
Transmigration In Cursed Worlds

A guy who used to be a famous transmigrator in past has decided to become active again. Let's see his adventures in various worlds, doing missions and making a name for himself. ~~~~~~~~ I am using ChatGPT to write so some things might appear weird. ~~~~~~ One chapter a day if I managed to write one. ~~~~~ There will be only 1 or 2 chapters of smut (Depending on the number of FMC) in one arc. Every arc(world) will be 8 to 10 chapters long.

DarienDragonheart · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

The Regret- 5

A week had passed since the Ryuuma couple bought their new car, and in that time, many things had changed.

First of all, their relationship deepened greatly. They spent most of their time in each other's arms or engaging in playful role-playing. 

Initially, Emi found the role-playing a bit awkward, but as they continued to explore different scenarios and professions, she fell in love with it. The excitement and intimacy it brought were exhilarating for her.

Another significant change was Ryuuma's decision to resign from his job. He chose to pursue his writing career full-time and spend more time with his wife.

While his previous job was good, it required frequent travel to different cities, something he couldn't afford to do given his mission in this world.

On the second day after their shopping spree, Ryuuma handed the last volume of *Death Note* to Akari and signed the contract papers, which were entirely in his favour.

He received five million yen for signing the contract and an additional two million yen for delivering the new volume. He also received another three million yen as a surprise, which Akari explained was her father's idea.

When asked to choose a pen name for his work, he opted for his original name, Darien Dragonheart. Additionally, he created a new Twitter account for his author persona, planning to use it for collaborations with brands and to engage with his growing fanbase.

Now, Ryuuma and Emi stood inside a bustling bookstore, their eyes fixed on the shelves filled with copies of *Death Note's* first volume. According to Akari, a total of 10,000 copies had been printed and distributed across various stores.

Today, the couple was there to see if Ryuuma's light novel would become a major hit.

"Look at all these copies," Emi whispered, her voice tinged with nervous excitement. "Do you think people will like it?"

Ryuuma, ever confident, placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Have faith, Emi-chan. I know my work will resonate with readers. Just wait and see."

As they stood there, whispering to each other, a few customers began to casually flip through the pages. Emi watched anxiously, her heart racing with each person who paused to examine the book.

"I can't help but feel nervous," she admitted, clutching his arm. "This is such a big moment for you."

Ryuuma smiled, his calm demeanour unwavering. "Trust me, Emi-chan. If anyone can capture the readers' attention, it's Light and L."

Just then, a young woman picked up a copy, idly flipping through the pages. She seemed intrigued, lingering on certain sections. After a few moments, she tucked the book under her arm and headed towards the cashier. Emi's grip on Ryuuma's arm tightened.

"Did you see that?" she whispered excitedly. "She found it interesting!"

Ryuuma nodded, his smile growing wider. "I told you, Emi-chan. People are going to love it."

Another customer, an older man, picked up the novel and began to read the first few pages. He seemed engrossed, occasionally nodding as if in approval. He, too, decided to purchase a copy.

Emi's earlier nervousness began to fade, replaced by a growing sense of pride. "They're buying it, Gatou-kun!"

"Of course they are," Ryuuma said, gently squeezing her hand. "This is just the beginning. Soon, *Death Note* will be everywhere."

They continued to watch as more and more customers picked up the novel, flipping through its pages and finding it intriguing enough to buy. The excitement in the bookstore was palpable, and it was clear that *Death Note* was already making an impact.

Emi finally relaxed, her face lighting up with happiness. "I can't believe it. Your dream is coming true, Gatou-kun."

He pulled her into a tight embrace, his heart swelling with gratitude and love. "It's our dream, Emi-chan. None of this would have been possible without your support."

It's not even a year since they married each other, and yet Ryuuma had resigned from his job. If she were some other woman, there was a chance Emi might have quarrelled with him, calling him foolish for thinking of writing novels and making a living from it.

However, none of that happened. Emi supported him unconditionally, even if she was a little anxious.

As they stood there with excitement, the shelves began to empty. By noon, all the copies were sold, much to the couple's happiness.

The shop owner noticed the empty shelves and cursed himself for not buying a larger stock. He quickly called the novel distributor and asked for more copies. However, his request was rejected as there were no more copies left.

He wasn't the only shopkeeper whose copies were sold out. Almost every shop had sold their copies, something that had never happened before.



All of a sudden, Ryuuma's phone began to ring.

He took out the phone and saw it was Akari calling him.

"Akari-san?" Ryuuma answered.

"Ryuuma-san! Have you seen the sales reports?" Akari's voice was filled with excitement.

"We're at a bookstore right now," Ryuuma replied, smiling at Emi. "All the copies here are sold out."

"It's the same everywhere! The first print run is completely sold out," Akari said. "We need to discuss a second print run immediately. Your novel is a massive hit!"

Emi's eyes sparkled with joy as she listened to the conversation. Ryuuma squeezed her hand, sharing the moment with her.

"That's incredible news, Akari-san. I'm glad to hear it," Ryuuma said, his voice steady despite the excitement bubbling inside him.

"We'll need to meet soon to go over the details," Akari continued. "But for now, just enjoy this moment. Your hard work has paid off."

"Thank you, Akari-san. We'll talk soon," Ryuuma said before ending the call.

He turned to Emi, his eyes shining with happiness. "Did you hear that? We did it!"

Emi threw her arms around him, tears of joy in her eyes. "I'm so proud of you, Gatou-kun. You did it."

Only she knew just how much she worried about him during this time. For him to leave his job was a clear sign of his dedication to becoming an author, but it also filled her with anxiety about whether he would receive the recognition he deserved.

However, it seemed her worries were unfounded. Her husband had achieved something unprecedented in the light novel industry.

Having seen what they wanted to see in the bookstore, the couple left the shop and headed toward their car parked some distance away.

Ryuuma took the driver's seat and adjusted the mirror while Emi fastened her seatbelt beside him. She turned to him with an excited expression. "Where do you want to go for a celebration, Gatou-kun?"

Ryuuma thought for a moment, unable to decide on a place. "Do you have any suggestions, Emi-chan?"

"Wait a moment." Emi began searching for fun places on Google. After a while, she found the perfect spot and showed it to her husband excitedly. "How about this newly opened water park for couples?"

Ryuuma took her phone and read the rules and guidance before nodding. "Sure, we can go there."

"Then let's go and play in the water." Emi cheered, her excitement infectious.

Ryuuma started the car, turned on the radio, and drove toward the water park.

Since the park provided clothes for an extra charge, they didn't have to worry about bringing their own. On the way, Emi's phone rang, and she took it out of her pocket. A smile spread across her face when she saw the caller's name.

"Shh! Toyama-sensei is calling." She quickly turned off the radio and answered the call, not noticing the cold expression that flickered across Ryuuma's face for a second.

The second objective of his mission was to take revenge on Toyama-sensei, the man responsible for ruining the original Ryuuma's life. However, he had learned that the old man had gone to another city for work, so he had put those plans on hold.

'Why go to another city to take revenge when he will come here on his own?'

Oblivious to her husband's thoughts, Emi chatted with her sensei for a few minutes before hanging up.

"So, what does he want?" Ryuuma asked, a hint of irritation in his voice.

"What's wrong?" Emi looked at him, confused. "Toyama-sensei is back in the city and wants to visit us this evening."

"I see…" Ryuuma nodded, his expression darkening as he realized that today was the day. 

He focused on driving, leaving Emi to look at him with a puzzled expression.

She couldn't understand why, but somehow the happy atmosphere from earlier seemed to have vanished, replaced by a strange, unsettling feeling she couldn't pinpoint.

The strange atmosphere lasted only a few minutes. When they arrived at the water park, Ryuuma's mood seemed to return to normal, or at least that's what Emi convinced herself. 

They parked the car, and the excitement of the water park quickly took over, pushing away any lingering discomfort.

They checked in, received their clothes, and headed to the changing rooms.

Ryuuma and Emi changed into their swimwear and entered the water park, the sun shining brightly overhead. The park was filled with various water attractions, from slides to lazy rivers, and the sound of laughter and splashing water filled the air.

Ryuuma's mood seemed to return to normal, much to Emi's relief and happiness. They started with the water slides, racing each other down and laughing at their playful competition. 

They floated down the lazy river, holding hands and enjoying the gentle current. They even braved the wave pool, where they held onto each other as the waves crashed around them.

"Look at you, Gatou-kun, you're having so much fun!" Emi giggled, splashing water at him.

"And it's all because of you, Emi-chan," Ryuuma replied, pulling her into a warm embrace.

They continued to enjoy the various attractions, their worries forgotten in the joy of the moment. As the day went on, they splashed, laughed, and created wonderful memories together.

By noon, they decided to leave the water park and head to a nearby sea cuisine restaurant for lunch.

The restaurant had a stunning view of the ocean, and they enjoyed a delicious meal of fresh seafood. They savoured each bite, the taste of the ocean adding to the magic of their day.

After lunch, they took a leisurely stroll in a nearby park. They found a shaded bench and sat down, holding hands and enjoying the peaceful surroundings.

Emi leaned her head on Ryuuma's shoulder, feeling content and happy.

"This is perfect," Emi sighed, looking up at the blue sky.

"It is," Ryuuma agreed, kissing her forehead gently.

As evening approached, they returned home, their hearts full from the day's adventures. Emi decided to prepare a special dinner for their sensei, wanting to celebrate their success together. She busied herself in the kitchen, her excitement evident in every movement.

"Gatou-kun, could you buy some good booze for tonight? I want us to celebrate properly with Toyama-sensei," Emi requested, peeking out from the kitchen.

"Of course, Emi-chan. I'll get the best," Ryuuma replied, grabbing his keys.

He headed out to buy the booze while Emi continued to prepare the dinner. She wanted everything to be perfect for their celebration. She set the table with their best dishes, ensuring every detail was just right.

When Ryuuma returned with the alcohol, he found Emi putting the finishing touches on the meal. The aroma of delicious food filled the house, making his mouth water.

"Everything looks amazing, Emi-chan," Ryuuma praised, wrapping his arms around her from behind.

"Thank you, Gatou-kun," Emi said, turning in his arms to give him a loving kiss.

As they finished their preparations, the doorbell rang. Toyama-sensei had arrived, and the evening's celebration was about to begin.

Emi got out of his arms and headed toward the door to open it while Ryuuma closed his eyes, a murderous intent forming in his mind.

'But it's not a wise idea to kill him as death would be too easy a punishment for him...'

'I need to do something that he will remember for his entire life....'

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

DarienDragonheartcreators' thoughts