
Extra Xu Luanle’s red string of fate (3)

A while ago—no, a long time ago—also no. Let’s say…who knew how long ago Xu Luanle met a new friend.

Compared to other women, she was strange, just as he was considered strange compared to other men. However, a strange man such as Xu Luanle and a strange woman such as ‘Yue Huiling’ would never care. As long as it did not cause trouble for others, they were satisfied with living their lives how they wanted.

If someone asked how much Xu Luanle loved his ailaine, Yue Huiling would answer, ‘as much as she loved her sword.’ The two new friends knew that they loved what the teachings of the old would never agree with. Women must be soft and sweet. Men must be brave and heroic. Heh. Let others adhere to those words.