
Transmigrating: I Became Big Boss With Golden Thighs.

"The waves are waiting to kiss the earth ... The sun is waiting to set ... The procession of lightning is waiting to confront ... and now even her destiny is scared of her" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zhao Mei was transmigrated into a third-rated romance novel, 'Mr. CEO: PLEASE LOVE ME, HARDER. ' She became the evil adopted sister of the original female protagonist and the big fat villainess. She was excited no very excited. If she found God at that moment, she would have given him thousands of hugs for her new life. So, as an avid novel reader of villainess became good after transmigration. She did what every villainess does. #1 Change her destruction path and live the exact opposite of what she was portrayed in the novel. #2 No poker face and not to act like a spoiled brat. #3 No harm to FL. No to being bully. #4 Latch on to the big thighs of Male Lead. To become a perfect picture with a broken frame. But destiny was not in her favor. Web of conspiracies were laid for her to fall into it, without her knowledge. Her heart broke, trust lost, everything seems to against her after all her efforts. So, she showed her middle finger to God and the shitty author who wrote the novel. And became the villainess that she was destined to be . “HOWEVER, BEWARE THIS VILLAINESS IS NOT A CANNON FODDER FOR PROTAGONISTS TO PLAY BUT IT’S THE OPPOSITE. BECAUSE BEING NICE WAS HER PAST TIME.” However, after becoming a big boss, a certain someone latched on this dangerous woman's big thighs and pitifully said, "Dear why did you ran away? After eating me." "You need to compensate me. After all, you are going to be my sugar mommy and..." "Shut up daddy," a cute lil dumpling latched on her other thigh and blinked cutely, "She is my mommy not yours!" Zhao Mei: "......" ----------------------------------------------------------------- Author Note: HELLO, LOVELIES AUTHOR HERE! This is my entry to Writing Formula Practice #29 WARNING: MATURE CONTENT ALERT NOTE: The pictures in cover is not mine. Contact: Insta: Akku_Nidz Discord: Akku_Nidz#2754

Akku_Nidz · Urban
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12 Chs

The Sinister Hellhound (2)

After one and a half hour in the guest lounge;

Ye Qing politely came to Mr. Du and told him that 'Boss' is ready to meet him.

Mr. Du felt relieved listening to this. He feared if it was a little later then, he would have fainted then and there.

His heart and mind were screaming with joy that he will now get out of this hellish place.

Ye Qing gave a sympathetic glance to Mr. Du. Because his state was nowhere near the man who came confidently with a face full of smiles one and hour before. He was going to be slaughtered by her Boss.

Mr. Du had sweat so much that it seems that he had taken a sweat bath.

Ye Qing felt repulsed to cover her nose due to the smell of Mr. Du's sweat. It was really smelly.

However, she controlled herself from covering her nose and guided Mr. Du to Boss's office.

But Mr. Du's happiness was short-lived.

When he entered the office, his face paled like he has seen King Yama.

The office of Zhao Mei's was like a jungle. It was filled with different types of big and small plants.

If the guest lounge was the trailer. Zhao Mei's was the movie for Mr. Du.

He was ready to run away from there and, he literally did it.

However, his footstep stopped listening to a dangerous voice.

"Take one step back. And tomorrow, you will be welcome by police bangles(handcuffs)." Zhao Mei's warning electrocute Mr. Du.

He thought she didn't know about that, did she.He felt relieved thinking about the incident that no one has knowledge about.

However, shortly after seeing these plants he started to hyperventilate.

He was now desperately started, questioning his sanity 'Why he had to go and provoke, 'The Hellhound of City K.'

Zhao Mei was smirking inwardly seeing drenched in sweat Mr. Du.

"Ye Qing, wait outside and close the door," Zhao Mei ordered.

Ye Qing complied and closed the door.

"And you…." pointing her well-manicured finger at Mr. Du.

Now Mr. Du was more afraid than ever. Thousands of thoughts were swirling in his mind.

"Me…" Mr. Du nervously said while pointing his own finger at himself.

"Yes, you. Who else is here?" Zhao Mei snorted.

"Come have a seat," she gestured with her hand.

"THIS. SEAT. WAS. SPECIALLY. MADE. FOR. YOU" Zhao Mei enuciated each and every syllable like she was treating a V.I.P guest.

Mr. Du frowned at her words but still, complied. Because he badly needed to drink the water that was on Zhao Mei's table. His throat was all parched.

However, he suddenly screamed in horror and fell down.

"Yo…...You…." Mr. Du was now scared as hell. He was continuously pointing his finger at Zhao Mei but was not able to form full words.

The seat was specially made with plants, which have scared the hell out of him.

'How did she knew about that. I have made sure it will remain a secret forever. If it goes out it will put a stop to my political career,' Mr. Du thoughts were jumbled up.

Zhao Mei stands up from her seat with a cute botanical plant in her hand.

She moved towards the scaredy Mr. Du, who was trembling with fear.

"Tsk…Tsk," Zhao Mei leveled with Mr. Du and suddenly brought the botanical plant extremely close to him.

Mr. Du screamed with fear, "P..u..t it away! Aw…ay."

"Botanophobia, the extreme, unwarranted, and often irrational fear of plants. For normal people, plants/herbs might seem like odd objects to fear but to people suffering from this phobia, life can become miserable. They live in the constant fear that plants or trees might evolve someday and harm or eat people. Because plants are everywhere, the phobic has to go to great lengths to avoid them," Zhao Mei said like she was teaching someone.

Zhao Mei gestured all the plants. "So, did you...do something that made you think these cuties are monsters," she raised her brow in questioning manner.

"Ai…Sh! Who would have thought the one of the great politician-cum-entrepreneur is scared of these cute looking plants," Zhao Mei brought the plant close to Mr. Du like she wanted to show how cute these lovelies were?

However, for Mr. Du, it was a nightmare that he wanted to end. These plants were looking like they wanted to eat him whole. They wanted to have their revenge for what he did years ago. He was scared, wanted to end this all.

"So, what? I have botanophobia." However he still did not learned his lesson and tried to provoke Zhao Mei again.

Who would have thought, he was digging more deeper pit for himself.

"Every....one h..as so..me f...fears. Yo...u ju...just cannot u...use their f...fear to g...get w...what y..ou w...ant. It is not eth...ethical," Mr. Du started stuttering due to shortness of breath.

"Who said I care about ethics? My ethics are dead. I do not follow good businesswoman rules," Zhao Mei casually said like she was talking about the weather.

"And who said that I only know about your phobia. I also know how you got this phobia with evidence."

Mr. Du's eyes widened with horror. 'She knew.....She knew...' Like a repeat telecast he started chanting.

"That's why I said you'll regret if you a step back," Zhao Mei said dangerously.

Zhao Mei wanted to crush his spirit before he came for negotiation. As expected, his facial expression was a dead giveaway. His body was trembling like a scaredy-cat.

'Oh! My God. I'm seriously enjoying seeing him have a mental breakdown,' Zhao Mei twisted personality was getting a good amount of daily dose.

"Now, Mr. Du you say what should I do with you?" Zhao Mei asked while admiring the beauty of the botanical plant. "If I spread this to media and provide evidence to police. You say what will happen to your now taking off the political career."

Mr. Du fell into a dilemma. He started to weigh the pros and cons of the deal.

"Ok. Let's keep the deal that way," shorting his thoughts, he said with finality. "We will sign it now for 200 million USD."

"Who said I want to sign it?" Zhao Mei said in an annoyed tone.

"Now I think it will be more beneficial to give these to media and police. After this, your company's stock prices will crash. You say what will happen?"

"Ah! let me tell you," Zhao Mei excitedly told him about Du enterprises doom like she was talking about bursting fire-crackers. "The prices of stock will fall drastically, making company under huge debt. Resulting in your bankruptcy."

"So, provide me something more beneficial," Zhao Mei's beautiful face slithered with a cold smirk said her words.

Mr. Du who was already on, verge of pissing in his pants: "...."

He was starting to curse his advisor, who said to threaten the hellhound.

'The first thing after returning, I'm going to fire that advisor. If not for his instigation, he would not be here at the mercy of hellhound,' he thought in mind resolutely.

"Tick…Tick…" timing is running, Mr. Du.

"Boss…" Mr. Du's addressing speech changed to the boss. To which Zhao Mei raised her brow and gestured him to continue.

"I'm at your mercy," Mr. Du was now in begging position. "Please tell me what do you want. I will do my best."

"If you ask me to be your dog at your beck and call. I will become one," Mr. Du was in a desperate condition to save his political career. "If you say bark, I will bark. If you say wag your tail, I will also do it."

In his mind, 'Just you wait. Let me become the Mayor of this City. After that I will take care of you.' He started beaming thinking about his bright future.

However, within a flick of fingers his eyes darkened, 'He will show her what was the woman's place in this man's world.'

"Hmmm…." Zhao Mei put a finger on her chin started thinking deeply.

From the point of view of Mr. Du, it was like that.

However, Zhao Mei's mind was sneering at the begging Mr. Du, 'Eww! Who wants a dog. You are a snake who will bite at the first chance you get.'

"Do you think I don't know what you are thinking?" Zhao Mei sneered at Mr.Du pitiful looking face. He looked like she has tortured him and was innocent victim of the hellhound.

Mr. Du became stunned after his sinister thoughts were exposed. He was cursing in his mind for showing a pinch of happiness.

"I have recorded everything that's happening in this room with the evidence of your good deeds," Zhao Mei sarcastically said.

Mr.Du: "...."

"Hmm...now cut the chase, make the contract for 300 Million USD…." Zhao Mei started to state her conditions. "Yeah, all your shares of Du enterprises."

"This is daylight robbery…." Mr. Du wailed in agony. "An extra million USD with whole control of Du Enterprises. Boss think about my family."

"You can choose this or end of everything," Zhao Mei heartlessly gestured at both the option.

Zhao Mei's facial expression was serious. It screamed that she will not take a no from him. Else he can say bye-bye to his luxury life and high-end reputation. She was really live up to her reputation of cruelness and ruthlessness.

Mr. Du just wanted to jump from that floor. Zhao Mei didn't leave any way for him. If he didn't, agree with the conditions, she stated. His political career will end.

If he agreed, it was akin to giving all his hard work to Zhao Mei.

If he was not in this condition, he would have praised her for a well-laid trap.

What Mr. Du did not understand was that?

From the start, Zhao Mei's goal was not Security Software Deal but acquiring the Du enterprises. What was that word?... Hah! Yes, legally and, easily acquiring the highest stake without any labor.

In the end, he chooses to sacrifice his Du Enterprises, without any care for thousands of employees employed there. To protect his own career.

On the other hand, his phobia was getting the best of him. He just quickly wants to go out after making this deal.

"Ok, Boss. I'm ready to sign the deal and transfer the shares. Do not do anything to my career," Mr. Du dejectly said.

But..." he gestured the whole office room. "Please remove these plants from here."

Zhao Mei snickered at him. In the end, a person was so selfish that he will not wait to throw anyone under the bus to gain what he wants. Even if those thrown were innocent people.

'Hypocrite,' Zhao Mei sneered in her mind.

'You've also become that hypocrite,' her subconscious retorted.

'Yeah, that's why I'm not feeling guilty of whatever I did so far and what I will do in future,' Zhao Mei told her subconscious.

She again scolded her subconscious, 'You best knew why I'm doing this? So, you have no right to say that to me.'

Stay tuned for the next chapter.

If there are grammatical errors feel free to point out my mistakes.

Any ideas, suggestions for my story is welcomed.

Please provide your precious votes, comments, and reviews.

Note: I'm not trying to make any fun of or offended people who have this phobia. It is only for story purposes. If it has some negative effect, then I'm sorry in advance.

Thank You...

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