
Transmigration into Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s

I don’t own any of the Yu-Gi-Oh series or it’s games all credit goes to their rightful creators and I suggest checking them out if this series interests you. This is a passion based project with various upload times depending on how I’m feeling or what’s going on in my life. I’ll try to upload somewhat consistently but don’t get too hopeful because anything can happen.

Kenai12_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Yusei vs. Greiger

Announcer: "The time has come! Both duelists have activated Speed World! Which means that normal spell cards can no longer be used! Duelists can only use speed spells which correspond with their Speed Counters (SC)! Now! Turbo Duelists...ACCELERATE!!!"

With the signal of the countdown timer as well as the announcer, Yusei and Greiger tore down the track with Yusei earning the first corner and the first move.

Yusei: "Let's see what you've got Greiger! I summon Sonic Chick in defense mode! I'll also place three face downs and end my turn!" 1 SC

Greiger: "If that's all you've got Yusei then I'm disappointed. I was told you were good so you better be taking this seriously! I summon Trap Reactor Y FI in attack mode! Now! Trap Reactor take out the Sonic Chic! *BOOOOOM*...I end my turn with two face downs, your move Yusei!" 2 SC

Yusei: "I'll summon Shield Wing in defense mode!...Sorry to disappoint but that's all for now make your move Greiger!" 3 SC

Greiger: "I was hoping for more Yusei. Oh well, I sacrifice Trap Reactor in order to bring out, Summon Reactor SK! Summon Reactor SK attack that Shield Wing!" 4 SC

Yusei: "Sorry Greiger but up to twice per turn if Shield Wing is going to be destroyed by battle it isn't so your attack failed! So you'll have to try harder Greiger!"

Greiger: "Fine then, I guess I'll activate my face down Smashing Ground to end my turn! So say goodbye to your Shield Wing!"

4000 LP 4 SC : 4000 LP 1 SC


Yusei: "Alright then Greiger but it'll take more than that to keep me down! I summon Junk Synchron in attack mode!" 4000 LP 5 SC : 4000 LP 2 SC

Greiger: "Since you summoned a monster Summon Reactor SK's ability activates! Dealing you 800 points of damage!"

Yusei: "Agh! That's fine! Since I successfully summoned Junk Synchron I can bring back a level two or lower monster from my graveyard! So I choose Shield Wing! Now Junk Synchron tune with Shield Wing! I Synchro Summon! JUNK WARRIOR! Now Junk Warrior attack his Summon Reactor SK!" 3200 LP 5 SC: 4000 2 SC

Greiger: "That's more like it Yusei! However, your monsters aren't the only ones with special abilities! Since you summoned a monster this turn Summon Reactor can stop one of you attacks Yusei!"

Yusei: "Fine then! I'll just wait until my next turn! I place one card face down, your move Greiger!"

Greiger: "Sorry Yusei! But there is no "next turn" for you because I summon Spell Reactor RE in attack mode! But I'm not done yet! I activate Call of the Haunted and resurrect Trap Reactor Y FI! Now that I have Summon, Spell , and Trap Reactor on my field I can send them to the graveyard and summon FLYING FORTRESS SKY FIRE in attack mode! But before I attack I activate SKY FIRE's special ability! By sending a card from my hand to the graveyard I can destroy one card on your side of the field! So say goodbye to your Junk Warrior! SKY FIRE attack Yusei directly!"

3200 LP 6 SC : 4000 LP 3 SC

Yusei: "You may have destroyed my Junk Warrior but I still have my face down card...Scrap Iron Scarecrow! This allows me to stop your monsters attack!"

Greiger: "Fine Yusei I'll place a face down for now and end my turn."

Yusei: "Alright first I'll place this card face down-"

3200 LP 7 SC : 4000 LP 4 SC

Greiger: "Sorry Yusei but I activate another one of SKY FIRE's special abilities! When you set a spell or trap on the field I can destroy it and deal another 800 points of damage!"

As Yusei took even more direct damage his arm started to glow! Which made Goodwin and Lazar quite happy with the idea of the Crimson Dragon possibly appearing during the Fortune Cup! But Greiger and Yusei were so focused on the duel they either didn't notice or cared more about their duel!

Yusei: "Gahh! Fine! Then I summon out Nitro Synchron in attack mode! Next I activate the speed spell Vision Wind from my hand! This allows me to special summon another monster from my graveyard and I choose Shield Wing! And now I'll activate my face down...the Give and Take trap card! I now summon Junk Synchron onto your side of the field and add its level to Shield Wing's! Nitro Synchron tune with Shield Wing and SYNCHRO SUMMON...NITRO WARRIOR...LET'S REV IT UP! Since I used Nitro Synchron to summon Nitro Warrior I get to draw one card! Now Nitro Warrior attack Flying Fortress SKY FIRE!"

2400 LP 5 SC : 4000 LP 4 SC

Greiger: "Did you hit your head Yusei?! Your monster is no match for SKY FIRE!"

Yusei: "He was before but since I played a spell card this turn he gains 1000 attack points!"

Greiger: "1000?! But that means!!!"

Yusei: "Yes it does! Now Nitro Warrior destroy SKY FIRE!!!" *BOOOOOM*

2400 LP 5 SC : 4000 LP 4 SC

Geiger: "Well played Yusei! But before you destroyed SKY FIRE I activated my trap...Fake Explosion! This saves SKY FIRE from being destroyed and I can special summon, Summon Reactor SK to my field!"

Yusei: "Sorry Greiger but our duel ends here! Since Nitro Warrior can change one monster on your field from defense mode to attack mode and strike again!"

Greiger: "I'll still have LP left Yusei so this isn't the end! NOT YET!"

Yusei: "Sorry Greiger but I activate my other face downs! The first one is Speed Force which prevents my monsters from being destroyed by spells or traps this turn! And my other two face downs are...Speed Energy and Silver Contrails! Which gives Nitro Warrior an extra 1800 ATK points!"

2400 LP 3 SC : 3200 LP 4 SC

Greiger: "You're joking!!!!"



Announcer: "IT'S OVERRR!!! Yusei powers through Greiger's strongest monster and has moved onto the next round!!! YOUR WINNER IS YUSEI FUDO!!"

Despite the amazing performance from both duelists the crowd was still against Yusei moving on and they weren't afraid to show it. He was greeted with BOOS and insults from the crowd while very few cheered for the amazing duel they'd just seen with Yusei's hard fought win over Greiger.

After Yusei and Greiger shared some words Greiger drove his duel runner towards Goodwin's Tower! Unlike the cannon he didn't hijack the speakers in the crowd but instead launched himself towards Goodwin! Yusei still stopped him but this time around Greiger didn't even get the chance to launch a spinning spike at Goodwin either which Kai was looking forwards to seeing!

Kai: "Looks like my involvement hasn't changed the main plot but rather the smaller details where most won't matter in the long run. I wonder if the Voice is responsible for these changes or if I caused them? Either way that was exciting! And all before the second round even started! I wonder what else could happen?"

As Kai said this Greiger was being taken away and Yusei was walking back to the waiting area to relax and watch the other duels. Kai got up to follow him but stopped when he saw a familiar face a few seats away from him. Amelia!!!