
Chapter 1, part 4.

Two, three, eight people huh.

I felt the presence of someone around my and Reinhard's camp.

I looked at the map there were eight white dots, they didn't seem to have any evil intentions and maybe they just wanted to watching both of us.


"Oh, you noticed it too, didn't you, Reinhard."

It's no surprise that he noticed, since he's a solo B rank adventurer. So he is very sensitive to situations like this.

In this new world, the rank of adventurers is determined by how experienced they are. Just like the adventurer ranking in the HVV game.

"But it seems like they're just observing us, Luna. What do you think?"

"Hm, right. I wonder who they are,"

Yeah , acting like someone who doesn't know is better than someone who knows.

I actually already know the number and there was also a group of them coming from the north when I saw it on the map.

They might just be traders or maybe travelers who will take the same route as me.

"Just call them, Reinhard. I feel bad if they keep observing me all night."

Yes, who also wants to be constantly observed by many people while relaxing.

"Okay, then I'll approach them first. Are you okay if I leave you for a moment?"

"Yes, be careful Reinhard," I replied.

Reinhard approaching the scouts, he raised both hands to signal them.

That indicated that he had no intention of fighting and wanted to have a good talk.

I didn't care what they would do, as long as they does not interfere with my life in this new world. So I don't need to deal with them and can ignore them in the future.

Looking at the power structure in this new world, I am increasingly convinced that the power here is below the level of the power in the game.

But for that, I still haven't gotten any proof of the truth and maybe I'll dig into it slowly from now on.


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After waiting a little longer.

Luna then looked towards the main road, there was a group that was going to pass by her campsite.

Luna could guess that they were a group of traders carrying a lot of luggage.

There were carriages pulled by horses and some were pulled and pushed by ordinary people.

"Slaves? So in this world there is still a system of slavery yes," thought Luna when she saw someone pulling the cart.

Luna then looked at them again carefully, especially one of the very luxurious horse-drawn carriages. There was Reinhard sitting next to the coachman who was driving the horse-drawn carriage.

"Luna!" Reinhard called by waving his hand at Luna.

"Yes, Reinhard. Looks like they're not bandits, huh."

After Luna answered Reinhard's call, she immediately got down and ran towards Luna who was sitting beside her. fireplace.

"They are the biggest company in this kingdom, Luna," he said, telling Luna about the identity of the group.

After the group stopped near their campsite, the door to the train car that Luna had been paying attention to opened and revealed a bald man who was a little fat inside.

"I apologize to you, Miss, because I did something rude to you and sent my guards to watch over the two of you," said the bald man.

Even though his body is a little fat, the man's leadership aura is very authoritative and firm. The bald man's authority amazed Luna a little.

"Yes, it's okay. Prevention is better than resolution. So it's okay," replied Luna in a formal tone.

To be honest, Luna would be very embarrassed if faced with someone who is too formal like that bald man.

"Allow me to introduce myself, I am the owner of the Morgan family company."

Morgan introduced himself to Luna in too formal language again, this made him a little confused. Luna is uncomfortable because Luna also has to be formal with her to maintain her good name in this world.

"He really looks like a nobleman. I hate him a little," thought Luna then continued to introduce herself.

"My name is "That's Luna. There's no need to be too formal with me, Mr. Morgan. Because I'm still much younger than you," replied Luna, changing her tone camp at this place? This place seems very ideal for camping."

"Yes, oh yes Mr. Morgan. Please," replied Luna, inviting the Morgan family group to camp near her place.

After that conversation, Morgan immediately told his men to set up tents there.

On the other hand, Morgan, Reinhard and Luna were having fun drinking together while talking casually with laughter.

The three of them were like old friends having a school reunion regardless of their respective statuses and jobs.

The relationship between adventurers and traders wasn't too bad, because they needed each other.

Traders employ adventurers and adventurers receive payment from them, a routine that often occurs considering the difference in their professions.

"Do you want to buy a horse, Mr. Morgan? I happen to have several war horses looted from the bandits I defeated previously."

Because Luna had the opportunity to remove her shackles at this time, she immediately offered the horses she looted to Morgan.

"Who knows what they might sell for? Right, because this Morgan also seems to be short of horses because it was robbed by bandits this afternoon. I'd like to offer him some help, no? Money is more important, in my opinion,"  Luna thought.


"Yes, horses. You've heard it yourself from your guards, right?"

"Yes, indeed. But a war horse was something very valuable and very expensive. Are you serious about selling it to me?" He said in a surprised tone.

Morgan did not expect that he would be offered a very valuable war horse to sell for free.

War horses and ordinary horses have a significant difference, not only in terms of physical strength. War horses are famous for their bravery and can traverse any terrain.

"Yes, that's because I have too many. Meanwhile I only used one and the other seven had to be driven without a driver. That bothered me a bit too. So I want to sell it to you, okay... Maybe I'm also sorry for you because you were attacked by bandits this afternoon?"

And I also want the money, that's what Luna wanted to say. But she decided against it because that will definitely make the price of the horse go down even more.

It's like selling goods. The price of an item is determined by how much it is needed by the seller and the buyer.

"Wait, wait? How much does it cost each one?"

Morgan was starting to get a little suspicious about the price that Luna would offer, he then asked the price of the horse with searching eyes.

Luna thought for a moment about the price of one war horse.

"If he was a little reluctant at first, there was a possibility that the price of this horse was very expensive. Hmm..." Luna thought then,

"10 gold coins per horse?" Luna replied in a flat tone.

"You seriously want to sell it for that price?"

Morgan was very surprised by Luna set the price and asked more clearly.


Behind her poker face, Luna was actually more surprised than Morgan's question just now.

She was afraid of pronouncing the price wrong which was too expensive, he also wanted to anticipate the possibility of being looked down upon because he didn't know the price of the war horse.

"5 Large gold coins?"

"Oh, large gold coins anyway. Sorry for doubting you, Miss Luna. You don't need to lower the price. I will buy it with 100 large gold coins for the eight warhorses you offered me."

"Wow, what did he say? 100 large gold coins?" Luna thought in surprise when she heard the price offered by Morgan.

According to the information Luna got from the maid Anne, 1 gold coin was enough to support a family of 5 people for one year. And now Luna will get 100 large gold coins.

Luna was a little shocked after finding out about this, but she didn't show that shocked expression on her face.

"How is Miss Luna? Are you ready?"

"Y-yes, that's fine."

"Also, prepare the money. "

"Yes sir."

Morgan ordered his servant to bring money to buy Luna's horse.

After they carried out the horse trading transaction, they then celebrated with alcohol provided by Morgan during the night

The moonlight illuminates their campsite which depicts Luna's happy mood because she has accumulated a lot of money for her life in this new world.

"Add more, Miss Luna."

"Yes , please,"

Morgan poured a drink into Luna's cup, Luna happened to meet the merchant.

Luna also offered a set of tea cups along with a teapot and tray made of silver with a very elegant design.

~ ~According to Luna, these tools are just rubbish that has been deleted and stored in her inventory wastebasket.

Luna is basically a very calculating player, she keeps the items she loots in the game and uses the wastebasket to bought and sold during certain events.

Luna recovered the items in her wastebasket and then sold them to Morgan for a fairly high price.

On the other hand, Morgan was also very interested in the design of a tea set and bought it on a whim. willingly without the slightest suspicion.

"Yes, I didn't expect that this cup would get such a high price in this world. I still have many other useless items in my waste basket. Maybe I'll sell it one day to Morgan. Or another trading company," thought Luna, wanting to get excess profits from selling these trash items.

For Luna, a player who often fights, cups of tea are not important for her.

Luna is also a little grateful about that, but still he still had doubts in his heart.

This concerned the background he applied to Luna's previous character to search for his lover.

That background was pressing heavily on his mind even though he didn't want to think about it, the more he kept thinking about it. And that's what made him feel a little uncertain at the moment.


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After the sun rose, Luna and the others immediately continued their journey to the Emerald City.

But in another place, the group did not realize that they were being watched from very far away.

"What about the results of their reconnaissance? "

An old man in a black robe with a white star on it was observing Morgan's company group.

"It went smoothly, boss, but, it's just that," replied the subordinate who reported the results of his reconnaissance, but he stopped the last sentence because There was something he didn't expect.

"What happened?"

"Half of the 20 people sent to monitor Morgan's trading company have disappeared from the designated line," replied his subordinate.

"Hm, who do you think is hunting them?"

"It's probably the male adventurer who came with him, but there's also the possibility of a girl who just came with him."

"Is that so? that girl, huh. I want to see it with my own eyes,"

The old man then looked at the square-shaped magic screen depicting Luna's group and the others.

But when the old man wanted to move the screen closer to see Luna's face, the screen suddenly went out as if there was a network problem connecting the image on the screen to the group's location.

"Hooh, that girl seems to catch my attention a little," he muttered and he then looked at his subordinates who were kneeling in front of him .

The old man then cut open his own stomach and sucked out all of his men and ate them.

This was done to remove traces of himself so as not to be detected by the girl.

"Now I will report this to Miss young," he said then he immediately disappeared from the place.

Will Luna be the target of bad people again?