
The long broadcast [2]

Esong and his men were in charge of protecting the central area of the capital and at the moment, it was all but quiet. The previous night they had fought off some lightning wolves which made it through the boundaries. Any mutated beast that had any weather related abilities could not be stopped by shields or boundaries. Therefore any mutated beast that exuded fire, water, lightning, wind and the like could not be stopped. Even those that could barrel into the ground were not stopped by shields. At the moment, Esong and Ian were sitting in the headquarters of the mecha warrior offices and he was watching Scarlet's live broadcast.

He sent many gifts hoping to be the lucky recipient of the creamy noodle soup she had just prepared. It was not that he was guilty of dereliction of his duty but the moments when nothing was happening were filled with boredom and these were many. Apart from patrolling the empty streets, there was not much else to do.

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