
Transmigrating: I Became Big Boss With Golden Thighs.

"The waves are waiting to kiss the earth ... The sun is waiting to set ... The procession of lightning is waiting to confront ... and now even her destiny is scared of her" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zhao Mei was transmigrated into a third-rated romance novel, 'Mr. CEO: PLEASE LOVE ME, HARDER. ' She became the evil adopted sister of the original female protagonist and the big fat villainess. She was excited no very excited. If she found God at that moment, she would have given him thousands of hugs for her new life. So, as an avid novel reader of villainess became good after transmigration. She did what every villainess does. #1 Change her destruction path and live the exact opposite of what she was portrayed in the novel. #2 No poker face and not to act like a spoiled brat. #3 No harm to FL. No to being bully. #4 Latch on to the big thighs of Male Lead. To become a perfect picture with a broken frame. But destiny was not in her favor. Web of conspiracies were laid for her to fall into it, without her knowledge. Her heart broke, trust lost, everything seems to against her after all her efforts. So, she showed her middle finger to God and the shitty author who wrote the novel. And became the villainess that she was destined to be . “HOWEVER, BEWARE THIS VILLAINESS IS NOT A CANNON FODDER FOR PROTAGONISTS TO PLAY BUT IT’S THE OPPOSITE. BECAUSE BEING NICE WAS HER PAST TIME.” However, after becoming a big boss, a certain someone latched on this dangerous woman's big thighs and pitifully said, "Dear why did you ran away? After eating me." "You need to compensate me. After all, you are going to be my sugar mommy and..." "Shut up daddy," a cute lil dumpling latched on her other thigh and blinked cutely, "She is my mommy not yours!" Zhao Mei: "......" ----------------------------------------------------------------- Author Note: HELLO, LOVELIES AUTHOR HERE! This is my entry to Writing Formula Practice #29 WARNING: MATURE CONTENT ALERT NOTE: The pictures in cover is not mine. Contact: Insta: Akku_Nidz Discord: Akku_Nidz#2754

Akku_Nidz · Urban
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12 Chs

End or Birth Of Villainess

'PAK.., PAK...'

A series of loud slaps echoed in the suite of the Xing Hotel.

Zhao Mei stood there in shock. She was slapped by her adopted father, Zhao Wenjun.

She was still dizzy and was unaware of what has happened.

She surveyed her surroundings. Her adopted parents, the whole Zhao family, Lu Family, and the media were standing in front of her.

Her adopted parents were sneering at her with disgust like she had done something unforgivable.

Yu Meixiu was holding Zhao Li Ying's trembling body wrapped in a cloth.

Tears were continuously pouring out of Zhao Li Ying's eyes. Her eyes were bloodshot red from all the crying.

Zhao Mei moved her eyes to another side. The scene made her eyes wide like a saucer.

On the bed, laid unconscious Lu Xiang, the male lead.

Her head snapped towards her adopted parents and Zhao Li Ying, who was a sobbing mess.

Why was she here? Wasn't she being in the banquet hall toasting with Zhao Li Ying?

She was confused. What has exactly happened? She tried to remember how did she end up here.

Suddenly, Zhao Mei's experienced a sharp pain in her head. It was so fierce that her legs give away and, she 'thud' fell on the floor.

She hasn't drunk or eaten anything. Then how? The question was continuously ringing inside of her head.

'Click. Click…,' sound of shutters was continuously going on. The media was greedy for the spicy pictures and articles for the scandal.

Her body was not helping at all. She feels sluggish, weak, intoxicated.

Her mind was working, analyzing things that were going on. But her mouth cannot form the words that she wanted to say.

"Wha… happen…...ed?" confused and scared Zhao Mei with great difficulty said these two syllables.

"Shameless! How audacious of you to ask that?" Yu Meixiu angrily said with disgust laced in her voice. "You're a disgrace to our family. How can we have adopted something so disgusting."

"Do not try to act innocent! We knew that you were eyeing my sister's fiancé," Zhao Heng, who was the eldest son of her adopted parents, sneered at her. "We didn't do anything for the sake of our relations when Lu Xiang broke his engagement with you. But now, Che…I feel disgusted that you are my sister. You are a dog who bites its owner's hands."

"Mo….Mo..there," Zhao Mei pleadingly reach out to Yu Meixiu but, she ignored her. She eyed Zhao Li Ying to prove her innocence because the last time she remembered being with her.

"Sis Mei, how can I say that you are innocent," biting her lips, Zhao Li Ying said with puffy eyes. "Brother Xiang is still unconscious. And you even sent me to an old man to…..." Zhao Li Ying burst into tears without finishing her sentence.

Zhao Mei remains stunned after listening to Zhao Li Ying's words. Her mind clicked something and, then a similar scene came into her mind. It was the same exactly, the same scene as in the novel.

However, in the novel, Zhao Mei never sent any old man to ruin the reputation of Zhao Li Ying. She only drugged Lu Xiang to cook the rice. Because once the rice is cooked, she will legitimately become Mrs. Lu.

However, the current situation is not the same. Even if the atmosphere created is the same as described in the novel. But, Zhao Mei didn't orchestra any of these.

"Ahhh!" Lu Xiang sat up on the bed, holding his aching head.

"What happened?" His eyes widened, seeing everyone including the media, in front of him. His eyes fixed on Zhao Li Ying wrapped in a blanket with puffy eyes and panicked.

"Yingying, why are you crying? What had happened?" Lu Xiang hurriedly moved to Zhao Li Ying and started inspecting her if she was hurt. For seconds he has forgotten all about his image and engulfed Zhao Li Ying in a tight hug.

But after analyzing the situation, Lu Xiang regained his composure and the cold poker face of the male lead. He stares with disgust towards Zhao Mei, who was not in a state to say anything to prove her innocence.

"You disgusting filth," Lu Xiang raised his hand in anger to slap Zhao Mei.

But Zhao Li Ying stopped him. "Brother Xiang, leave it. I feel sorry for Sis," Zhao Li Ying glanced at Zhao Mei with a sympathetic gaze. " I'm ok and nothing has happened to you. Let's leave from here. I'm tired."

"You will pay for messing with me and my loved ones," Lu Xiang coldly said and left the room with Zhao Li Ying.

Zhao Mei was stunned. She wanted to speak but, words were not coming out of her mouth. She was struggling desperately to stop them, to listen to her side. To prove her innocence but, all was futile.

Soon the suite became empty only with Zhao Mei slumped on the floor in a disheveled state. Her mind was stilled with fear of what will happen to her next. She does not want to be sold to the red light district.

'God! Why?' she asked, in hope of getting any response. 'I didn't do anything then why I'm in this state. Why the hell I ended as same evil villainess.'

She was wallowing in her misery. Then, the suite door opened again and, Zhao Li Ying gracefully walked toward her.

"tch...Tch…" Zhao Li Ying clicked her tongue. Her eyes were now filled with pure madness. "Poor, Sis Mei. Now, you will go to the place that every evil being deserved. You have become a shrewd woman who seduces her sister's husband." She continued with her speech but, Zhao Mei was in no mood to listen to all her shit.

"Don't you know for the female lead to look good, a villain is necessary? You cannot even prove your innocence because the dead man tells no tales," Zhao Li Ying said this and started laughing like a madwoman.

"How was my new creation?" she happily clapped her hands and asked Zhao Mei. " You know, only touching that wine glass was enough to make you unconscious. Isn't it was a great creation of mine. I can easily kill a person. Make them disable for a lifetime and, they will not know what had happened to them."

Zhao Mei's head shot up and, stared at Zhao Li Ying with disbelief. 'Why she was referring to herself as female lead? Did she know they were in the novel world?' Many questions were ringing inside her head like an alarming bell.

"But you acted like a goody to shoes." Zhao Li Ying wiped off her imaginary tears, "Who would have thought to make myself the female lead. I will also have to act as a villain. However, now all problem is solved."

"H…. o…w?" Zhao Mei said with great difficulty. Her throat was parched and hurting very much. She didn't know what type of drug they had given her.

"How?" Zhao Li Ying tried to look surprised. She got closer to Zhao Mei's and whispered, "They told me. Hahahahahaha! Can you believe it? The voices told me, I'm the female lead."

Zhao Li Ying started to laugh hysterically. "They said, I'm the heroine of this world. Everything good will happen with me."

Zhao Mei was in disbelief. She was confused about who were they Zhao Li Ying was talking about. Her eyes were searching for answers.

"You want to know!" Zhao Li Ying, who was now looking no less than an evil shrew, said.

Zhao Mei nodded her head.

She wanted to know...

She wanted to live...

She was desperate...

"Too bad! This will be your last day as a sane person," Zhao Li Ying regretfully said while injected a needle in the neck of Zhao Mei.

Zhao Mei slowly started to lose her consciousness but still heard Zhao Li Ying's parting words.

"I have to send you. But before that, your body will come in handy," she said while bringing an old man into the room. "President Shu, she's all yours. Do not forget your promise to invest in Ying Pharmaceutical's."

President Shu just nodded his head while lecherously eyeing Zhao Mei's body.

"Sis Mei, thanks for this amazing engagement gift," she patted Zhao Mei's hand gently. "Do not forget I'm the female lead, not you. Do not fret! After this, the Lu family will take care of disposing of you."

"You know Brother Xiang he's a very revengeful person," She continued. "For my sake, he will let you live a life worse than death."

Saying this, Zhao Li Ying left the suite.

Zhao Mei stares at her retreating back with rage, burning desire to seek revenge.

But slowly, everything subsided. Her main concern was to save herself.

She mustered all her strength to stand up. And kicked in between the legs of President Shu, who was inching closer to her. She ran with all her might. But gradually, strength was leaving her body. Her body was burning with unfathomable fire, wanting to quench the thirst. She knows she could not hold herself up.

Suddenly, she stumbled upon a door that was left ajar.

Zhao Mei entered the darkroom. She cannot see anything but with her instinct, she slowly made her way inside the room. A shallow breathing sound was echoing in the silent room.

Suddenly, she was pulled towards the person who was in the room. His face was not visible but, through her instinct, she can tell he was eyeing his prey that is ready to be devoured.

"Help Me!" he said these two words in his sexy hoarse voice. He was panting heavily.

Which were enough for Zhao Mei to know that he was also drugged.

She analyzed him in the dark with her hand roaming around his body. Only his eyes were visible in dark, which was seductive enough for her to lose control.

Zhao Mei's breathing became erratic. Something was burning inside her and, wanted to be relieved quickly. Her sanity was leaving her slowly.

So, she did what she was never dared of doing, even in her sane mind. She knows that she was going to regret it, but still, it was better than President Shu.

Only one thought was running inside her head. How to escape from this city quietly.

Her role as villainess is over. So, she should disappear from this city forever.

But what she did not know, it will not be the end of misery. She had to go through something more sinister that will leave her broken. That will make her want to die, because that pain will inevitably unbearable.

But, in end, it will make her much worse than a bad person, a sinister villainess. In contrast, a stronger person with dead emotions.

Soon, two bodies intertwined together. White moonlight was illuminating inside the room, making the atmosphere calm and serene.

Both of them embraced each other without knowing other's identity. Only sense of feeling and familiarity will remain.

However, what both did not know tonight, will intertwine their fates in such a way, that it cannot be untangled even after their death.

Please Stay tuned for the next chapter.

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