
Transmigrating as the Overpowered Villainous Cultivator

"What lies beyond the unspoken words?"- Zhang Xi Yin Upon awakening to a peculiar scenario, an unknown individual carried him like a sack of rice. He then heard the voice of a female AI speaking to him before being left alone. With assistance from the system, he discovered that he had transmigrated into a game. Despite his weariness and idleness in using his wits, he agreed to something that would later change his entire life. However, at the time, he believed it was all just one long dream. When he opened his eyes once more, he found himself within the body of a blind cultivator who turned out to be none other than Moon Emperor – one of the most powerful individuals in all 12 realms. As this new identity became familiar to him, troubles associated with being Moon Emperor began chasing after him and disrupting his personal desires and ambitions. "Obsession and greed – why must I care if they are seen as evil? From now on, I will do whatever I wish. If pursuing goals is deemed greedy or persistently chasing after desires is regarded as obsession, then we are all villains – spawn of evil. No one can live or die as a saint."- Zhang Xi Yin Update Schedule for 2024!Temporary Hiatus Each chapter contains over 1500 words! Status: Ongoing Reminder: Please keep an open mind while reading this novel. The title is subject to change but was previously known as "Birth of the Greedy Guardian".

Mx_Third · Eastern
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45 Chs

Chapter 22: Lady

[Zhang Xi Yin's Narrative][Streets of Lim Capital]

I stood quietly watching as the mysterious lady eyes the thugs in silence. The thugs seemed uncomfortable, they looked at each other stiffly before scurrying away, screaming like a bunch of cowardly dogs.

Being unable to tell her cultivation realm must've scared those guys. Somehow, even I can't also figure it out, the system isn't giving me anything about her for some reason. I should look for someone who could investigate her background for me.

The lady wearing the veiled weimao remained unmoving, her attention seemed to have been transferred to me based on the direction where her head is facing.

I wonder what is she going to do? Is she perhaps going to report me to Yan Chao Xiang? Does she even know that I'm with that guy?

I sighed and clasp my hand.

Whatever, this is my retribution I guess...

I spoke, "This humble man greets the lady venerable. Please accept my words of gratitude."

As I bowed, I heard a short silent hum from her lips. She disappeared from the edge of the roof and reappeared in front of me. She extended a hand out without saying anything, the veil was covering her face, and I'm unable to tell what exactly is she trying to do.

What a strange lady... Does she wants me to shake her hands? But no one here greets anyone like that...

Unsure of what I must do, I extended my hand to see where it would lead to. She gently held my hand, her hand felt soft with a bit roughness on it, unlike Fang Ying Mei, there isn't any nail guards on her fingers too.

I was honestly starting to doubt my knowledge about that thing because of how people from the internet seemed to interpret it's meaning, but now I'm certain that I'm right. I wonder where did they get the idea that it's supposed to tell a woman's sexual orientation?

She spoke, her voice sounded like a hushed lullaby, "It's weak..."

"...and unstable." She added.

She let my hand go and remain standing quite closely. I tilted my head slightly, unsure of what she meant with her words.

I blinked repeatedly out of confusion.

Maybe she's saying that I'm weak? My cultivation? That's probably what she meant.

She shook her head, "No, your soul."

That's a strange response. Did she read my mind? What exactly does she meant by saying that my soul is weak--oh, I think I get it now...

Is my soul's condition similar to Yīhán before the fusion? If that is the case, then I won't have to worry. I can just find a way to perform the same thing on me after accessing the developer's console.

She raised her head and took a step away, her hands reached for her hat and adjusted it. 

She spoke once more before jumping to a roof towards the direction of the Zháo Cái Māo Pavilion, "Come."

Ah, can't we just teleport? But I guess, I should just enjoy being able to move around like this outside. I felt like a hen being stuck inside that inn.

[Yan Chao Xiang's Narrative][Zháo Cái Māo Pavilion]

Heavy and rushing footsteps resounded from the second floor, Li Yang came down from the second floor with a panicked expression.

She spoke while gripping the collar of my outer robe, "Have you seen your lover, Master Yan?! He suddenly disappeared while I was retrieving some things from the Master Seamstress's working quarter. Has he, by any chance, came down here? But that seems unlikely, we have always kept the windows closed, but one was left opened---Ah!..."

She covered her mouth with her palms and turned her back on me, I heard her whispering to herself, "Why did I tell him?! This must've been his plan to escape..."

I chuckled.

It seems that she really have misunderstood our relation completely. I hope that wouldn't cause too much problems between us in the future.

I spoke, "Were you saying something, my dear? I have to apologize, I could not hear a word that you have spoken."

Of course, that's a lie. But that's just how it must be done around the ladies. Never provoke their wrath, it's endless torture.

Her mouth opened and closed a few times before she was able speak.

She smiled and spoke, "Oh, it's nothing, Master Yan. I apologize for wasting your time, uh, well then, please resume your...rest?"

Li Yang made an awkward laugh before disappearing in front of me quickly.

Was she that startled with Little Chick's disappearance that she had forgotten that she could've teleported earlier? How amusing...

I shook my head and chuckled, I turned around and walked to a nearby chair. I sat and crossed my legs, I lean my forehead on my palm.

Now let me see what are you up to, Little Chick.

I spoke in a hushed voice, "Predator's Gaze."

Although I could not see myself, I am well aware of the obvious change in my eyes while using this technique, the reason why I would always have my eyes close most time that I am using it, or else I would call unwanted attention. Moreover, even if my eyes are close, I am still able to see anything I want with this technique.

While my eyes are closed, I could see a clear image of Little Chick and... the Master Seamstress?

She must've seen something on Little Chick, or else, she wouldn't even spare him a second, nor would he allow him to be near her. I wonder, would there be a chance for her to reveal her name this time? 

What a beautiful tale...

Since it looks like he weren't doing anything interesting, I decided to stop watching him. I opened my eyes and stood up. I pulled out a familiar wooden hair stick from my sleeve, on its body is a carved character. The family name of one of my... lovers.


Who would've known that the well known Ma clan would fall so suddenly? Since I have many ladies around me, I should play the role of a crestfallen lover splendidly.

Since I'm in a good mood, I won't report that Little Chick had ran away, I don't really plan to anyway.

I called, "Qiao Gong."

A voice spoke, the tone sounded dull as usual, "Your orders, Master Yan?"

I turned to my side where Qiao Gong stood, several black feathers were scattered around his foot.

He noticed my gaze and quickly knelt with one knee, "I apologize for my carelessness, Master Yan. You may punish me however you see fit."

I shook my head.

How could I hurt my own subordinate? That's terrible.

I spoke, "Raise your head and stand properly. I want you to do something for me. Let me ask you, have you heard of the Ma Clan?"

He did as I said, "Yes, Master Yan. Should I prepare the decorations?"

I nodded, "Yes, that would be lovely."

I extended my hand that is holding the wooden hair stick, he carefully took it and hid it on his sleeve.

I smiled, "You know what to do. Do well for me, my dear."

He bowed slightly and spoke before disappearing, this time, there weren't any feathers that scattered.

"I shall return shortly, Master Yan."

[Zhang Xi Yin's Narrative]

As we spent several minutes jumping on roofs to move around, I could finally see the Zháo Cái Māo Pavilion.

Buddha, thank you... My legs were starting to feel sore! This lady probably has a muscular and strong calf...

As we landed in front of the entrance, I immediately noticed the gaze of most passerby aimed on the Master Seamstress, she did not seem to notice, or perhaps she must've deliberately ignored them, and directly headed to the second floor.

I stepped inside and was immediately greeted by Yan Chao Xiang, who is sitting with a crossed legs and a grin on his lips.

I sighed, "What?"

He chuckled, "Found yourself a lady?"

"How charming my lover is..." He added.

What is this crazy plant monster talking about? Lover? Found myself a lady?

I sighed and sat on the chair across him, "Your jokes are tasteless."

He laughed and spoke with a very confident tone, "My jokes had the ladies falling for me, are you saying that those beautiful ladies have no taste in humor?" 

This guy... Should I castrate him?

I scoffed, "Using the ladies to gain an upper hand, I see how you like to play."

He dramatically acted as if something stabbed his chest, he covered his mouth with his palm and stared at my eyes. Although I'm uncertain, I believe that the expression on his face is supposed to make himself look pitiful.

What an actor, people from the real world would certainly like this guy if he was a celebrity. Being a fictional character is certainly nice, you'll get to be attractive even if you have such a weird personality and behavior.

He spoke, "You wound me!"

Can someone sew this guy's mouth?

I frowned with a sighed, "Please, enough of this. I'll vomit if you continue..."

He stared at me for a moment and shrugged, "Oh, anyway, we shall go back. Come along, my dear!"

With a smile on his lips, he stood up and extended his hand towards me.

I think I'm about to run out of social battery because of this guy. I think I could feel my patience running thin...

With an exasperated sigh, I held on his hand. Our surrounding distorted and in a second, we were back inside the main hall of the inn. 

Back in the coop, I see. I guess it makes sense that I would be a hen or a chick, although being a hen is more suitable because I had hatch an egg.

I'm going insane...

Hello, this is Third. Since there would still be a lot more things that are going to happen to ZXY to develop his character, I thought that I would spoil something about his future haha. Skip this note if you don't like spoilers!

SPOILER: ZXY won't be a side character in the future chapters, but he won't be a protagonist. This is in the title haha!

Mx_Thirdcreators' thoughts