
Transmigration through multiverse

Rex voidfall , a man from prime earth lived a normal life but only on the surface he is famous boss of NY underworld and master martial artist but he returned to normal life after he adopted a daughter who brought light in his dull life he raised her with care and all love he was capable of giving her , but during her 18th birthday he found out she has rare heart problem and only heart transplant can save her , so he donated his heart to her and gave his all wealth and property to her , After he died his soul was floating in the void but came in contact some particles and absorbed them , then , he heard a voice , "Finally , my heir "

THE_LAST_DEMON_ · Anime & Comics
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Arthur Leywin and tessia's mana circuit

Now tessia was showing rex flowers in her garden , after the meeting it was decided that rex will live in palace , Virion even offered to teach him but who is rex he is Multiversal level being , why do he need the teaching of elves , 

After observing them Athena said , 

[ Master they are practicing the wrong mana arts elves don't need to form mana cores they just need to nurture their Mana circuits , forming mana core will only limit their growth] 

Well what Athena said was true elves naturally have high mana affinity so they don't need to form mana core , so rex decided that he will help tessia to form her mana circuits,

Next day a we heard from guards that a boy came through the same portal that we came and i know who exactly is the boy , Arthur Leywin the same main character but different from the original , because someone's soul was fused and has takeover the body , 

Arthur had short auburn brown hair and large bright azure eyes , he was cute due to his baby fat , 

when he arrived he was confused and was in panic when guards surrounded him , soon Virion came to boy and asked , 

" Who are you human boy " 

Although arthur was confused but he said , 

" My name is Arthur Leywin , I was founding my way out of the forest to find my father and mother " 

Virion then waved his hand and dismissed the soldiers then he took arthur to palace and king and queen came to hall with tessia and Rex also arrived we were sitting on the table with tessia by rex's side holding his hand , arthur looked at both of them with confusion because it was his first time seeing Rex he didn't even saw anyone like rex in Novel so he naturally was confused but then king and queen questioned him about how he arrived here to which arthur naturally told them he was separated from his parents and was finding his way out , 

then virion offered him to be his disciple to which he agreed without much thought with condition that virion will allow him to communicate his parents to which virion naturally agreed , and said he will take him to his friend next day to so that arthur can communicate with his parents and will told them about his condition , 

<Arthur POV> 

When i arrived at forest to where i was suppose to meet tessia in original , i saw empty carriage with some clothe pieces , so i knew that tessia is not here but i was confused that how she was not here i mean she don't know how to use magic so someone might have rescued her , so i lost my chance to befriend her , 

So i started search for the portal to Elenoir , after searching for 2 days i found it and activated the portal , when i entered the portal i saw the elven kingdom i have to say that it was the very beautiful more then shown in art , soon elven solider came and surrounded me then soon i saw virion he asked me about me to which i naturally answered , then we went to palace hall , 

where i was Tessia's mother and father , soon tessia arrived with another child holding his hand , the child had yellowish eyes and brown hair he just smiled at me , i was confused because there there was no such character in original work , so thought it was wither butterfly or alternate universe , so i used my cheat with allow me to observe anyone or anything , 

{Name - Rex Voidfall 

Race - Unknown Dragon 

Magic affinity - All Genesis 

Aether affinity - Genesis

Mana level - Unknown

power level - Unknown ]

I was confused because i never saw anyone with such affinity It means his affinity must be very high and what's with his race he is a fucking dragon and unknown at which i confused that how can a dragon be present here , during this time king and queen asked me many questions , I answered them And then virion took me as his disciple, 

Next day we went to Rinia Darcassan Tessia's Grandaunt to communicate with my parents 

<POV ends> 

< Rex POV> 

Arthur went to Rinia to talk to his parents and i was in training field with tessia , I decided to Awaken her mana circuit rather then mana core because mana core has it's own limitations , was sitting on back side of tessia and said , 

" Now i will awaken your mana circuit it will be painful but endure it " 

" hmm , but will really be able to use magic without forming mana core " 

" Yes , because mana core will only limit your growth " 

" Okay " 

then I used my mana to enter her mana circuit tessia growled in pain but endured it after three minutes her mana circuit was awakened and was briming from mana and was absorbing mana from me since my mana was in purest form so her mana circuit were very good and mana was flowing without any problem , 

Then i hugged tessia because she was crying from pain and comforted her and told her to try to form mana ball in her hand , 

Tessia let my shirt which was wet from her tears , tessia was embarrassed her but she formed mana ball in her hand which formed without mush problem , But was dispersed after 7 seconds because of her mana control , she looked at me and said , 

" Rex i was able to use mana did you see that " 

With happy smile , 

" Yes I saw this you have done well and from now on i will teach you how to practice mana control and spells " 

Then i start training her mana control and spells which she can cast with little mana i mean her mana is only 900 Although it was very high and 9 times more then current arthur because of my mana , then after 2 Hours Virion returned with arthur , 

Slowly time passed months passed Arthur tired to befriend tessia many times but tessia refused , when i asked her about this she said , 

" Why do i need befriend him when i can feel his emotions towards you are not good " 

Yes in last 6 months Tessia's mana was increased and was almost same as virion which is impressive after her mana surpassed 5000 she was able to feel other's nature and emotions via natural mana around them , 

Now i was thinking about giving tessia a familiar so decided to give her on next birthday, I'm going to give her kun peng because she mostly used water magic and was agility type mage . 

Soon months passed and I found a child Kun peng in a near by universe of cultivators and used Yog-Sothortz with the help of Athena providing coordinates and gave it to tessia on her birthday and told her that this is a very powerful beast , then she used magic contract to form contract with kun peng , 

Then slowly 2 years passed and tessia turned 9 years old girl and when virion asked her to show him her magic which he found 2 months ago when tessia was practicing at which he was shocked because he never saw someone using magic without mana core , to which i answered that it was me who helped her using my family technique and when i removed concealment rune from tessia , his eyes almost popped out of circuit beacuse tessia suppressed him in mana her mana reached 28000 in last 2 years which highest after dragons . 

He questioned me but i just ignored him to which he didn't ask further beacuse he know that i will not answer him . so the day when portal to human kingdom opened .