
Transmigration: Woke up as monk in a demonic temple

Yu Yan died and found himself in the body of a monk that had just died, and finds out that the world he transmigrated into is very...weird. As early as twelve years ago, all the real monks in the temple were killed, and their corpses were buried in a small forest thus giving birth to demonic trees. In the Buddhist hall, there is a polluted Buddha statue that can attract ghosts just by sitting under it. Bandits and murders roam in the temple dressed as monks! ...

chrysantheater · Eastern
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25 Chs

Earth Immortal

"Sure enough, you are a stingy monk..."

Moonless who had been watching as Yu Yan actually eat her leftovers, expressed her disdain.

Then, she turned her head away and licked the cat fur around her mouth with her tongue.

Her mouth was too small compared to the stuffed buns, there was a lot of minced meat on the cat fur near the mouth.

Yu Yan realized that this cat might be trying to avoid his question, but he had already come this far, so he insisted on asking to the end.

He took a paper cloth on the table and helped Moonless clean her fur, while doing so, he asked again,

"So,,, are you in the realm of transcendence?"

Moonless stretched out he neck, raised her head proudly and responded,

"I'm an earth Immortal"

"Eh? What kink of real is that? The poor monk has only ever heard of the transcendence realm."

Yu Yan couldn't help feeling a bit embarrassed,.

Moonless rolled her eyes at Yu Yan's lack of knowledge, but she still answered him patiently.

"There are 3 known realms in the world, at least, in the Yong dynasty,"

"The first realm is the realm is the widely rumoured realm of transcendence,"

"From the name you can get what it means, it is the realm where one transcends human limits and gains power above what a normal human can wield,"

"The second realm is the earth immortal realm,"

"In this realm, one can gather the qi energy from the earth and through various techniques, display various supernatural powers,"

"The third real is the celestial immortal realm, the ceiling realm of this world,"

"In this realm, one has a lot of qi energy in their body, and they can control clouds to fly in the sky."

"Well there is more to the realms than that, but that's roughly it,"

Moonless' words contradicted the little knowledge that Yu Yan had, so he quickly asked for clarification.

Moonless lazily responded as she licked her paw,

"How much can mortals know? Most of the rumors about the transcendence are self made, and the few that aren't are gravely exaggerated."

Yu Yan felt that half the enthusiasm he had for cultivation was instantly lost.

'Why is the cultivation system of this world feel so full of water?'

'How can one be called an immortal if he can't even fly without any assistance?'

'What about the power enough to move mountains, evaporate seas, and pluck out stars from the sky'

Yu Yan felt that his emotions were cheated.

After reluctantly accepting the reality of things, Yu Yan turned his attention back to Moonless and asked curiously,

"So what kind of supernatural do you have?"

"I have quite a few supernatural powers,"

Moonless responded with a hint of smugness.

"Off the top of my head, I can transform into human form, I gained the lifespan of a normal human, and my body has become very strong."

Yu Yan looked at Moonless'soft cat body, he thought of her softer human form, and felt very doubtful.

'There is definitely something wrong with this world!'

'Or maybe just the Yong dynasty?'

But he chose not to express his doubt, he instead responded cooperatively,


"So amazing?"

Moonless arrogantly added, sharing her happiness and her biggest secret with Yu Yan.

"If I'm lucky, I will be able to fly soon!"


It turns out that after she became an earth Immortal, she was able to detect a piece of land blessed by the heaven and earth, on Mount Lan Xing.

One can break through the realm of earth immortal, by using a blessed land to become a celestial immortal.

I is a pity that even though she could detect the presence of a blessed land, she could not pin point it's location, she has been unable to find it.

"You will be able to fly..."

Yu Yan suddenly felt that his backer seems to be a bit... weak.

'Did I hug the wrong thigh?'

Yu Yan couldn't help but have such an thought in his mind, and then he dismissed it.

'Not wrong!'

After all, this cat is only one realm away from the hypothesized ceiling of the world, and she is going to try break through soon!

It can definitely protect him during normal times, and ordinary enemies probably won't be her opponent.

Even if her strength is weak, he can reluctantly take her as a maid.

Anyway, after the cat transforms, it looks like a cute girl, while he was thinking of Moonless' human appearance, a sudden voice broke his daze.

"Monk, wipe off your saliva!"

"I thought you said were going burst earlier, why did you suddenly hungry?"

Moonless' innocent voice entered Yu Yan's ears, making him too ashamed to make eye contact.

"You read it wrong, I'm not hungry, maybe I'm a bit too thirsty,"

"Let's buy some tea,"



Yu Yan, who was about to hiccup, quickly covered his mouth, gulped down the half cup of tea left in his cup, then grabbed the cat with one hand, went to the inn clerk to settle the bill with a blank expression, and then went to the carriage of Chang Fu Escort Company.

Although the food and lodging were a bit expensive, he was too embarrassed to ask the people from the Company to pay for him, especially when he was already hitching a free ride.

A steamed porridge was 2 rain coins, 2 big meat buns were expensive because they contained meat, 5 rain coins each..

Although he slept in a first-class room, the inn was a ordinary back country establishment, so it only cost him 30 rain coins.

Therefore, the total sum was only 42 rain coins, Yu Yan paid with a pained expression.

Rain coins is the currency issued by the Yong dynasty, the currency is based on silver and gold.

The dynasty and nobility decided to issue such coins to avoid scarce resources from flowing out.

Since the currency is backed by both the royalty and nobles it was hard to make counterfeits.


The end

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