
Transmigration in Against the Gods (AU)

A young soul drifting through the void is waiting for something to happen just to be chosen by "something" to come back to the world of the living, just...a little different world than the young soul was accustomed to. Will young soul go with the whims of whoever or whatever chose him? Will he try to rebel and overcome that "thing"? Or...will they both compromise and find a middle path to take on this journey in this new cruel world? [A/N: This is the fan-fic about Against the Gods. It's supposed to be more relaxing, more comedy and satire. You can expect a lot of cliches like in any other cultivation novels just to see how our MC from our world response to those. Also, this is AU so expect some different things from the original, also, I will be using a lot of other techniques and other ways of cultivating other than Profound Way] Cover shamelessly stolen from Pinterest, in case anyone would like me to take it off, no problem.

darvom · Anime & Comics
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90 Chs

Su Meng vs Yun Che 1

Profound Heart Sect distanced themselves from everyone after this incident as it was too shameful. Yun Che continued goading other large sects to challenge him and after he defeated a few disciples of higher profound strength, the clan master of Iron Spear Sect was quite surprised.

"This kid is very talented...of course, our little Meng is even more terrifying, haha." Clan master commented before releasing a hearty laugh and the elders and older disciples all smiled, making Meng feel slightly awkward.

"Father, will you mind if I challenge him?" Naturally, Tie Hengjun who was what one would call a battle freak felt a need to spar with Yun Che after seeing his strength. However he was 1 year older than Yun Che so he didn't want to bring any shame to Iron Spear Clan, therefore he asked for his father's opinion first.

"Hah? Go for it! Why are you even asking me? In case you lose we will have little Meng regain our reputation, haha." Clan master replied in a humorous tone while saying the last part explicitly as a joke.

"Then I can challenge him while feeling at ease, knowing that brother Su is having our backs." Tie Hengjun said in a similar humorous tone with a genuine smile while looking at Meng.

"Go already! All this talk makes me think that you are ass-kissing me" Meng shooed him away to already go challenge Yun Che since he was beginning to feel slightly embarrassed, however when Tie Hengjun nodded and turned around, Meng release a faint smile while looking forward to observing this fight. This time, instead of trying to observe Yun Che and discover his weaknesses, he would focus on the brother Tie and try to help him perfect his techniques.

'Yun Che has a pretty wonderous movement technique which is better than my Cloud Steps as I can't leave afterimages yet, however, I wonder if this is due to my heavy Physique. Anyway, brother Tie is probably not his opponent, Yun Che was holding back a lot in previous matches. It also seems like he has complete immunity to a fire attribute...well, my pure yang energy isn't fire attribute, yang is above the flames and fire, yang is the pure energy of heat. Fire is just imitating the heat of pure yang' Meng thought and as he expected, after exchanging numerous moves, Tie Hengjun admitted his defeat when Yun Che managed to block his strongest attack.

When he came back.

"Everyone...I lost. Fair and square." Not even a hint of grudge could be seen in his eyes as he faced his clansmen who just smiled at him.

"I truly didn't expect that Yun Che would be able to defeat you...He is truly a dragon among men, but..." Clan master said with a slightly surprised tone but it was apparent that he didn't mind this as long as his son was fine with his loss but when he planned to say something more, he stopped and looked at Meng before he smiled and just shook his head, not finishing his sentence.

"Well...It might look bad if we were to challenge him for the second time but it was said that I should regain Iron Spear Clan's honor in case we were to lose, right?" Meng got up from his seat and stretched his arms.

"Little Meng, you don't have to. That Yun Che is placing too much limelight on himself and making himself a target of all other large sects." Clan master said with a slightly worried tone.

"Clan master...every action we take might end up offending someone, if we want to expand our clan, we can't do it without catching anyone's attention. If we will try to do it completely from the shadows, some might think that we are plotting something and it might end up even worse for us...But please tell me what clan master wishes me to do." Meng said while adjusting his gloves before he turned at Tie Zhancang with a tranquil expression.

'...What little Meng says is the truth. I can see a great ambition in his eyes...Am I perhaps too old for this already? Haha, let the young generation decide for us this time.' Tie Zhancang thought after hearing Meng's words.

"Listen little Meng...What this clan master wishes for is to see you win over Yun Che." Tie Zhancang looked at Meng and said with a serious expression before a confident smile entered his face.

Meng decided to let Tie Zhancang decide what to do but he was slightly touched by the faith he had in him.

"...This disciple won't return without a victory" Meng bowed and said with a serious tone.



"Su Meng of Iron Spear Clan, 16 years old. Brother Yun, I would like to exchange moves with you and I also won't lie, I am here to avenge brother Tie's loss." Meng said with a smile as he stepped at the center of the hall.

"Brother Su, it will be an honor to spar with you." Yun Che said with a serious expression.

"Hm? That kid at 6th stage Elementary Realm is really challenging someone at 1st stage Nascent Realm who can defeat someone even 3 stages higher? What the hell is he thinking? Differences between 1 stage and 1 realm are like earth and heaven. It's possible for the 1st stage to defeat the 2nd stage of the same realm but it's normally impossible for the 10th stage to defeat the 1st stage of a higher realm. He is simply too arrogant from the incident with Xuan Yu who was even injured..." Others didn't even bother to whisper as they were talking about Meng, however not everyone was the same, some people looked at Tie Zhancang, wondering what is he thinking but when they saw him smiling, they frowned down.

'I can fight someone a few stages higher than me but Su Meng is too abnormal, I don't know what to expect of him...' Yun Che was having conflicting thoughts.

"Then since I am the weaker one, I will start first, brother Yun!" Meng said and jumped forward, clenching his hand into a fist, preparing to just casually punch Yun Che.

'What? A simple punch without any profound energy?' Yun Che took a defensive form, intending to block Meng's punch with his arms crossed.

'Dodge that punch, you idiot!'

Suddenly, Yun Che's eyes widened.

When Meng's fist connected with Yun Che's body, his fist went straight through him.

'Afterimage... Still, it didn't look like he was planning to dodge that attack but at the last moment, as if something or someone changed his opinion.' Meng thought as he looked at Yun Che who appeared 10 meters away from his previous location with beads of sweat running down his temple.

"Brother Yun...what caused that sudden change of strategy? It was almost as if someone whispered to you to dodge my attack." Meng said and Yun Che's eyes flashed in shock before they regained their calm.

'Heh, as I thought. I wonder if anyone else can receive...guardian or whatever as I have Vista.'

"Haha, impossible...sorry for assuming things. Brother Yun must have had a good reason to suddenly dodge." Meng played as if his previous words were just a joke.

'That guy...He is dangerous.' Jasmine thought as she could detect that Meng was faking his laughing. Even she turned a bit more cautious in front of Meng's intuition.

"...Brother Su, you have previously said that you bring out your weapon only when you intend to kill or to fight against someone worthy enough. Am I not worthy enough to see your weapon?" Yun Che recalled his words and decided to try to make Meng fight with his weapon.

'What are you trying to do?' Jasmine asked.

'If his punches are as dangerous to me as you say, I wonder how much stronger he will become with his weapon in hand. If he is too strong, it won't be too shameful to lose but if he won't even bring out his weapon, I won't be able to accept it!!' Yun Che replied with a determined expression.

"...How about this...if brother Yun can receive my punch, I will naturally bring out my partner." Meng was more or less aware of Yun Che's thoughts after seeing his determined eyes.

"Bring it on, brother Su!" Yun Che said and his profound energy flared up while taking a defensive position.

Meng once again rushed at him and punched out.

When Meng's fist and Yun's arms met, they gave out a loud dull sound. Meng's punch made Yun slide more than 5 meters back but he never lost his balance or defensive position, however, his arms were slightly shaking.

'My arms are numb...what the hell is with that strength? It's like getting hit by a big boulder.' Yun Che thought with a helpless smile before it changed to a healthily provoking smile when he looked at Meng.

'I never expected him to be able to take that, his physical condition is much better than that of ordinary 3rd stage of Nascent Realm.' Meng was pleasantly surprised by this outcome but he obviously didn't use his all strength neither did he use any profound energy in this attack because he didn't want to kill his opponent.

"Well, a promise is a promise...I hope brother Yun won't mind if I will use a mask during this fight." Meng said and slowly put on his mask. Meng knew that Yun Che was fast and trying to land a punch strong enough to knock him out would make his body too heavy to match Yun's speed at his current condition.

Yun Che just shook his head before focusing on Meng's movements with a serious expression.

Meng drew a deep breath before he slowly exhaled. He stretched his right hand to the side and a spear appeared in his hand. Suddenly the entire care-free atmosphere around him completely disappeared and was replaced by suffocating sharp air. Others looking at the match were unable to feel it due to the distance but Yun Che immediately felt as if he had a spear tip pressed on his nape.

'This guy is still too young but his spiritual connection with his weapon is on a high level. Even though his weapon's original form is not on par with the True Profound weapon that the previous guy used, it's current form is strengthened by its wielder's strength. What you are currently experiencing is similar to the power of the Domain but in a very weak form, calm down your breath, soothe your mind and the pressure should naturally be ignored by you.' Jasmine quickly explained to Yun Che however even she was slightly surprised to see someone like Meng here. In the air, she could feel his passion up to even obsession for the way of the spear, she was sure that Meng would definitely achieve a realm of Spear Intent.

There are many ways a cultivator can take but mostly people choose well-known weapons and laws, however, in this world, anything should be possible. Even a cultivator focused on the zither can kill others who are using other weapons, albeit the start is always the hardest however when achieved the highest mastery, it should be even more powerful than normal weapons. In the other worlds, anything can become a weapon as long as one can comprehend it and create or obtain specific techniques.

Yun Che calmed his mind down and was finally ready to face the pressure radiating from Meng's body and spear.

"Brother Su, please!" Yun Che said with a slightly crazy smile as he was looking at Meng's expressionless face who was standing tall and still with his spear in his right hand, shaft slightly under his armpit while the blade of the spear pointing at the ground slightly behind him.

I know it's taking too long but I am planning to make this ff long anyway so why need to skip some stuff.

darvomcreators' thoughts