
Transmigration : FateReWrite

Secrets he never knew deep inside him, things that he had forgotten held the key to it all. Things he knew but never thought that he did not know them good enough. That last moment when he thought it was all done for good secrets revealed themselves. The life he thought was his was it really his own?. https://www.patreon.com/yuuki1412 This novel is free, But i would appreciated your support. (*0v0*)

Yuuki_An · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs


They ordered and ate then headed upstairs. Si yang still held his wrist and showed no signs of letting go he entered one of the rooms and shut the door in the faces of the bewildered trio.

"Why did second brother...weren't we supposed to live in one room and second brother and senior in the other..." Muttered Wang qing pointing to the two doors in confusion.

"I'm tired...so I will go sleep now" Whispered Ming Anren as she walked inside one of the rooms and shut the door.

Wei qi chuckled lightly fanning himself softly and walked into the last room "Come on,This room is ours"

Ryse was in a dilemma.....There was only one bed in the room where was he going to sleep!?. But it seems he was thinking too much because Si yang after closing the door let go of his wrist. Si yang walked to the side and sat down on the couch, His sharp eyes glanced up at him. No emotion could be seen from within them.

"I will not be sleeping" He said, "You can take the bed" His eyes did not move away from Ryse's still form.

Ryse glanced down at his wrist which had red marks from the earlier grip and thought to himself,'Yeah you are not going to sleep you are just going to keep an eye on me that's all its's perfectly cool with me...No it is not! QAQ'

Ryse walked over to the bed although he just wanted to leave but those sharp eyes that were watching his every move were very scary, So he did not want to take his chances at all. Ryse does not understand why he was doing all that he was doing in Si yang's presence, There was something very strange going on here. Ryse would not and nor has he ever obeyed of the people from the mission worlds when it had nothing to do with his missions, Or be scared of them.

Ryse laid on the bed covering himself with the quilt and turning away he did not wish to face those eyes the same as his own. Now that he thinks about why did this person even look like himself...Must be a coincidence.

Ryse does not know when he fell asleep but at some point lost in his thoughts he drifted away to sleep. Then he had a dream a very strange dream, He was unable to see the faces or the surroundings clearly but he could hear things loud and clear.

["Why.....Why do you do this to me..." The one speaking seemed to be himself.

"You know clearly why" The voice was male and was familiar but he could not remember.

"I don't.....I don't understand....Why do you hurt me like this what did i ever do to you?...Please tell me where did i go wrong? what did i do wrong?...Please tell me please... ******!"

"Quiet.....Everything you did wrong is already clear there is no need to explain"

"That's right dear ******* everything is already known you don't have to pretend" A female voice echoed.

"I don't! I really don't know! I am not pretending!"

The scene seems to have changed but Ryse was still unable to see.

"It hurts.....It hurts so much....Ha ha....Pain....Why is it so nice to feel.....So long it has been.......Save me.....Some one save me please?....I'm losing myself.....I am going to lose myself save me....."




"Do you dare?" The unknown voice echoed around again it seemed to be laughing.

There was a bright light, It enveloped the entire dream ]

Ryse awoke drenched in sweat his hands trembled and he took several breaths trying to calm himself. He sat up his hands held the quilt still shaking faintly This was the first time he heard voices and heard them so clearly and even remembered. But who was he talking to? who were those people? who did that last voice belong to? Ryse does not know, Maybe in the future he will find out?

Ryse shook as he suddenly noticed the sharp stare from the side and secretly rolled his eyes 'Damn it....I almost thought it was a ghost or something'. Ryse did not look to side silently got up from the ruffling his long black hair,Yes they had grown long in the past years. He walked to the screen and went behind it finally cutting of the sharp gaze and visibly relaxed.

Ryse scooped up the already cold water and washed his face slowly. By the time he walked out from behind the screen Fifteen minutes had already passed. Si yang was waiting by the door Ryse noticed that the other was tall two and a half heads taller than him. Why he never noticed before he has a good answer to that.

Ryse never cares about the details of the people in the mission worlds unless they are directly related to his mission. While Ryse was grumbling internally Si yang had already walked up to him holding his chin and forcing him to look up. Si yang's eyes were narrowed but Ryse could not identify any emotions this person was too good at hiding. Ryse who has experience and has seen everything life has to offer could not see this persons emotions.

Ryse suddenly found exactly how dangerous this person was!.

"Do you know who i am?" He asked. His voice soft and low if he wasn't so close Ryse wouldn't have been able to hear what he said.

"Er..." Ryse admits that he kind of forgot the name again it's not his fault really it's just that he never thought this person would suddenly penetrate into his life like this. He thought this person will forget about himself just like he forgot about this person after all this person is not even related to his mission.

"You forgot....Again" He stated. His eyes suddenly turned dangerous as he whispered "How can you...Just how can you....." He took a deep breath the dangerous air that suddenly descended in the room seemed to vanish "It does not matter you will remember me I will make you remember....so deeply you will never forget No matter what you did!" It was a threat one of the many he had already received and Ryse for the first time actually feared that this person just might be able to do exactly what he said.

"Si yang.....I will make sure you never forget this name.... for eternity" 'Si yang' Ryse whispered in his mind 'Can you not....I will remember you i promise! QAQ'

The cold air made Ryse shudder,He noticed that the person 'Si yang' He whispered to himself, Had already walked outside but he had not gone far. Ryse rubbed the goosebumps on his arms and slowly walked out behind him. 'Mommy save me from psychos!' 'Unfortunately i don't even remember my mommy' Ryse clicked his tongue softly for some odd reason he disliked the very thought of having a 'mommy'. Must have done something bad to himself Ryse mused silently.

Walking downstairs they were called over by the girl waving at them from the table by the window towards the right. SI yang walked over to them and Ryse followed but his pace slowed down considerably. Ryse glanced at the door then glanced back at the group. If he ran using spirit energy he might be able to escape from these psychos. He can quickly bury the old man and go back to the city.

Si yang had reached the table and turned to look at him. Ryse was already by the door while they were not looking he sneaked to the door. The moment Ryse felt that sharp gaze he bolted circling the spirit energy to his feet his speed increased by ten times. Ryse knows he can't run with spirit energy all the way he might exhaust himself.

When he stopped he had arrived at the large lake full of thousands of lotuses blooming. There on the sides stood the willow trees behind them only cherry blossom trees could be seen for several miles. Ryse walked forward moving the hanging branches he entered the area hidden by the willow tree. There was a gap between its branches that showed the gorgeous view of the lake.

'Perfect' he thought and crouched down starting to dig a grave. He buried the urn and searched for a stone flat enough to serve as a grave tablet. He used a small amount of spirit energy and carved the old man's name on it. Because that was all he knew about the old man.

He bowed to the grave and turned around ready to run back to the city. The entire grave thing was finished within minutes he does not want to admit he was kind of scared to stay here longer and get caught by that guy ' Si yang' he reminded himself again.

He walked out of the drooping branches of the willow and almost choked he will never want to admit that he felt himself tremble with terror at this moment.

"Where are you running?" The person 'Si yang' He chided himself, Said softly, His face was blank and so were his eyes the only thing that might explain his mood was that deathly grip on his sword.

'I am done for! QAQ'

will end next chapter definitely if it doesn't then QAQ

Yuuki_Ancreators' thoughts