
Transmigration in Against the Gods (AU)

A young soul drifting through the void is waiting for something to happen just to be chosen by "something" to come back to the world of the living, just...a little different world than the young soul was accustomed to. Will young soul go with the whims of whoever or whatever chose him? Will he try to rebel and overcome that "thing"? Or...will they both compromise and find a middle path to take on this journey in this new cruel world? [A/N: This is the fan-fic about Against the Gods. It's supposed to be more relaxing, more comedy and satire. You can expect a lot of cliches like in any other cultivation novels just to see how our MC from our world response to those. Also, this is AU so expect some different things from the original, also, I will be using a lot of other techniques and other ways of cultivating other than Profound Way] Cover shamelessly stolen from Pinterest, in case anyone would like me to take it off, no problem.

darvom · Anime & Comics
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90 Chs

New heights of arrogance

After greeting Qin Wuyou, Meng's clan went to the side to take their seats. While the others were still arriving, Meng decided to savor the wine provided by New Moon Profound Palace.

"This wine...is not bad" Meng muttered with a faint satisfied smile.

"Brother Su is a wine person, huh?" Tie said with a smile.

'It looks like Xia Yuanba and Xiao Che are here too...Wait, he said that he is no longer Xiao, I wonder how I should refer to him.' Meng naturally also noticed those 2, it was impossible to overlook Yuanba who was also waving his hand at him. Just to satisfy him, he raised his hand with a friendly smile as a form of greeting.

"Someone you know?" Tie asked curiously.

"Let me tell you about it, we should let the old geezers to their faked polite talk." Meng said before explaining his life at Floating Cloud City. Tie in return also said a few of his stories from New Moon City.

After a while of a hearty atmosphere on the banquet, Head Elder of Profound Heart Sect suggested spicing things up and make the banquet a few levels more entertaining by making other sect's disciples spar with New Moon Profound Palace's disciples. Right after his voice dropped, a series of cheers and applause followed, clearly approving of this idea.

"*sigh* What a blatant provocation...Aren't they old enough? Why are they so childish?" Meng sighed and shook his head with a helpless smile, feeling as if he is the oldest one in this enormous room filled with hundreds of people.

"Although I agree with brother Su, let's keep our voices down, we aren't here to make enemies. Still, New Moon Profound Palace is truly unlucky..." Tie said back to Meng in a low voice.

[Host, I am done]

'Huh? With what?'


[Quest: Promote Iron Spear Clan's strength and fame to be on par with 4 major sects. The clan's overall strength is combined with the host therefore if the host is famous and strong enough to contend with 4 major sects all alone, the quest will be deemed as completed.]

[Reward: ???]


[Host can abandon this quest whenever he wants.]

'Interesting...Thanks for making it my new story objective, after some time I would get bored with only side quests' Meng replied in a humorous mood while drinking wine.

Qin Wuyou was forced to agree to this "request" due to pressure from other bigger sects as most of them teamed up to humiliate New Moon Profound Palace.



"This one is Profound Heart Sect's disciple Xuan Yu, sixteen years old. Who will come up and advise me?" Naturally, since it was Profound Heart Sect's proposition, they sent out their disciple first. He was already 2nd stage of the Nascent Realm so naturally, none of New Moon Profound Palace's disciples wanted to take the place in the middle of the hall and get beaten up as none of them were stronger in this age category.

Despite this fact, New Moon Profound Palace couldn't afford to lose face by not sending anyone so they sent their strongest disciple in this age category. Their disciple lost only within 2 moves, however, when Meng heard someone call Xuan Yu's purple layer of profound energy around his hand a "Purple Sun Arts", Meng's eyes narrowed.

'Using sun in its name while being at such a low level, pretentious!' Meng couldn't help but feel disgusted by that disciple's arrogance while using his meager profound arts.

After defeating one disciple, Xuan Yu actually still stood at the center of the hall, waiting for someone else while lightly making fun of others. None of them wanted to step forward so disciples from other sects started to throw some comments to humiliate them even more. After a while, Xuan Yu had to choose someone himself and out of everyone, he chose Xia Yuanba due to his large frame as he appeared to be someone strong.

The elder from New Moon Profound Palace explained that Xia Yuanba is only 15 years old but he still sent him out since he was younger and his strength was also at only 6th stage of Elementary Realm so he wouldn't lose any face after losing.

The moment Meng noticed Yuanba going to the center of the hall, he took out his mask and put it on.

Xia Yuanba naturally stood no chance against Xuan Yu but he wasn't even spared due to his younger age, his both arms were dislocated and then he was thrown on the ground. When the spar should have ended with that, Xuan Yu actually formed a shady grin and his fist flashed with purple light, aiming for Yuanba's torso.

"STOP!!" Yun Che shouted however how could Xuan Yu listen to him...however, just before his fist connected with Yuanba's body, his entire body froze and he started sweating while staring at the ground with wide-open eyes without daring to move an inch.

"?!" Everyone was puzzled by this outcome, they couldn't believe that Xuan Yu actually showed leniency to Yuanba.

"I *cough* give up" When Yuanba said this, Xuan Yu felt as if he could move once again. Since his opponent already surrendered, he missed his opportunity to hurt him.

On the side...

"? Brother Su, are you alright?" Tie asked when he noticed that Meng had put his mask on and started slightly sweating.

"Yeah, I am fine." Meng turned at him and replied with a calm smile.

'What just happened?' Yun Che found the entire situation weird, he didn't believe that Xuan Yu actually stopped after hearing his shout.

'It was that friend of yours. He must have some strong soul oppression technique.' Jasmine replied to him.

'Brother Su? ...Thank you, I will remember this.' Yun Che said in his heart and went to help Yuanba.

When Meng's eyes change while he is using his energy, his eyes are very potent and intensively staring at someone with ill-intent in mind, the said person will become paralyzed by fear as long as his soul and profound strength aren't strong enough.

When Yun Che helped Yuanba to get out of the center, he went there back on his own with a darkened expression. Although Xuan Yu stopped, he didn't stop on his own, if not for Meng, Yuanba would receive very heavy injuries. Yun Che wanted to thank Meng but Jasmine warned him to rather not lest he wants to tell him that he is aware of his interference.

Yun Che introduced himself and challenged Xuan Yu who already recovered from the previous shock. Seeing that Yun Che is only 1st stage of Nascent Realm, he started laughing aloud while ridiculing him for his harshness, his laugh was endless and very annoying but everyone knew that his laughing wasn't baseless but not everyone could keep listening to his annoying laughing...

"Shut your mouth already." A single voice resounded in the enormous hall that also stopped Xuan Yu's laughing. Everyone turned towards the source of this voice and saw a man with a mask covering his upper part of his face, savoring a cup of wine with a slightly displeased expression. Meng was capable of enduring a lot of things but even he was still a human and enduring listening to someone's laughing that sounded so forced and even high-pitched was simply impossible for him. He liked Tie Zhancang's hearty laugh but Xuan Yu was indirectly attacking his eardrums.

"...? What? Another 6th stage of Elementary Realm hiding half of his face behind the mask is telling me to shut my mouth? Today couldn't have been more interesting, haha. I see that Iron Spear Clan has a lot of talented disciples, if you want me so much to shut up, how about a little spar? If you win, I will naturally shut my mouth..."

Hearing Xuan Yu's words, both Tie Hengjun, and his father frowned down. They were also naturally annoyed by this fellow but they always tried to stay neutral in everything, however, that didn't mean that they wouldn't support Meng. The words Meng said before they departed from their clan's grounds won their hearts and they knew that Meng was mostly likely their, Iron Spear Clan's future.

"I am not interested in humiliating you, my eardrums just felt like popping with your high-pitched laughing, that's all. Not to mention, you already have a different opponent in front of you... Brother Yun, please do me a favor and make sure he won't start laughing again." Meng couldn't help but return the medicine to him and said with a care-free smile while resting his right leg on his left knee. He didn't even say "fight", instead, he didn't even hesitate to say "humiliate"

"You! Good! H-" He started trembling in rage but he quickly wanted to start laughing again since Meng thought that Yun could beat him, however, not even before he could start laughing, a slap already came from his right, sending him to fly a few meters back.

"I understand brother Su's request." Yun Che said with an amused tone while stretching his neck from left side to right side.

'Hmm...As I thought, Xiao- I mean Yun Che is truly different from before. Such a boost in power in such a short time is incredible...Previously, when I was still at Floating Cloud City, there was something troubling me regarding Yun Che's personality. It was rumored that he was weak-willed, and had extremely low self-esteem in general, however when I met him in person, those rumors were complete bullshit but no matter how exaggerated those rumors were...his personality was completely different. It was most likely a similar case to me when I took over this body, old man Xia looked quite surprised when he saw my demeanor. Is he perhaps...? Previously I didn't think too much about it but seeing now his repaired profound veins and increase in power...' Meng thought with an amused smile while supporting his head with his hand and enjoying the "fight" in front of him. When Yun Che was done slapping the shit out of Xuan Yu, Profound Heart Sect started calling him out for his ruthlessness.

"Pfff, this world is truly amusingly shameless, it's like watching a soap opera" Meng suppressed his laugh.

Both Tie Zhancang and Tie Hengjun looked at him with confused expressions.

Sorry if it feels dragged out but I simply liked writing these "talks" it's too amusing for me how arrogant they can actually be. Just a little question, what do you think of Yun Che? I noticed that 90 % of fan-fics just kill him while 9 % take possession of his body.

Just for those who want him to be killed, please remember that Meng has no reason to kill him. I want to make it as reasonable as possible, after all, MC has no memories about Against The Gods world so he can't just go and interfere with that and that out of the blue (Although I am not saying that it will never happen! Don't take my words for granted! xD)

darvomcreators' thoughts