
Transmigration in Against the Gods (AU)

A young soul drifting through the void is waiting for something to happen just to be chosen by "something" to come back to the world of the living, just...a little different world than the young soul was accustomed to. Will young soul go with the whims of whoever or whatever chose him? Will he try to rebel and overcome that "thing"? Or...will they both compromise and find a middle path to take on this journey in this new cruel world? [A/N: This is the fan-fic about Against the Gods. It's supposed to be more relaxing, more comedy and satire. You can expect a lot of cliches like in any other cultivation novels just to see how our MC from our world response to those. Also, this is AU so expect some different things from the original, also, I will be using a lot of other techniques and other ways of cultivating other than Profound Way] Cover shamelessly stolen from Pinterest, in case anyone would like me to take it off, no problem.

darvom · Anime & Comics
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90 Chs

Art is an Explosion

Meng motioned with his hand for the man to come at him.

"I will make you regret looking down at me, brat!" The man clenched his teeth before he used his profound movement technique and almost instantly appeared in front of Meng, sweeping his hand at Meng, giving him almost no time to react.

Meng's eyes narrowed upon seeing the speed and he quickly reacted by jumping back while blocking the attack with his palm, and once again a projection of a moon flashed in front of his palm.

*Bang!* Meng's defenses broke and he was sent flying a few meters back before he regained the balance. Fortunately, his defense technique absorbed most of the profound energy in that attack before it broke apart from the impact.

However, when Meng rise his head and looked at the man, he revealed a sly smile, giving the man goosebumps

"Thank you for giving me a chance to regain our distance. Second move!" Meng quickly rotated his spear in his right hand before he tightly grasped it with both hands and swung it in arc, releasing a big and wide slash of bright amber-colored energy. In terms of power, it was at least twice stronger than the first move and also much more destructive, however, the first move still had better piercing power than the second move.

"Wha-?!" The man widened his eyes and his green energy quickly flared up, creating a silhouette of an eagle in front of him. When Meng's attack met with the big silhouette of an eagle, both techniques canceled each other, bringing big destruction to the vicinity with them.

However, despite the attack being canceled, Meng still smiled and suddenly snapped his fingers and the scattered amber-colored energy suddenly changed to small spears, flying in all four directions.

"AGH!" The man screamed in pain, he never expected such an abnormal move as changing the form of already released profound energy and both his shoulder and arm were pierced by the spears, leaving small holes behind before they disappeared and left a charred skin around the wounds.

'This brat...His technique hit me during my most vulnerable moment when I released my strongest move, my natural profound protective layer wasn't enough, not because those spears were too sharp but because of their heat! If I wouldn't have performed Xiao sect's movement profound skill, I am afraid my body would have long become full of holes...' The man thought with beads of sweat flowing down his temple and forehead. Now, he finally understood why they sent him to kill this brat but he was slightly afraid that he wouldn't be able to kill him even if he wouldn't have looked down on him from the start.

'Their information was an understatement for this freak! I have to inform the branch sect master that we should contact someone from the main Xiao Sect to deal with this freak. Either bring him to our side or kill him before he becomes even stronger, since he is aware that someone from Xiao sect is trying to kill him, I doubt he would become our ally so there is only one option. If only the young master Xiao Luocheng wasn't so prideful as far as wanting to eliminate any threats to his title of a young genius, this brat could have become our ally. Even Four Great Sacred Grounds might not necessarily have someone as talented as this freak.' The man thought while cautiously glaring at Meng without moving an inch but secretly channeling his profound energy to his legs preparing to flee.

"You were able to take my second move without dying, I am delighted! Looks like you are really worthy enough to take the third move!" Meng was delighted to use his strongest move he could currently use, however, just these 3 moves being used consecutively cost him more than 70% of his energy reserves. And one must add that probably the biggest weakness of this entire move set is that Meng can't use a second or third move before using the first move therefore the consumption of energy is large before he can even get to his stronger moves that cost even more energy. Well, he possibly could start with the third move but it would be so much weakened that probably even the first move would be stronger at that time.

"I will let you leave for a little longer, brat!" The man quickly turned around and darted off at unbelievable speed, trying to run away. His speed was something that Meng could never match so catching him wasn't the answer.

Seeing the fleeting back of the man who just tried to kill him, Meng just smirked and buried his spear in the ground next to him.

*Clap* His hands glowed in amber-colored energy and then he clapped them together with stretched out arms in front of him.

His hands quickly moved from each other while revealing a brightly glowing amber spear that looked quite ordinarily if one were to erase its radiance. Meng quickly took it into his right hand and used his all strength to throw it at the fleeing man who also noticed his actions.

"Hm? Haha, brat, you really think you can hit-" Before the man was able to finish his sentence, a spear flew right at his head at a much faster speed than the man was fleeing, the man widened his eyes and leaned his head to the side so swiftly that it almost broke his neck but he was able to dodge the spear that buried itself behind him, making him release a smile.

However, when he looked back at Meng and noticed his cold smile, he got goosebumps once again.

"Art is an Explosion!" Meng shouted in a humorous tone while stretching out his arms towards the sun above him.

*BOOM!* The spear buried in the ground near the man suddenly exploded and enveloped the entire body of the man in amber-colored light.

"AGGH! Xiao Sect will have its re-!" Only a pitiful scream was heard from the man before he grew quiet without even finishing his sentence.

"Yayaya, your sect will have its revenge. You hypocritical rat, if your sect wouldn't have moved against me first, how could they even get a chance to avenge someone? I still have a lot to learn from this shameless world." Meng muttered and moved towards the area where the man died.

[+ 300 Skill Points for killing Spirit Profound Realm profound practitioner.]

The ground was completely scorched, without a hint of grass growing on it. Meng found the scorched body of the man and took a spatial ring on his finger. The spatial ring was still intact and Meng found a few good items inside but most pills were useless to him since he can create his own and better ones. He was glad for a few rare medicinal herbs, profound best cores, and for some other stuff he could probably sell at Black Moon Merchant Guild.

'Branch of Xiao Sect will get suspicious once this guy won't return to them for a long time...I just hope they won't try to frame Iron Spear Clan in any way. If they were to start a war with them, the other 5 sects would probably even encourage them. But I can't go back, for now, I have to raise my strength before going back, I need to be strong enough to deal with a profound practitioner at Earth Profound Realm without catching them off-guard.' Meng thought and tightly gripped the Yellow spatial ring and threw it inside his own inventory, setting out to the deep parts of Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range.

A shorter chapter since I am not feeling well today. Tell me your thoughts on how I described the fight. Was it good enough or not? If not, why? I am still a beginner at writing fighting scenes and at writing in general.

darvomcreators' thoughts