
Transmigration: Revenge Of The Fallen Heir

5-6 chapters Weekly ****** (Original name- Vanquisher: Monarch Of Beginning) Kaizer’s only solace in his life after 11 years of suffering was the parents who adopted him. The love, joy, and happiness they brought him were everything in the world to him. Kaizer’s life took a dramatic turn when his parents were killed in front of his very eyes. In rage and anger, he set out on revenge, but the result of fulfillment was filled with bitter death. But is death the end of everything? Awakening in an unfamiliar place and regaining his memories as he realized his past as Kaizer Aster, a character in the novel he once read, he set out on the quest to rescue his mother. But his world turns upside down when he realizes that the who was the reason for his suffering is also alive in this world. With anger and fury in his heart, he led on the path to revenge and rescuing his mother. A path that will unknowingly be the beginning of his realizing his fate as the fallen heir. ****** Join the story of Kaizer Aster as he traverses through all the obstacles in a quest to save his mother and realizes his destiny under the guidance of the ancient king. The path of a character who would have died as a discard to the course of a ruler. {The start might be a bit slow with some flashbacks, but please tag along .} ****** [Discord server: https://discord.gg/RwpjjUX3]

moon_light_02 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

Chapter 24[Underground]

[WARNING! The following chapters could be disturbing for some people, so please read at your own risk.]

[Third person POV]

"Jackson, how many do we have this time?" a middle-aged man questioned in a deep and gravelly as he sat on his elevated position on a makeshift throne constructed from salvaged crates and debris.

Though still gritty and dimly lit, the chamber showed signs of makeshift infrastructure, with sturdy platforms and walkways crafted from salvaged materials.

The faint hum of generators echoed off the damp walls, powering the sparse lighting throughout the space. Despite its underground location, there was an air of functionality and purpose, as if the group of vulgar had transformed the subterranean environment into a rough but functional base of operations.

The solitary lights flickered across his weathered features, carving deep shadows that accentuated the lines of his face and the unwavering greedy gleam in his eyes, asserting his maliciousness over those assembled below.

"It's been better this week, Boss. We have acquired more rare commodities than in the past few weeks. We will fetch a good price for them." Jackson replied in a sly voice with a grin plastered on his face.

"Rare? Which one more did we get?" the Boss questioned as he leaned forward in his seat.

"Elves, boss. We came across an elven group isolated from their camp, and we acquired around 50 elves. The number of women and children is higher in number among them. We also acquired 20 werewolf children and ten dwarves as well. We were able to kidnap them and make a run for it." Jackson explained in excitement as he licked his lips in exasperation.

"Excellent. Any mishaps?" A grin spread across Dominic's face as he heard these words.

"Nothing major, Boss. Some men were somewhat frustrated and used some of the goods. But we have kept a special one for your use." Jackson answered in a sly tone.

"I think I had mentioned not to damage the goods," Dominic growled in a slightly angered voice as he glared at Jackson.

Jackson retreated in fear and trembled slightly.

The other men burst into laughter, watching his trembling figure.

"Haha." Even Dominic laughed, a grin spreading across his face.

"Since they are already damaged, make good use of them. I will stop by to use mine." He said as he stopped laughing.

The other men continued to chuckle as they continued their work, oblivious to the presence of the figure listening to their entire conversation.

"Dominic Voss, huh?" Kaizer muttered under his breath as he crouched in the ceiling gaps.

[Who is that?]

'In the book, he would eventually become a bigshot. He dealt with the dark side of society, illegal slavery, and other businesses. It was good that I read his character history well because he was in this city early on.'

[So why are we here? Is sneaking out worth it to be here?]

'You ask why after hearing that? Sneaking out when Fiona isn't here shouldn't be that big of a problem.'

[I genuinely don't understand your reason. Are you trying to]

'Shh, don't talk'

"Boss, about the twins and their sister, do we still need to keep them separately?" Jackson questioned as he finally adjusted to his fear.

"They haven't contacted us for many weeks, so the payment is delayed. They are probably abandoning them because they are no longer useful. I think I will have a taste of their sister in front of those troublesome brats to teach them a lesson and sell those boys to some rich fat pervert." Dominic said as he thought about Jackson's question for a minute.

'Jackpot, we found the twins.'


'Dominic was rather famous for a different reason. Even though he is mentioned as a bigshot in the novel, his death is portrayed as the most gruesome one. The reason for that was the twins, famous criminals associated with the criminal syndicate 'J.' Although they were punishing criminals, the fact that they didn't come under the United Vanguard, the association that has a major say in world affairs, because, in hindsight, it's just the coalition or collection of the royalties and households. They antagonized UV, thus making them and their members a group of highly classified villains.'

[So, why are we here? To recruit them?]

'No, my main goal is to eliminate Dominic. Please don't overlook the core of the conversation; the words they used undoubtedly point toward slaves. These people collaborated with the demons on a large scale to supply testing materials, including specimens from various races. In fact, there's a demonic contractor among them.'

[Who? Dominic?]

'No, Jackson is the demonic contractor, or he might become one.'

[Wait, you mean the guy who retreated in fear? He looks more like a scaredy cat to me.]

'Yeah, it's just a guess though.'

[What's the reasoning behind that guess?]

'He took the mantle for the organization after Dominic was dead. I highly doubt he could do it without a demon contract or being a cunning human. Either way, eliminating all of them is the goal.'

[So, how are we going to go about this? You did set up the arrowhead mechanisms, but they will only work if you hit the vitals. The members are randomly scattered, so positioning them according to the arrow setup is nearly impossible.]

Kaizer and Grade continued their bickering while simultaneously monitoring Dominic and Jackson moving.

"I should show those brats the real hell as I play with their sister." Dominic had a maniacal grin as he addressed Jackson.

"But wouldn't we face the wrath of our client?" Jackson trembled as he questioned Dominic in fear.

"Them? They haven't contacted us for over a month after receiving the initial deposit. We lost many members because they didn't give us details regarding the guards for these siblings." Dominic retorted in anger as he remembered the sacrifices they had to make to kidnap the siblings.

"But what if they retaliate if we do something irreconcilable?" Jackson questioned in fear.

"It doesn't matter. We have to cross paths with them in the future, and besides, I always wanted to have a taste of that girl when we kidnapped her."

Dominic and Jackson moved as they headed towards the prisoner's room.

They occasionally encountered the members who bowed in respect towards Dominic in respect.

The gang members, hardened and wary, moved with purpose and precision.

Their voices were low and hushed, filled with a tense urgency as they did their business.

In the deeper recesses of this underground lair, beyond the main chamber where the gang conducts its illegal operations, lay a darker, more sinister area reserved for the prisoners.

This part of the subterranean network was even more decrepit and foreboding.

The air here is stifling and rank, carrying the unmistakable decay and human misery stench.

The walls were slick with moisture, and mold grew unchecked in the dim, oppressive environment. The narrow passage leading to the prisoners' holding area is lined with old, rusted pipes, some of which leak foul-smelling liquids that pool on the uneven floor, adding to the overall sense of neglect and abandonment.

The holding area was a series of small, dank cells carved roughly into the stone, each secured with heavy iron bars spotted with rust.

Inside these cells, the prisoners huddle in the shadows, their faces pale and gaunt from lack of sunlight and proper nourishment. Their clothes were tattered, and their eyes were haunted with fear and hopelessness.

A single, flickering bulb hangs from the ceiling in the center of the room, casting a weak, yellowish light that barely penetrates the gloom.

The cells were sparsely furnished, with little more than dirty straw mats on the floor serving as beds. Chains and manacles were bolted to the walls, a grim reminder of the captives' utter lack of freedom.

Beyond the squalid cells holding the majority of the prisoners lay a slightly more habitable chamber where two brothers and their sister were confined.

This room, though still far from comfortable, offered a stark contrast to the harsh conditions of the general holding area.

The chamber was more extensive and cleaner, with stone walls that were more carefully hewn and less afflicted by dampness and mold. The air was marginally fresher here, likely due to a concealed ventilation shaft allowing a faint draft to circulate, reducing the oppressive humidity in the underground labyrinth.

A pair of narrow beds with thin, intact mattresses were placed along the walls. The siblings shared these beds, alternating their use to ensure everyone got some rest. In the corner of the room was a small wooden table and a couple of rickety chairs where they could sit and converse.

A dim, steady light bulb, far more reliable than the flickering ones in the other parts of the complex, hung from the ceiling, casting a warmer glow that softens the harsh stone surroundings.


'We have already gathered the necessary pieces. Let's start.'

[Wait, what's the plan?]

'There's no plan. It will just be a play.'



[A/N: What's up? Any idea where this story is going? Comment your thoughts, add the novel to your library, and donate power stones if you want to. Have a good day ahead.]