
Transmigrating Multiple Times to the Naruto World

Embark on a captivating journey alongside Kai as he immerses himself in the enchanting realm of Naruto. Adopting the guise of one character while wielding the remarkable powers of another, Kai's presence promises to reshape the narrative in unprecedented ways. Prepare to be captivated as you observe the profound impact of this unique fusion on the unfolding events.

MarSus · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs


Outside the Hokage Mansion, a gauntlet of vigilant Anbu guards awaited them, their expressions etched with determination. A stringent protocol governed the mansion's entrance, restricting access to those who lacked an official invitation. The trio's presence immediately triggered this security measure.

Yet, in a timely twist of fate, Kakashi materialized among the Anbu guards, his presence acting as both an unexpected surprise and a welcome solution. A seasoned shinobi with a keen eye, Kakashi's intuition recognized his former comrades—Naruto, Sakura, and Kai—in an instant.

With a reassuring nod, Kakashi directed them to proceed, using his influence to bypass the stringent barriers that guarded the mansion's sanctum. His calm demeanor concealed the curiosity he felt upon seeing Team 7 return to Konoha after years of separation.

As they traversed the halls of the Hokage Mansion, a sense of nostalgia mingled with the gravity of their purpose. The journey brought them to the hallowed chamber of the Hokage, the seat of power where decisions that shaped the village's destiny were made.

Eager to address their concerns, Naruto wasted no time in expressing their urgency. "We need to meet with the Hokage," he implored, the weight of their mission palpable in his words.

Unveiling a gentle smile, Kakashi dispelled any concerns by confirming, "You're in luck. You're talking to the Hokage."

A chorus of disbelief followed this revelation. Naruto's eyes widened in surprise, his incredulity mirrored by Sakura. The notion of Kakashi ascending to the village's highest office was met with both astonishment and a shared sense of amusement. Naruto said, "You're joking Kakashi-Sensei.. No way you are.."

Kakashi's gesture of affirmation extended beyond his words, however. With a casual nod, he directed their attention to the monumental Hokage statues that adorned the mountainside, an enduring testament to the village's legacy and leadership. Among those iconic figures, Kakashi's countenance now stood, a testament to his own journey and commitment.

The shock of this revelation settled into a mixture of surprise and admiration. Naruto's boisterous exclamation of "EHHH" punctuated the atmosphere, while Sakura's speechlessness conveyed her astonishment. Amid this, Kai's subdued laughter echoed, a reflection of his awareness that Kakashi's rise to Hokage was a distinct possibility.

Kakashi then motioned for them to take a seat, offering a reassuring smile to Naruto, whose surprise and unease were still palpable.

"Hey, Naruto, take a deep breath. You're safe here," Kakashi said, his voice a soothing balm for Naruto's nerves.

Kakashi's words opened a gateway for a heartfelt conversation. With sincerity radiating from his gaze, he addressed each of them individually. "Naruto, Sakura, I want to begin by offering my deepest apologies. Declaring you both as missing-nin was a difficult decision—one that weighed heavily on my heart."

Turning his gaze towards Kai, whose presence carried the essence of Sasuke, Kakashi continued, "And to you, Sasuke, I must apologize as well. My hesitance to confront the specter of Madara Uchiha kept me from intervening."

A profound sense of remorse resonated in Kakashi's words, accompanied by a genuine bow—an act that conveyed the depth of his apology more than mere syllables could. The air seemed to hold a collective breath as Kakashi humbled himself before his former comrades.

In the wake of this heartfelt apology, Naruto and Sakura hesitated, their emotions a maelstrom of conflicting feelings. The trials they had endured, the rifts that had formed, and the shadow of betrayal had left indelible marks on their hearts.

Amid this charged atmosphere, Sasuke—the embodiment of Kai consciousness—stepped forward, his voice steady and unwavering. "Kakashi, there's nothing you need to apologize for. The circumstances were beyond anyone's control."

Kai's acceptance rippled through the room, casting a quiet spell that gradually soothed the tension that had hung in the air. Sakura and Naruto, moved by Kai's words, felt a subtle shift within themselves.

Naruto, his features relaxing, voiced his sentiments. "I won't lie, I had some anger toward the village for a while, but I think it's time for a fresh start."

Sakura nodded in agreement, her gaze reflecting the newfound sense of clarity. The weight that had burdened Kakashi, a sense of responsibility for the paths his former students had tread, now began to lift.

Kakashi's eyes softened, a mixture of gratitude and relief painting his expression. The cloud of uncertainty that had hovered over their reunion was giving way to a renewed sense of camaraderie. They talked throughout the day, enjoying Team 7's long-awaited Reunion.

As the night gradually settled over the village, Kakashi's words carried a soothing promise. With a kind smile, he invited them to stay within the comforting embrace of the Hokage Mansion for a while longer.

"I've had my fill of Danzo's antics," Kakashi declared, his voice laced with determination. "Rest assured, we now have evidence of his actions that breach his authority. He won't evade justice this time."

Leaned against the desk, Kakashi's gaze held a glint of resolve as he laid out his plan. "By morning, I'll issue an official Hokage decree, formally absolving you all of the 'missing ninja' label."

Kakashi's words were like a soothing melody to their ears, releasing a sigh of relief that had been pent up for too long. With a knowing nod, he ushered them towards a much-needed reprieve.

"Take this time to rest," Kakashi encouraged, his voice a gentle assurance. "You've all had quite a day, and you've more than earned a moment to catch your breath."

And so, enveloped by the tranquility of the Hokage Mansion, they allowed weariness to give way to much-needed rest.