
Transmigration in Against the Gods (AU)

A young soul drifting through the void is waiting for something to happen just to be chosen by "something" to come back to the world of the living, just...a little different world than the young soul was accustomed to. Will young soul go with the whims of whoever or whatever chose him? Will he try to rebel and overcome that "thing"? Or...will they both compromise and find a middle path to take on this journey in this new cruel world? [A/N: This is the fan-fic about Against the Gods. It's supposed to be more relaxing, more comedy and satire. You can expect a lot of cliches like in any other cultivation novels just to see how our MC from our world response to those. Also, this is AU so expect some different things from the original, also, I will be using a lot of other techniques and other ways of cultivating other than Profound Way] Cover shamelessly stolen from Pinterest, in case anyone would like me to take it off, no problem.

darvom · Anime & Comics
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90 Chs

Gathering Death Energy

What was Meng doing right now could be viewed as shrewd but he had to practice his Death Scripture and currently this was the best way...Although Xuanyuan Jue now wants to shred him to pieces, he can relatively trust him to keep whatever will happen here as secret once he reveals everything to him, plus, just now, Xuanyuan Jue actually broke through to the 8th stage of the Sovereign Profound Realm.

*huff* *huff* Xuanyuan Jue started panting a bit before he calmed himself a bit while coldly looking down at the clouds of dust.

'...What will I say to my daughter...?' Xuanyuan Jue thought after calming down a bit, he couldn't imagine what would happen once Yufeng comes back.

*cough* *cough* "What's up with that guilty expression "father-in-law"?"

Xuanyuan Jue's expression greatly changed when he heard slightly amused Meng's voice, he was looking at Meng slowly walking out of those clouds of dust with wide-open eyes, believing that anyone under 7th stage of Sovereign Profound Realm would right now be mortally wounded if not dead.

There was a hole in Meng's clothes in the area of his chest along with a circle of crimson blood which practically told Xuanyuan Jue that his attack succeed but there was no hole in Meng's chest as he intended.

"You-!" Xuanyuan Jue's eyes quickly narrowed, discarding any thoughts about how Meng survived his attack despite being only at the Sky Profound Realm.

'There is no stopping until either I die or I subdue him.' Meng thought when he saw the crazed look in Xuanyuan Jue's eyes, there was no saving the situation even if he were to explain it.

"Father-in-law, don't you think I am worthy enough for receiving one of your attacks head-on?" Meng asked with a faint smile.

"Nonsense!" Xuanyuan Jue shouted and rushed at Meng once again, holding a green sword made of profound energy in his hand, slashing it at Meng, releasing the pressure of his newly strengthened cultivation base along with his sword intent.

"Then I will just have to beat some sense into you, excuse me!" Meng shouted back with a wide smile as he threw his fist toward to meet Jue's attack.

*BOOM* Xuanyuan Jue's attack was destroyed but still, several cuts appeared on Meng's clothes and body, if it was anyone else, he would most likely bleed out within a few minutes but Meng's Death Seal was working at full efficiency.

"...What the hell-?" Xuanyuan Jue's narrowed his eyes furthermore when he noticed grey energy coming out of Meng's wounds as they began quickly healing.

"Once more!" Meng rushed at Xuanyuan Jue with a readied fist which caused Xuanyuan Jue to frown down.

When Meng's fist was about to hit him, he suddenly disappeared and reappeared behind Meng with a cold face and raised sword.

"You might be capable of withstanding my attacks but your speed is nothing abnormal!" Xuanyuan Jue said before he slashed his sword down.

*BANG* "Ugh!" Meng groaned as his entire body was sent flying into the mountain, creating a big dent in it.

Meng most likely could have dodged Xuanyuan Jue's attack since he was being wary of his speed already but he was taking everything Xuanyuan Jue threw at him head-on because of several reasons. First, he wanted to accumulate more death energy through the Death Seal and the second reason was that he was feeling guilty about the earlier words he used to enrage Xuanyuan Jue. He was taking each attack head-on as a punishment for speaking badly about the person he liked.

'This pain...is probably nothing compared to what Yufeng would feel if she were to hear my previous words!' Meng gritted his teeth as he slowly got to his feet with wobbly legs and his wounds started to heal once again.

"MORE!" Meng shouted with a bit of blood coming out of his mouth as he rushed back at his "opponent".

"You are crazy, junior!" Xuanyuan Jue felt insulted how Meng kept coming at him so fearlessly but at the same time, he was starting to feel slightly confused. At first, he didn't care about Meng's healing capability but right now, he felt like he might not be capable of killing him unless he will keep attacking till Meng's body turns into ash and dust.

*BANG* Once again a sword and fist met each other in the air, creating space-time distortion before it was repaired by the heaven and earth energies of this plane.

Meng's body once again flew back but this time, he acquired only a few cuts, however this time, Xuanyuan Jue followed closely after him, sending several sword beams at him as if he wanted to completely destroy his body.

Meng crossed his arms in front of him to block those sword beams. He gritted his teeth and used also his Void Imperfection Physique to weaken the aura and sword intent of the attacks before they landed on his body.

*Boom!* Meng's body landed on the ground once again, creating quite a big crater. Meng stood up once again in front of Xuanyuan Jue with only a few small holes in his body that quickly healed, making his body almost enveloped by grey energy.

'TCH!' Xuanyuan Jue started gritting his teeth in frustration as he couldn't even kill a single junior. If this matter was revealed, others would make fun out of him however he was aware of his own strength and he was anything but weak so he was confused how this junior was capable of obtaining only minor wounds after encountering his attacks head-on. And it even seemed like his attacks started becoming less effective.

"Do you still believe that I am not worthy of your daughter?!" Meng asked with a provoking bloody smile his clothes filled with holes were completely soaked in his blood, giving him quite a ferocious look, very different from the usual time.

"Unworthy is a big understatement for you, punk!" Xuanyuan Jue shouted at him without a single intention to stop.

"Fine, then let's continue! Pour all of your anger and rage into me! I will gladly accept it head-on!" Meng narrowed his eyes and spread his arms to welcome Xuanyuan Jue and his sword.




1 hour later...The earth in the surroundings was completely destroyed, mountains were levelled down, most of them now had only half the height it used to have if not completely destroyed.

*huff* *huff* Xuanyuan Jue was kneeling down on his four while catching his breath. He was completely soaked in sweat and his green robe was tattered, revealing a few places with bruises on his body.

As for Meng...He was standing a few meters in front of Xuanyuan Jue. His entire body and face were completely bloodied but there wasn't a single wound visible on his body. If anyone were to see his face completely covered by blood with his glowing amber eyes, they would definitely distance themselves from him.

"*huff* Just--kill me already." Xuanyuan Jue through his clenched teeth.

"...Why would I do that? You haven't done anything wrong" Meng who was staring up at the sky said before a small smile appeared on his face.

"? What?!" Xuanyuan Jue raised his head in anger to question what Meng meant as it sounded more humiliating than comforting.

"Yufeng told me about your relationship...it looks like you are truly just acting as a strict father while in truth you just care about her a lot. I apologize for the words I have said previously to enrage you, thank you for giving me the beating I was deserving, haha. And hey, congratulations on breaking through into the 8th stage of the Sovereign Profound Realm." Meng said with a soft smile towards him but his currently bloodied face didn't make it look particularly gentle or soft.

"...You-" Xuanyuan Jue who finally had time to cool down, started thinking about the entire situation and what exactly happened. He found Meng's words too good to be believable, he couldn't believe that Meng did all of this to prove himself and to also help him breakthrough, not after the words Meng uttered were still remaining in his mind.

"I apologize for everything...Still, this could be considered my win, therefore...don't you think that I could just take Yufeng in case I truly thought about her the way I said those previous words?" Meng asked with an apologetic smile.

"...Sky Profound practitioner defeating Sovereign Profound practitioner...unbelievable. But if you are this strong at your age...it is the truth that you can have any type of woman under heaven. Practically everyone would be trying to have their daughters marry you. But why do you like my daughter?" Xuanyuan Jue calmed down his anger but right now it was only replaced by the utter shock from being defeated by the Sky Profound practitioner even if it was due to profound energy exhaustion.

"That...Does one truly need to have a reason to like or hate someone? I just like her much more than other women I have met till now...as for the reason, even I am not aware of why...I just- like her." Meng was at loss with his words as he sat down in front of Xuanyuan Jue because he truly couldn't describe why he was attracted to Yufeng. Maybe it had something to do with his past, maybe it was just because it was his first relationship, he had no idea.

"...W-Wait, you haven't used any profound energy in your previous attacks so how-" *ROAR!* Xuanyuan Jue just now realized how he was even defeated but before he could question him, a deafening roar resounded in the vicinity right above them and large intimidating azure eyes appeared above them, staring down at them, mainly at Xuanyuan Jue.

'This is...' Meng obviously recognized it and Xuanyuan Jue already saw this phenomenon once before.

Yufeng descended to the ground several meters in front of them with a stern expression as she kept observing the destroyed surroundings. When her eyes landed on completely bloodied Meng, her eyes widened in fright before she narrowed her eyes towards her father while clenching her fists and teeth.

It was no surprise that she misunderstood the situation as the only one who looked injured was Meng. This entire situation could put their daughter and father relationship in danger as her love for Meng was truly genuine.

"Yufeng, please stop using that domain, it drains a lot of profound energy, and it also exhausts you a lot mentally. Plus, this is just a huge misunderstanding." Meng said with an apologetic smile as he quickly wiped his face of blood with a white cloth from his inventory.

"But-!" Yufeng wanted to say something but was interrupted by Meng.

"This was a discussion between men so it should remain like that, please respect it." Meng said before he explained the situation a little bit but he left out a lot of details.

"...*sigh* I see, I am just relieved that both of you are fine...However! Little Meng! You owe me an explanation for sending me to the New Moon City for nothing! Yufeng said before she glared at Meng with and an "upset" expression.

"That...ha-ha, I apologize, I will do my best to meet your demands, lady." Meng released an awkward laugh before he replied.

"Huh? Really? Then...you have to...s-spoil me" Yufeng was surprised by his reply so she tried to take advantage of it but with each word she said, her voice turned quieter due to embarrassment since her father was still there with them.

"You want me to...sp-" Meng wanted to confirm what Yufeng said with a confused and surprised expression but before he could finish it, he was interrupted.

"Don't say it aloud!" Yufeng frantically interrupted him with a pleading look in her eyes while blushing a bit.

"...Haha, alright. I will make sure to satisfy all your demands." Meng laughed before he replied with a gentle smile.

"..." Xuanyuan Jue just watched his daughter behave like a little girl with wide-open eyes and mouth. He couldn't believe that this was his daughter as she was behaving completely different when around Meng.