
Transmigration in Martial Peak

Xianxia_Lover_1st · Book&Literature
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5 Chs


"Huur, what a pain, where am I, have I really been transmigrated? Whose body did I take?"

In the middle of a forest, a young man had just woken up, he asked himself countless questions, he didn't seem to be surprised but rather excited, even ignoring the searing pain in his body.

[Young man, it's time to have your wishes come true, so prepare to feel pain like never before.]

Suddenly a laughing and playful voice rang out, and then the young man whose body was already extremely injured and full of pain had several convulsions until he fainted.

There wasn't even time for the young man to think about saying anything.

Some unknown time later...

"What the hell, where am I? Huh, it doesn't hurt anymore, my body has completely healed, this power... Hahaha, I- ARRGGGHHHRR"

The young man woke up, and upon realizing that he no longer felt pain, he felt a powerful force in his own body, but he didn't have time to get excited before a terrible headache hit his head.

"Wu Cheng Yi... So I took over this guy's body, hahaha, even though he was an extra he was pretty strong for the beginning of the story, it's a shame he sought a life and death battle with the son of luck. "

The young man muttered after finding out what situation he was in. The young man's name was Ling Han, and Ling Han was a teenager like many others.

Everything he did was with pure dedication, be it his studies, games, his part-time job, even reading his favorite novels.

Ling Han put passion into everything he did, something hard to see in young people who haven't even graduated from high school.

It is a pity that a fatality happened, when Ling Han was going home after his work, he lost control of his motorcycle, the throttle seemed to be stuck.

He ended up crashing into a container while dodging a group of people, Ling Han thought that he might get out of this collision alive, anyway it would be better not to run over several innocent people.

It was a pity that he was completely wrong in his calculations, resulting in his untimely death, or one could just call it luck, a kind of cosmic entity witnessed Ling Han's actions, for some reason it gave Ling Han a second chance .

Accompanied by various wishes that Ling Han had the chance to make, be it bloodlines, physiques, techniques or treasures, Ling Han asked for everything he wanted and received almost everything, after which he was sent to the body he occupies now, in the world of Martial Peak.

Ling Han didn't wish to start at the beginning of the plot, but rather some time later, but the body he got hold of was completely random, that's the downside of advancing in the timeline, but Ling Han was still content.

"This guy was just killed by Yang Kai, I hope I don't meet him yet, I need to adapt to this body, this strength is not mine, I need to cultivate my techniques, or I might end up suffering a backlash."

Ling Han said as he thought, although this body possesses considerable strength, this strength does not belong to Ling Han, even if his cultivation realm falls, he should immediately cultivate his own techniques.

Ling Han then sat in a lotus position and pulled out the two cultivation techniques from the storage of his treasure, which by the way is the Sky Poison Pearl, Ling Han didn't let this chance slip away, placing his hand on the treasure that he believes to be the most precious. useful.

The techniques were the Dragon Transformation Scriptures, an extremely powerful technique that needs no comment, it gives those who cultivate it countless incredible abilities.

As well as the Golden Crow's Record of the Burning World, Ling Han requested it along with the full bloodline of the Golden Crow, whose bloodline was so powerful that it condensed its own physique and source once it merged with Ling Han's body.

With that, Ling Han doesn't have to fear the Corrosion caused by extreme Yang flames, thus being able to cultivate as far as his path takes him.

Ling Han didn't think of changing locations, as a fierce battle that only left destruction had just taken place, there's no chance of anything approaching that location for now, moreover, this part of the forest is very isolated.

That's why Ling Han chose to cultivate right there, he then opened the Dragon Transformation Scriptures first, reading their contents and then closing his eyes.

Ling Han made several hand signals, and then chanted the technique's formula, at that moment a constant flow of energy between the heavens and the earth began to be attracted by Ling Han.

All that energy was invading his body incessantly, if other cultivators saw such a scene, they would probably wonder about life, or if Ling Han was really human?

Ling Han felt very surprised, there was no pain, he wasn't even spitting up impurities, there was nothing uncomfortable, which was very strange.

It was then that he remembered that he wanted to completely merge with the Immortal Tree, which gave him an Immortal Body, purifying and strengthening his body to a great extent, so the side effects of the Dragon Transformation Scriptures are not happening.

But that can only be said for the side effects that cause pain and discomfort, Ling Han came to such a conclusion because he felt his cultivation base plummet.

•7th level of True Element Realm

•5th level of True Element Realm

•3rd level of True Element Realm

•1st level of True Element Realm

His cultivation base dropped from the 7th level to the 1st level of the True Element Realm in the blink of an eye, and then it leveled off, but it wasn't over yet.

Inside his body, marks and more dragon marks were forming, with each mark that appeared Ling Han felt his body become stronger, this process took a few more minutes, finally stopping at 142 full dragon marks.

When Ling Han was about to open his eyes to try cultivating the other technique, he got a big surprise, at this time he received a lot of additional information.

According to such information, Ling Han obtained the technique's recognition, reaching the first stage and unleashing the first two skills. Are they:

*True Dragon Fire* This skill is as the name says, Ling Han can now generate and manipulate draconic fire, this is a very powerful and formidable flame.

*True Dragon Palm* This is the second ability provided by the technique, it consists of transforming the cultivator's entire arm into a dragon arm, and then delivering an extremely powerful and tyrannical palm strike. Also being able to switch between Fist or Claws.

Simply put, this is a wonderful skill, something that made Ling Han very satisfied and happy, he didn't expect to reach such a level on his first try.

Ling Han then resolved to cultivate his other technique right away, seizing the moment and striking while the iron was still hot.

With that, he immediately opened the Golden Crow's Record of the Burning World, carefully reading the technique's contents, Ling Han was again amazed, he felt that he couldn't ask for anything better even if there were other chances.