
Transmigration in Against the Gods (AU)

A young soul drifting through the void is waiting for something to happen just to be chosen by "something" to come back to the world of the living, just...a little different world than the young soul was accustomed to. Will young soul go with the whims of whoever or whatever chose him? Will he try to rebel and overcome that "thing"? Or...will they both compromise and find a middle path to take on this journey in this new cruel world? [A/N: This is the fan-fic about Against the Gods. It's supposed to be more relaxing, more comedy and satire. You can expect a lot of cliches like in any other cultivation novels just to see how our MC from our world response to those. Also, this is AU so expect some different things from the original, also, I will be using a lot of other techniques and other ways of cultivating other than Profound Way] Cover shamelessly stolen from Pinterest, in case anyone would like me to take it off, no problem.

darvom · Anime & Comics
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90 Chs


[A/N: if you can't handle a bit of drama, just skip this. I am not going to change my writing style. I want to include everything into this fan-fic, be it comedy, drama, action, I want to write everything and learn more about how to write. (except for romance, I will always suck at that no matter what) You can even say that I am using this fan-fic for practicing my writing skills and don't really treat it seriously.]


'It's been already 2 days since the agreed time...' Yufeng thought while sitting near the same cave Meng and Yueli used for the whole 3 months.

She could help but keep thinking about Meng's last words and in the end she decided to stop just sitting around.

She took out her yellow jade stone and tried to contact Meng but as she already expected, it was impossible...

'The only thing I can do now is to pinpoint where he used it for the last time. I am lucky that I gave him the most expensive sound transmitting jade I had on me at that time...' She thought before she used the Profound floating technique to fly at top speed towards the Snow Region of Extreme Ice.

It took her a few hours of flying at top speed before she arrived at the Snow Region of Extreme Ice's borders. She didn't even think of whose sect is actually dwelling inside this region as her only thoughts were to find Meng.

'?! Is that-?!' She noticed someone lying under the tree so she quickly descended to the ground to take a closer look.

"?! Meng!!" Her eyes widened when she noticed it was actually Meng who was unconscious, lying on his back with still slightly blue lips and pale skin, even his dark turquoise hair had remaining shades of white at the tips.

She rushed to him and quickly kneeled next to him to check on his condition. When she found out that he was just recovering from some early suffering, she heaved a sigh of relief with a small smile while looking at his pale face.

"What's this?" Yufeng muttered when she finally took notice of the dark gray stone tablet lying on top of Meng's chest.

She stretched out her arm to touch the stone tablet but when her fingertips were a few inches away from it, she suddenly froze and her face became extremely pale. If her father were to see her the way she is right now, he wouldn't believe it no matter what after witnessing her "change" with his own eyes.

She didn't feel any dreadful aura or anything but she simply had a feeling that she shouldn't touch it no matter what. She truly wondered what could this stone slab be as she was too accustomed to facing the pressure of her father who was at the 7th stage Sovereign Profound Realm yet this stone tablet caused her to retreat her hand without even feeling any aura from it.

"?!" A bright flash of light generated from the stone tablet suddenly surprised and temporarily blinded Yufeng who had to close her eyes.

"...Where is it?" When she opened her eyes again, she could no longer see the stone tablet.

She shook her head and disregarded the tablet before she started sending her profound energy into Meng's body to help him recover from the extreme cold that his organs were suffering from. However, she instantly felt that her profound energy was ejected out of his body which shocked her.

She clenched her teeth after seeing the state of Meng's body before she turned her head to the side and stared daggers towards the Snow Region of Extreme Ice, completely misunderstanding the situation. Of course, how could she know that such serious injuries were just the results of Meng's training, his injuries were too severe to be caused by regular cold with the strong profound energy he has shown during the tournament.

The air around them suddenly became extremely tense and all blades of grass all around them were at once cut clean from the ground and with the gust of the wind, a ground cleared of any grass in the radius of hundred meters was revealed with them being in the center.

'This hatred, I will remember it! I have chosen to change myself yet you still remained to be trouble...!' Yufeng gently picked up Meng's body before quickly flying away towards the location where they were supposed to meet up.

On the way there, Yufeng calmed her raging emotions a bit once she noticed that Meng was slowly recovering all by himself and at that same moment she began thinking what could have happened to him, after all, he didn't seem to have bad relation with Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace back then. She also detected traits of cold profound energy inside that cave but she didn't know what to think of it.

'I guess I will have to wait until he wakes up to discover what exactly happened...' Yufeng thought while observing Meng's expressionless pale face.

After a few days passed...

Meng finally opened his eyes and saw a ceiling with a few carved symbols, immediately recognizing this place. He also suddenly remembered everything that happened, even during the time he was acting on his instinct. He quickly undid the formation on his clothes that was suppressing his profound energy. While he was at it, he also turned his head to the side and noticed someone wearing a dark gray robe while mediating with their back facing him.

His movements were so subtle yet the other person sensed his awakening. When that person turned around, Meng's eyes widened a bit before they calmed down once again as he finally understood.

'It was because of that sound transmitting jade...'

"Yufeng?" Meng called out while forcing out a smile and trying to sit up but his dense profound energy just started circulating inside his body so it was still a bit numb and he had a bit of trouble sitting up.

"Meng! You finally woke up! Don't move yet, I just recently checked your body's condition and I am astonished that you can even move a single muscle inside your body." Yufeng took off her hood and quickly approached Meng's "bed" with a worried yet relieved expression at the same time, they kept on changing.

Meng didn't reply but instead used the chance to observe Yufeng. She seemed to have gotten a bit younger and now she truly looked around 18 years old no matter the clothes she was wearing. However, he was much more surprised upon seeing changes in her eyes and general inside her rather than her younger looks.

'As expected of Sacred Ground, they have a great number of resources, but...She couldn't have achieved this within 7 months if she hasn't changed. After all...She is already at the 3rd stage Emperor Profound Realm which seems a bit extreme, even for someone like me.' Meng thought and he could see that Yufeng's clear blue eyes were no longer clouded by any jealousy or indecisiveness. Right now, she looked completely independent, not tied to anything or anyone.

"So we meet again, Yufeng. Although...maybe we should stop this kind of thing unless it becomes regular. Anyway, if you don't mind me asking, where is your-" Meng said with a forced yet grateful smile. Although he would have recovered all on his own, he would have still missed the meeting and fail his promise. And even during his most vulnerable moment, she took care of him instead of trying to probe his secrets.

Yufeng already knew what he was going to ask and she was expecting that so she interrupted him before he could even finish his question...

"Probably thinking about that "slut" again, I guess that's what I would have previously said, haha. Anyway, it is no longer my concern" She replied with a light chuckle at the end.

Meng observed her smile when she said it and he couldn't detect any negative emotion towards Chu Yuechan in her voice or expression. Seeing this truly shocked him because he knew how hard it can be to stop suddenly hating someone. Right now, she mentioned her name without any problem but this time it looked more like she was aloof of Chu Yuechan's existence.

"Does that mean..." Meng suddenly got a bad feeling.

"...Have you been away from civilization for the whole 7 months?" She asked him when she saw his confusion and he just nodded his head to confirm her question. This caused her to grow anxious after all, she thought that he decided to meet up with her knowing very well about what happened. But in truth, he had no idea!

After a long silence, Yufeng took a deep breath before explaining what has happened to her, from the start when she left the Heavenly Sword Villa to the point where she left Mighty Heavenly Sword Region once again. She didn't even miss to mention her father's reactions to everything.

When she finished her explanation, she tensed up while observing Meng's reaction.

"I see..." At first, she saw a shock before it changed to a guilty expression which slightly pained her heart upon seeing it, not only because he looked quite sad but mostly because he was probably blaming himself for this.

Seeing his response, not only did it stunned her, she quickly went into action when she saw that he was most likely blaming himself for this development.

"Meng! I don't regret anything, to be honest, I am glad that you have cleared my clouded eyes and let me move forward. It is indeed the truth that when I was leaving, I was very reluctant to do so and even questioned myself numerous times, why would I listen to someone I met just recently over believing that my husband would change for me." She knelt next to his bed and caught his still on the surface cold hand.

"However I had enough of that kind of life...I wanted to go back and show my father that I can be more than just a wife who can't even get her husband's attention. At that time, there were simply too many emotions and questions about whether I should really do it but I am glad I did! As of right now, I feel that I truly hold my destiny in my hands and I can choose for myself what I truly want." Yufeng said, eager to fully explain herself, and with each word said she was getting a bit closer to Meng but she was still a few tens of centimeters away from his face.

"...Yeah, I fully understand you, Yufeng, but the only thing I can see you hold in your hands right now is my hand, haha" Meng said with a teasing smile before laughing at how Yufeng quickly let go of his hand and got up to her feet before turning away from him in embarrassment.