
Transmigration into Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s

I don’t own any of the Yu-Gi-Oh series or it’s games all credit goes to their rightful creators and I suggest checking them out if this series interests you. This is a passion based project with various upload times depending on how I’m feeling or what’s going on in my life. I’ll try to upload somewhat consistently but don’t get too hopeful because anything can happen.

Kenai12_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

A Friend Indeed

Kai: "Hey Akiza! You ready for your duel?"

Akiza: "Why are you talking to me? Just leave me alone, it's not like I know you."

Kai: "You do know your psychic society friend is using you for his own personal agenda right?"

Akiza: "How could you say that?! Sayer is the only person who's ever helped me! No one wants anything to do with someone they can't control! The Arcadia Movement is the only thing that I have so how would Sayer or anyone else from the movement be using me?!?!"

Kai: "It's simple Akiza, when Sayer found you weren't you isolated and angry at everyone else around you? Also, didn't he see how strong you and your gift were before he tried to approach you?"

Akiza: "First of all, this 'power' of mine is NOT a 'gift' it's a curse! Secondly, he approached me because no one else saw me for who I am! He's the only one who treated me like a normal person!"

Kai: "Akiza open your eyes! He approached you because you were alone and desperate for companionship, not because you needed a friend but because he needed your powers and he saw how easy it would be to manipulate you to his advantage!"

Akiza: "What would you know?! You weren't there and you don't know what it's like to be alone! Having all of your friends and family turn their backs on you all because of something you didn't ask for!"

At this point in their 'conversation' Akiza's powers were starting to spike and stir up their surroundings as if a hurricane was trapped inside the room with them. Normal people would be freaking out but Kai was calm since this is what he wanted to happen.

Kai: "I may not have been there when your family and friends turned their backs on you but I know what it's like to be alone! Even though your friends and family turned their backs on you at least you met your parents! I was alone for most of my childhood having never met my parents and having to scavenge for food just to survive!!!"

Although Kai twisted the facts a little bit it was still true since he wanted to be transmigrated as an orphan but from the perspective of Akiza these facts were all she needed to know.

Akiza: "Th-Then why are you trying to turn me against the one thing that has made me happy?! If you really understand then why are you saying that Sayer and the movement are taking advantage of me?!"

Kai: "Because Sayer and the movement only care about you for your psychic powers while there are other people out there who would see you as their real friend you idiot! I understand you aren't trusting of many people so instead I'll ask you to place just a little of your trust in me, so I can show you that not everyone will abandon you or use you!"

Akiza: "Why should I trust you?! If what you're saying is right, which it isn't! Then how would I know that you aren't trying to use me as well?!"

Kai: "Because Akiza I don't care about your powers all I care about is being something you've needed for a long time....a friend Akiza, I could be your friend."

As Kai finished saying what was on his mind Akiza's face turned from angry to shocked as her powers slowly but surely began to die down stopping the small hurricane from further destroying the room.

Kai: "Once you tell Sayer about our conversation he'll tell you about my past and who I'm friends with to try and use that against me to keep you under control. Please Akiza, trust someone else one more time! After all I did just carry a conversation with you while your powers flared up. And though the entire conversation did I flinch or back away in fear?"

Kai finished with a small smile on his face as realization dawned on Akiza who was just now looking at the damage the room sustained. As Kai turned to leave the room she looked around the room taking in the destruction she caused before tears came to hers eyes as one thought raced through her head.

Akiza: [He actually treated me like a normal person! After watching my first duel and having my powers released during our conversation and he still says he wants to be my friend!]

Kai: "I'll take your silence as needing time to think by yourself. Clear your head before your duel I'd love to see what else you can do. Oh! By the way, if you think I'm the only one feeling this way just wait until you duel Yusei he's going to prove that to you that you aren't alone."

With that Kia walked through the automatic closing doors of the waiting area leaving behind a stunned Akiza and some of Sayers' psychic goons as they rushed to Akiza presumably to bring her to Sayer before her duel in order to calm down.

Kai: [Hopefully Yusei can put the final pieces in place. I'd hate to duel her in the finals instead of Yusei. She'd be challenging but I'd rather save the physical pain for when the Dark Signers Start Showing up.]

As Kai was heading back where Amelia, Bolt, Yanagi, Leo, and Luna where waiting for the next duel he had a thought that sent chills of excitement through through his body.

Kai: [If everyone else's signer opponent is the same...then who am I going to face?! Finally something other than Yusei to look forward to.]

Amelia: "Hey Kai! We saved your seat for you!"

Bolt: "What's with the smirk on your face? Looking forward to the duel?"

Luna: "I don't see how you could with Yusei being exposed to real harm he's like your brother isn't he?"

Kai: "First of all, I'm looking forward to who I'll duel in the future, secondly he'll be fine, Yusei is one of the toughest guys I know."

Kai: [Besides...he has plot armor the best form of protection in the galaxy.]

Luna: "You could still be a little worried you know."

Leo: "Hush Luna the duel is starting!"

As Leo finished his statement the announcer reappeared on stage ready to introduce the duelists for the next round.

Author: Sorry for the late update I had trouble with this dialogue for some reason. Along with me going through the motions of starting a job. From this point I'll be able to better keep to a somewhat consistent schedule thanks for reading. Also if you want romance in the story comment either Akiza, Amelia, or none. Any romance voted for will take place a little later on in the story.