she intended to go back home before dinner so she still has time.

(AN: yes she brought a phone)

Continuing her walk, she encountered some things. One of which is she saves a woman from being assaulted. Here's how it goes...

Kurumi was just walking around when suddenly she heard a scream. She followed where she heard the scream and arrived at an alley.

There she saw a woman surrounded by 2 men. When she saw the scene she felt a Deja Vu.

'It looks like the scene when Kazuya saw me who just killed a person' Yes, it was when she killed a man trying to assault a young woman, that's why she felt Deja Vu.

After reminiscing for a bit, she moved. She quickly appeared behind the two men. And knocked out the two.

Then she turned to the woman who appeared shocked.

"Call the police now"

The woman nodded then took out her phone to call the police. When she was about to thank Kurumi, she saw that Kurumi was already gone.

Meanwhile, Kurumi was already walking away from the alley. She toured around and memorized the area.

When it was afternoon, she went to the cake shop she passed by earlier. She bought a cake and went home after.

She arrived just before dinner. When she entered she saw Kazuya in the living room.

She called out to him, "You just woke up?"

Kazuya turned and saw Kurumi holding a cake, "Yeah, so what is that in your hand"

Kurumi approached him and sat beside him on the sofa, she put the cake box on the small table in front.

"I bought a cake, I walked around the city while you're asleep. And when I was about to go home I saw a cake shop so I bought one. Also, I bought some clothes earlier"

He nodded, "Sorry, I couldn't company you" he smiled apologetically.

She just shook her head and smiled, "I know you were tired. And that you have many secrets you can't tell me."

Hearing that Kazuya felt sorry for her. He couldn't help but embrace her. Then he whispered in her ears.

"You've changed ever since we met" This was something he noticed. The first time he and Kurumi met, she was kind of flirty and seductive when she talks.

And the aura she has is like that of a proud person. But now she looks like a young wife. She became gentle, like when she was asked to by Kazuya's dad to wake him up.

If she was the person she previously is, she would not have obeyed it. Which just shows that she changed.

Kurumi who was being embraced thought about it. And she realized that after she met him, she slowly changed.

Previously, she was alone with no one to care for or no one cared for her. But after she met Kazuya that changed, perhaps that's what triggered the change in her.

"Maybe...who knows" she replied to his earlier statement. She smiled towards him while there was a slight blush on her face which made her more charming.

Kazuya was mesmerized and slowly lowered his head. Kurumi didn't move but closed her eyes.

Their lips met, Kazuya felt her lips that were soft and sweet. This is their first time kissing since they dated. It was a chaste kiss and not a French kiss.

Their kiss only lasted a minute before ending as they heard the door opening. Kazuya's parents arrived, the two parents saw the two on the sofa as the two sat together.

Then they saw a blushing Kurumi while Kazuya was also fidgeting, they smiled knowingly.

After that Kazuya's mother prepared dinner. Kazuya helped her while Kurumi already started preparing the table.

While his dad sat on the sofa watching television. After they cooked dinner, they ate and chatted happily.

After which they left to their respective room and slept. Well except for Kazuya who went to the training space but this time for just 5 hours.

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