
Establishing a new base and new facial recognition software.

Thea quickly clarified the truth: "That's not what you meant, it's like this..." she explained.

Felicity looked at her askew, unsure if she heard her words clearly, and said slowly, "You have plans for me..."

Ah, why did this girl suddenly become so sharp? Weren't you always confused? Thea, unknowingly, showed a surprised expression that was captured by Felicity.

"Oh, I guessed it, little Thea, you're dishonest," she grabbed the computer and began typing. "Hey, our state law actually allows this kind of marriage. Did you have a premeditated plan?"

Thea looked at Felicity stunned as she continued searching for all sorts of strange information, and occasionally heard her muttering to herself, "But you should be younger, just 16 years old. Maybe I can help you change that. Can you tell me your identity information? This firewall is crap..."

"I never thought about this kind of thing. It seems more exciting than men. Do I have some inclination in that direction?..."

"Hey, you can't go to church for this kind of marriage, but you can ignore the fact that I'm Jewish..."

She looked at Felicity talking to herself with dull eyes, her face turning red as she spoke, how did this misunderstanding arise? I just wanted her to help, how could I be understood like this! And why the hell go to a church? Where am I going?

Despite repeated explanations, Felicity still didn't believe and thought the explanation was just a cover-up, suggesting they could consider developing a relationship between the two.

To be honest, Felicity seemed a bit trustworthy, but she was actually a very attractive woman. Her stuttering was caused by her brain moving too fast and her words unable to keep up. In the original plot, Green Arrow and Atom were obsessed with her, and her strength was incredible. She also pleased him, but she just wanted her to help. It was just a feeling of being thirsty for talent. That's not a need, right?

Thea was still standing in front of her desk at this moment. Through her collar, she could see something below her neck. It looked very soft, and she didn't know how to touch it... Suddenly, she realized what she was thinking? All my thoughts were thrown into the ditch by this unscrupulous girl!

Quickly interrupting her nonsense, she began to search for a place to spend the holidays that did not violate local legal issues.

"Stop, stop, please, I just want to ask for your help. Can we talk about these things later, okay?" Thea still had the idea of ​​sacrificing her appearance to bring the IT girl to her side, be it a steel suit or anything else. No technological weapon can be separated from computer software support. Since she misunderstood... then misunderstood, she has nothing to lose anyway. As for the future Green Arrow team without computer support, it's none of her business. 

If you really feel guilty, Thea remembers there's a person in Central City with superpowers who can control bees. His computer skills are also good, second only to Felicity. She can recommend him to Oliver when the time comes. Felicity's father and ex-boyfriend is also a master among masters. Except for this attractive girl, all three heroes from Yao Fei's family can be abandoned by the Green Arrow! I'm quite generous! As for the fact that all the people mentioned above are bad people, that's not Thea's consideration.

Felicity hugged her shoulders and looked at her, "Sure, you have an intention... Tell me, what is it?"

Thea almost fainted, she had explained it twice already, but the girl didn't hear a word, she was completely absorbed in her own fantasy or imagination and didn't even hear what she said.

I could only tell her about the creation of the software department again and show her Moira's request, in case she didn't believe it.

Felicity opened her mouth and pointed to herself: "Me? What can I do?" During this period, she had just left her previous life as a hacker. Although she still hacked occasionally, it was more of a habit and she hadn't identified a future yet. Positioning is still in the stage of not knowing what to do.

Thea originally planned to do it alone, but then found that there were many problems and she couldn't solve them alone. The first assistant she thought of at that moment was Felicity, whose character was absolutely good. Although it's a little early now, the timing is still good. It's time to tell my plan. Trust and friendship are mutual!

Connecting her phone to Felicity's computer, Thea continued telling her plan. Through the conversation with Dr. Hoffman during this period, she found out the purpose of most of the equipment in the weapons department, found some props that are quite technical but not a threat to society, and combined them with her imagination., this thing appeared on Felicity's computer. The original Green Goblin skateboard from Marvel, Thea planned to dye it red and change its name to Red Arrow Skateboard!

Thea Queen originally had a title: "Red Arrow." It sounds good, so I'll stick with Red Arrow. At least she struggles with naming. So planned.

Using the rescue equipment I had seen before as the main body, I modified it. The thing can carry a load at a speed of 400 per hour, can float and fly, and fully meets my requirements. The remote control system was removed and replaced by brainwave control.

This requires another piece of equipment. It's the shark positioning helmet presented earlier. It maintains positioning ability and inversely memorizes Thea's bioelectric field to achieve the purpose of brainwave control. Felicity is needed here. Ti wrote a large number of programs to control instructions.

The last thing needed was the anti-gravity suit that made Mr. Andre become a jinchuriki. Thea calculated that this suit could fully support the pressure on internal organs at a speed of 400 per hour.

Combining the mentioned parts above can turn it into a simple version of the Red Arrow skateboard. As for the weapon system, I can only guess. These parts can be removed with excuses, but the purpose of the missiles is very unique. Besides killing people and setting fires, Thea thought. If there were no other purpose, I really had no excuse. I was only fifteen years old and didn't even have a gun license. Can I tell Moira that I would pick up two missiles and compare them to tea eggs?

This simple equipment also cost Thea a lot of effort. As for Mr. Tony Stark being able to take Mark out of the cave with a pile of scrap, Thea could only think that God opened it for him. Failed, because it really didn't comply with objective laws, and genius must have a limit!

Felicity read the drawings carefully and looked at Thea with wide eyes, "Cool! This invention is perfect! You're so smart! Let's start working on it now!"

This girl will be friends with that funny guy Cisco Ramon in the future. She's also a character passionate about technological weapons. As the saying goes, although she loves red lipstick, she loves weapons even more!

Although the plan is quite detailed, you can't exactly do what it says, but you still need to hide what should be hidden. Just because Felicity is trustworthy doesn't mean others can too.

The two first went to the Queen Enterprises Steel and Welding Company. The place was abandoned. Thea planned to make this place hers in the future. There were many above-ground facilities here, including various processing equipment and welding machines.


This factory has a big basement. I have no idea why they built it like this, but at least now it's cheaper. Thea picked out some processing equipment and welding machines that were light and usable. The two women gathered some large pieces. It took all their effort to get it onto the cart, and they stumbled in the basement.

Fortunately, both are powerful European and American women, at least a bit more powerful than Asian women in the same world. Felicity looks like a nerd, but she's actually quite tough and can be considered quite beautiful when she clenches her teeth and looks serious. She's a fierce girl. Thea has been training with Malcolm for about six months, and her strength has increased a bit. Of course, Felicity is still the hardest worker, which makes her older.

After installing all the equipment and testing it, it still works. Thea has been reading books on processing recently. She doesn't want to be an 8th level assembler or a 9th level welder like Tony, but for the sake of the future steel suit now, you don't need to be proficient; at least you need to know these basic skills.

The door leading to the basement was sealed and disguised; from now on, the external area will be the software department office, and the secret room will be the two's secret base.

The two women leaned against the wall and panted. Thea admired Oliver a little. They were both still tired as dogs. You must imagine he will do all this work alone in the future. His thick arms are really powerful!

Felicity said, unmotivated: "I'm so tired, Thea. Let's go to the hot springs!"

No chance? I still have to go! Thinking about the last experience, Thea was a little scared, but also a bit excited? Why am I so excited? She sternly rejected this corrupt behavior and decided to return and report to Moira.

She told her not to be idle. Even though she was only covering up and not planning to make anything famous, the basic structure had to be set up. The task of finding a software engineer was left to Felicity. Who makes her a top-notch hacker? I believe those she can choose are all of a certain level.

Thea was very busy in the following days, cleverly removing the few pieces of equipment she needed. At the same time, Moira reported that the software department needed powerful computers, approved a large amount of funds, went through the process of setting up black accounts, and installed a set of powerful servers for Felicity in the secret base.

That leaves the ex-hacker very excited. Surely, only what you have and then lose seems precious! Looking at Felicity's bright smile, she wouldn't mind if they asked her to do something embarrassing, right? Thea grabbed a bucket of paint, two brushes, and a sprayer and asked Felicity to clean the secret room, one wall at a time.

Thea felt she had a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Maybe future Oliver wouldn't care about the environment. He stayed in such a messy environment for over a year, but she couldn't stand it. The existence of the secret room couldn't be exposed, so they had to do the painting job.

Felicity, who was happily playing with the computer, never expected this scene. She had a master's degree from MIT and now she had to do a boring job like decorating. Thea was at her wit's end with her. This girl was so lazy. Every time, she only threw things out when they were full. If no one pushed her occasionally, she could spend her whole life eating and waiting for death.

Felicity, heartbroken, didn't refuse the proposal to paint the walls. In her eyes, it was totally optional. According to her past personality, she wouldn't do it, but when she saw Thea, a wealthy lady, she turned her back. Sleeves got stained, and she didn't seem like a delicate person, so she could only reluctantly change clothes and accompany the younger lady to paint the equipment, no, to paint the wall.

Felicity was painting while muttering, "Moving machines, installing doors, and painting walls! The advanced weapon modifications we promised are here! Liar!"

...Thea lowered her head and pretended not to hear. The environment was a mess and she really couldn't stand it. She was really worried about not being able to do the job alone, so she wanted to recruit her to help with the work. Men and women really don't have requirements for the environment. Similarly, this is also the reason why it's not easy to blend in with heroines!

It's really hard to set up a base. You see Batman just finding a cave and turning it around, but you don't see him doing something as low as painting a wall.

After some trouble, the environment really improved a lot, at least it can be seen. Thea used Felicity as a painter, gatekeeper, and decorator for two days. She really couldn't refuse the suggestion to take a hot spring bath, so she could only join her in a hot spring bath with a fearless spirit. As for the whole process, everything happened below the neck that is hard to describe won't be described in detail here.

Another month passed quickly, and the preparatory work of the software department was basically completed. Although Thea hoped to continue procrastinating like this, she really wasn't interested in the software department and the hardware department. She just started building her own skateboard. Felicity is also writing a new algorithm for brainwave collection.

Moira sternly rejected her suggestion to wait another month to prepare and told her to start working immediately.

The leader was determined to start immediately, so the two girls had no choice but to temporarily end their work. Thea took the lead and arranged a vice-director position for Felicity. It seemed impressive, but in reality, a total of three people were recruited from the group. Personally, the others either didn't have strength or stared at the two passionately, not knowing what they were thinking.

Two of the three subordinates were women. Their appearance was average, but one was thinner than the other. If they were tied up, they would be blown away by a strong wind. The other man had a soft voice and you could tell, looking at him, that he was born with insufficient male hormones and a spinal edema. Thea felt that if all the villains were like this, she could beat ten of them at once.

Thea briefly talked about how much the group valued the new department, but looking at the environment around, the empty factory building, there were several oil stains in the corners of the floor, and when the wind blew, there was a harsh noise at the windows.

Looking at the three weak men under her command, although they couldn't be compared to Malcolm's thugs who were all over the city, it's at least a start. Thea expressed her ambition to start working!

Soon Thea's first day as director of the software department passed between coffee and newspapers, because there was really nothing to do! Queen Group started as a steel casting company. It has a black-and-white relationship and a group of ruthless subordinates who can do anything for anyone. It can be said that Queen Group's startup process is anything but glorious.

It can be said that the demand for software for such a company that started in parallel is infinitely close to zero. Thea wondered if she would have to sleep during the day and work at night from now on? Although this life can be lived, it's a waste of time. Her time is very precious. A part of the first five years before the plot has already passed.

I got up dazed and went to look for Felicity, the situation now was completely opposite to that of the group. During the group, Felicity was sleeping and Thea was so busy that she hit her neck. Now Thea can't do anything. She can't set up an archery target in front of three subordinates to practice archery. If she really wants to practice, those three subordinates will have to leave.

Felicity saw no problem. There's nothing missing in her brainwave collection software and she can write it anytime. In fact, other people don't know what she's doing, they just know it seems very powerful.

When Thea stumbled to find Felicity, the girl was operating three keyboards at once, sitting in a swivel chair and typing as if she were having a seizure.

She crossed her arms and leaned against the door frame for a moment, looking at her, noticing how focused she was.

"Hey, let's grab a coffee."

Felicity replied without looking back, "Can't, busy. You can go alone."

As cruel as I may be, I can't let her work and have coffee alone... Thea grabbed a chair and sat beside her, putting her arm around her shoulders. "Take a break, I have something to show you."

Felicity stopped what she was doing and looked at her worriedly, "You're not going to do any physical work again, are you?..."

She's truly a lazy workaholic. She's been working for days and she looks drained.

Although Thea secretly criticized the quality of education at MIT, she still said, "It's an outside matter." Then she pointed to the old factory building, now empty and serving as the software department's office area.

"Should we find something to do? As an heiress, I need to have some accomplishment," Thea lamented.

"So what can we do?" What Felicity meant was: your company is a startup that emerged from a family business. Is there something that needs software optimization? To maintain its advanced status, haven't you upgraded your hardware facilities? Investing in upgrades can improve performance, right?

Thea said in a low voice, "You're not very powerful... what about that? Do you have any simple software you can sell me a copy of, so outsiders can benefit and I can easily do business?"

Felicity slapped her left hand with her right and made a face, "If you have patience, wait!" Then she found a document on the computer, clicked a few times with the mouse, and heard the printer next to her start printing. "Let's get started."

After a while, three sheets of paper were handed to Thea. "Here are some project catalogs I developed in college." "The tone was passionate at first, but then it got lower and lower."

Thea looked at those pieces of paper carefully and discovered a cruel situation. She knew all the letters on that piece of paper, but when they were put together, she didn't know what they meant. What were they all about? Isn't it incredible that you have a master's degree?

"Computer Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Calculation Formula."

"Trend Tracking and Framework Agreement for Sex and Flavor Chain."

"String Algorithm and Wavelength Identification Method."


No wonder Oliver broke up with her later. Someone who dropped out of high school was living with her, a master's degree holder. The two really had nothing in common except for the sports they loved to watch. There was no spiritual connection, and Thea felt that this must be the reason why the two eventually parted ways.

This cruel fact tells us that we should read more, otherwise we won't be able to keep up with the girl even if the protagonist has a halo around him.

Thinking of a certain detail in the plot, it seemed that there was a software that could be used, and Thea began to research it carefully.

"Pop," I clapped my hands and discovered, it's this "Cross-Facial Recognition Algorithm!"

She slapped Felicity, startling her, and turned to look at Thea as if she were crazy.

"Are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay, this..." Thea pointed to the algorithm, "How far have you studied this?"

"This is for hackers. Little Thea, please don't use this indiscriminately. It will cause trouble if you let it out," Felicity said worriedly.

"My plan is this. I don't intend to use it commercially. I plan to develop it, sell it, or hand it over to the police for use in combating criminals. How far have you researched it? Can you accurately identify the suspect?"

Felicity Smoak's facial recognition software is a favorite in the series and shines both in Arrow and The Flash. In fact, the effect is better if combined with cell phone positioning, but Thea is not ready to disclose everything. On the other hand, the cell phone positioning issue involves a lot of personal privacy. It's better not to touch this minefield with my little arms and legs.

This software is really dangerous for commercial use, but it can be used by the police or the military to enhance their reputation. After all, Queen Group's reputation wasn't very good before.

Thea has more ambitions. If she can take over Queen Group and her mother has nothing to do, she can run for senator or mayor. Her family's political base is very shallow and Moira is similar in all aspects. In Thea's past life, former First Lady of the United States and later Secretary of State Moira Queen, her way of dealing with others was very bad. At least she had the attributes of political charm. It would be very unworthy to remain in the group.

It's a bit early to say this now, but a good reputation needs to be managed gradually and maybe it will be useful someday.

At this moment, Felicity also felt that Thea's suggestion was feasible. She was a girl with a very kind heart, but at the same time couldn't stand seeing all kinds of evil. She would be attracted to the Green Arrow in the future because of the heroic actions of the Green Arrow, silently following Oliver for five years.

When Felicity learned that the software she wrote when she was a hacker could be used to fight crime, she couldn't be happier.

The two discussed for a while and finally decided that Felicity would provide the initial version of the facial recognition algorithm, and Thea would purchase her algorithm on behalf of the group and hand it over to the software department for development, with a note stating that it would not be used for commercial purposes.

The specific price had to be estimated by the group. Felicity didn't want the money at first, but Thea cruelly exposed her decadent behavior of changing three pieces of clothing a day and a pair of earrings every day, making her realize how important money was to her. But more importantly, this money can be used for building secret bases.

"Is this not money for me!?" Felicity's mouth dropped open. She always thought that Thea was trying to persuade her to give her more money. She said she didn't want it, but in her heart, she was thinking of taking it. Where are you going to spend money after you get it?

"Yeah, it's for you, at least most of it." Thea also felt a little embarrassed. Moira could turn a blind eye to others, but she was very strict with her daughter, and the money she managed was very little, and there was no chance to do anything wrong. The Red Arrow skateboard seems simple, but there are many places to spend money. It's rare to have a God-given opportunity now. As the saying goes, if God doesn't accept it, you'll suffer. You should ask for more, I really want it!

After finishing Felicity's ideological work, Thea went straight to the president's office without stopping. Seeing Moira, she boasted about the advancement of facial recognition and vaguely pointed out the importance of sending it to the police to improve their own image.

Moira's ideological consciousness is usually not high and she immediately understood Thea's intention. There was no need to discuss this matter and no one would refuse it if it could improve their own image. A million funds were approved with a stroke of the pen. As for how much money her daughter gave to Felicity in private, she didn't care. She also knew that her daughter had made a good friend recently. In her opinion, this was a good way to normalize Thea. It was a sign that things between her and Walter could gradually be put on the agenda.

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