
Transmigration into Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s

I don’t own any of the Yu-Gi-Oh series or it’s games all credit goes to their rightful creators and I suggest checking them out if this series interests you. This is a passion based project with various upload times depending on how I’m feeling or what’s going on in my life. I’ll try to upload somewhat consistently but don’t get too hopeful because anything can happen.

Kenai12_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Fortune Cup Begins

It's the day of the Fortune Cup and the people of New Domino are flooding into the stadium where they expect to see intense duels between the best of the best before seeing Jack duel once again.

Kai: "So, this is where everything begins. I expected it to be a little more special not gonna lie."

As Kai was walking through the entrance for contestants he drew some of the attention from the people pouring into the stadium that were still in line.

Spectator 1: "Hey look! Is he dueling in the Fortune Cup?! I've never seen him before."

Spectator 2: "Me neither, but you have to remember only some of the best duelists are chosen to participate so he must be good! I'm not even in my seat yet and I'm excited!"

As Kai entered the arena he started looking for Yusei and his friends before the cup started when an all too familiar voice called out to him.

Yusei: "Hey Kai over here!"

Kai: "Oh! There you are Yusei I've been looking for you."

Yusei: "I wouldn't doubt it this place is huge. Hurry up it's about to start."

Yusei led Kai back to his group of friends where a few kids were also gathered waiting for them to arrive.

Leo: "Hey stranger where did you go?! Did you have some hero business to take care of?!"

Yusei: "No, I had to bring a friend with us. Leo, Luna, and umm Dexter this is my friend Kai. He'll be dueling in the tournament as well."

Leo: "Awesome!!! Then that means your good, like Stranger here! It doesn't matter because I'm going to win!"

Yusei: "Slow down there champ we need to know who we're dueling first. Right Kai?"

Kai: "Right! You can't duel without an opponent! So hold on a little longer Leo it's almost time."

Bolt: "He's right kid. You all need to get ready, so we'll see you later good luck you guys!"

Yusei: "Thanks. Let's go you two, we wouldn't want to be late for the opening ceremony."

As the three left to take their places the crowd had already seen Jack's little over the top stunt with his/Yusei's duel runner and it was time for the crowd to see the duelists that would be participating in the Fortune Cup.

Announcer: "Ladies and Gentlemen! It's time to introduce to you...THE FORTUNE EIGHT!!!!!!"

As the crowd began their cheers eight people now stood on the stage facing the large crowd.

Announcer: "They are! The Mysterious Shira, Greiger, Commander Coda, The Lovely Miss Luna, Kai, Akiza Izinski, Sir Randsborg, and Yusei Fudo!!!"

The crowd cheers soon turned to insults and boos as they saw Yusei's mark from The Facility and started to chastise him for being from the Satellite so Kai decided to have some fun.

Kai: "Hey Mr. Announcer can I use your microphone?"

Announcer: "Sure just please take care of it."


With Kai's interference the crowd became silent as all eyes were now on Kai as he continued.

Kai: "Did you all come here to watch some duels or did you come here to antagonize someone for where they came from?!?! We don't care about that! All we care about is that these people that share the stage with us are fellow duelists! All we see is our common goal...to win The Fortune Cup! So shut up all of you ungrateful, spoiled, and stupid sheep and let us do what we came here to do...LET'S DUEL!!!!!"

After a few seconds of silence the sound of applause could be heard from someone on stage. Greiger! This would be followed by Director Goodwin before the entire stadium was filled with applause. This earned Kai a few smiles from the other duelists and a grateful look from Yusei.

Greiger: "Well said young man. Consider me impressed, I hope you duel as well as you talk!"

Greiger exclaimed in pure excitement.

Sir Randsborg: "Yes. Truly a noble statement!"

Kai stepped back in line after handing back the microphone to as Goodwin began his cannon speech from the anime. Kai tuned out all of the speech since he'd already heard it until the announcer was about to show the matchup board.

Announcer: "These are the duelists who will battle it out face to face in order to reach Jack Atlas! However, this year Director Goodwin has decided to forget about the six card limit and allow contestants to use SEVEN cards in their hand!(Including first draw so six plus one when their first turn starts)

Now! These are who our duelists will be facing so take a good look because the first match begins now! Yusei Fudo vs. Greiger!!!"

Kai: "Well lucky you Yusei you get to warm up the crowd! Good luck!"

With this Kai left for the stands since his match was two matches after Yusei's, with Akiza dueling second against The Mysterious Shira, Kai dueling Sir Randsborg in the third round, and Leo/Luna dueling Commander Coda in the final match. Kai was happy some of the opponents were changed around a bit from the original story since it made it a little more enjoyable to watch. He also wanted to see if Yusei's duel was going to be as intense as it was with Greiger in cannon the first time they dueled. Either way the Fortune Cup is under way and not even Kai knows what's going to happen!!!"