
Transmigration: Forced Labor Without Getting Paid

Worlds from different realms. experiences and tasks from each world must be fulfilled in order to die naturally. that was the natural rules. Everything must be fulfilled. _______ He was just a normal adult with stable job and neutral life. He have a loving family that accepts him being a bisexual but his relatives don't like him being a part of LGBTQ community. He could not ask for anything more as he is already content with his normal life. But fate says otherwise as he dies in lamest possible way anyone could imagine. He got choked by bobba tea. ===== status: on-going. Date of Publish: Nov. 1, 2020 Finished:??? Happy reading everyone! BTW, this is only a temporary cover! Thank you for reading my story hope you will like it :))

youmeanme81 · LGBT+
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22 Chs

C.12 First Transmigration Arc 1: First time Sleeping together?


He never thought that he would be willing to wait for someone to wake up, with that person laying on top of him like it was normal. Deep down in his heart, he knew that he's starting to change but he just shrugged the thought off and just went with the flow like he normally does.

He couldn't help but laugh at himself right now, he just couldn't help it! His YingYing's sleeping face is just so cute and angelic, who wouldn't want to sacrifice a few minutes of waiting when you the other was like an angel when they sleep?!

LiJu sighs as his arm was starting to feel a bit prickly, staying in position as still as possible as he waited for his YingYing to wake up in his arms. But even though he did not dare to wake the sleeping beauty in front of him, instead he observed the other's peaceful face as he slept. His YingYing's black eyelashes were thick and long that almost touched his rosy cheeks as peaceful snores could be heard from him. His lips were slightly apart, dry but still looks like a soft delicacy that makes him want to greedily sucks those plump lips of his. LiJu sighs as he realises, after their steamy sex almost last 3 nights ago, that whenever the two of them where close, his mind tend to think more of dirty thoughts than necessary.

Instead he kisses Zhou XiuYing's soft curly hair as he tightens his embrace, unconsciously, to his YingYing's body to calm himself. He gently strokes Zhou XiuYing's naked back– yes they sleep naked and nothing happens– little did he know that it actually became a habit of his that only he will do to Zhou XiuYing.

Soon after LiJu felt his YingYing waking up, of course him being a little silly, he pretends to be sleeping, even snoring a little just to be realistic. YeBai, who is inside of the client's body, was actually asleep for the sake of his 'zone' of acting( said by Sullivan who he thinks it's nonsense). He minds that he was supposed to sleep on top of LiJu but he can't do anything because he actually can't sleep in the dimension anymore, also said by his dear friend slash system of his. But he couldn't do anything about it anymore so here he was, waking up to a firm tan and worth licking LiJu's chest. He actually likes it. The fact that he is waking up to a firm tan and worth licking chest of a man, is a dream come true, he just did not like the owner of it. Well if LiJu's controlling and perverted personality changes or turns into a moderate one which he could tolerate, maybe his view and impression of the guy will change.

"Hmm…" he groans and yawns, attempting to stretch his limbs as he wakes up, not minding what his thighs and legs brush against, as he moans in success stretching. He put his hands on LiJu's hard chest as he lifted himself up only to see a sleeping LiJu. He knew that the other was faking it at a first glance but went with the flow anyway, as he scans the real Zhou XiuYing's memory to see what he usually does when Zhou XiuYing wakes up first.

[ There was nothing… is this the first time they sleep together? ] he thought through the telepathy so that his thoughts won't be imprinted on the client's memory when it times to go back to its body.

{ Yes, host. It's their first time. And since the client originally liked the male lead since they started their… he dreamt of just observing the other till he wakes up or kiss him. You know, those cringey things you watched in the Space Room. Kind of like that } Sullivan clarifies as his munching of popcorn could be heard as they talked through the telepathy.

[ oh fuck this ]

{ Goodluck } Sullivan chuckles as he watches his host die inside.

He watches the other's good acting of sleeping, as he couldn't help but admire the other's face and firm muscles he could feel under his touch. ' he must've been exercising himself to the core to maintain this body…' he thought as he appreciate the greek-like body of the man below him.

' Especially those abs…*mwa mwa* chef kiss ' he thought as his mouth water while his eyes stayed at the other's abs. LiJu opens his eyes after a few minutes of waiting, since he thought that his YingYing would rearrange his hair or steal some kisses from him like what he saw in romance series… But after 5 minutes of waiting, the other didn't do what he expected so he decided to take a peek, only to see the other drooling over his abs and muscled chest.

" Have you stared enough? " He said suddenly, making Zhou XiuYing startled since he didn't expect the other to end his act this soon. He slowly looks up as he meets the teasing gaze of the other, and then soon he realises that he must've looked like a pervert. LiJu's smirks turns into a teasing smile as he saw the petite man's face turning red by the second, but let's just LiJu thinks that the guy was actually attracted to him and misunderstood things.

' Now he looks like a ripe tomato, ' he commented in his mind. He really wanted to laugh at this moment but he didn't want to make the other be humiliated than he already is right now.

" G-good morning..LiJu '' Zhou XiuYing whispered as he tries to hide himself through his thick curly hair.

" Good morning, YingYing. You must have a very nice morning after staring so intensely at me. Did you like the view? " He teases as he calls Zhou XiuYing his pet name, which he actually calls him in his mind.

"U-un…" he replies, still not meeting the other's ocean eyes that were full of nothing but teasing. He didn't lie, he actually likes the view the other just ruins it. If he could've stared a little longer then he might have stolen some kisses and all the cringe stuff that he waited since earlier.

LiJu flips their position, making him the one who is on the top as he cages the other with his firm arms. Zhou XiuYing gasps at the sudden flip as his eyes instinctively meet the ocean orbs of the bigger man on top of him. Since the other were only on his boxers as the room was bright enough as his eyes unconsciously moved away from his face to the other's neck line then stopped at LiJu' firm abs. Zhou XiuYing was actually tempted. Those firm tan abs and hard chest of the man in front of him as he had an urge to trace the hard curves and firm chest of the other. LiJu's skin looks so smooth to touch despite the contrast of his strong muscles.

LiJu who knew what he was doing as he shows those tempting muscles as he watches his YingYing drool all over again of his nicely refined body. He's so glad that he prioritises his health and keeps his body in shape.

Zhou XiuYing who caught himself again drooling over LiJu's body, looks up as he blushes into deep red, like a very ripe tomato.

" I'm sorry…"

LiJu this time couldn't help but laugh out loud as he laughs for around 30 seconds. " It's fine you could stare all you want " he says with a grin on his face. Zhou XiuYing shook his head and looked away again. LiJu chuckles and leans his body to the smaller one but not enough to crush the other. He kisses Zhou XiuYing's pale neck, with still a few faded marks on it, and sucks it to make another one since the others were starting to fade. He put his fingers to Zhou XiuYing's chin to face him as he pecked the other's pink lumpy lips.

" I have morning breath…" Zhou XiuYing says as he cover's his mouth before LiJu could attempt another kiss.

" Hmm...I don't care, we can kiss whenever we want, " LiJu said as he leans down to kiss his lips.

[ More like whenever you want] he thought through telepathy, but still accepts LiJu's kiss with his mouth slightly open. Kiss noises fill the quiet room as their lips dance in rhythm. Soon after the two finally stop as they both pants, both breathless from their kiss.

" Let's get up now shall we?"