
Transmigrating as the Overpowered Villainous Cultivator

"What lies beyond the unspoken words?"- Zhang Xi Yin Upon awakening to a peculiar scenario, an unknown individual carried him like a sack of rice. He then heard the voice of a female AI speaking to him before being left alone. With assistance from the system, he discovered that he had transmigrated into a game. Despite his weariness and idleness in using his wits, he agreed to something that would later change his entire life. However, at the time, he believed it was all just one long dream. When he opened his eyes once more, he found himself within the body of a blind cultivator who turned out to be none other than Moon Emperor – one of the most powerful individuals in all 12 realms. As this new identity became familiar to him, troubles associated with being Moon Emperor began chasing after him and disrupting his personal desires and ambitions. "Obsession and greed – why must I care if they are seen as evil? From now on, I will do whatever I wish. If pursuing goals is deemed greedy or persistently chasing after desires is regarded as obsession, then we are all villains – spawn of evil. No one can live or die as a saint."- Zhang Xi Yin Update Schedule for 2024!Temporary Hiatus Each chapter contains over 1500 words! Status: Ongoing Reminder: Please keep an open mind while reading this novel. The title is subject to change but was previously known as "Birth of the Greedy Guardian".

Mx_Third · Eastern
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45 Chs

Chapter 21: In-Game Event

[Zhang Xi Yin's Narrative][Zháo Cái Māo Pavilion, Second Floor]

I sat in the chair near a table located a meter away from the window, unlike my room at the inn, they kept their windows shut closed even in a bright morning, such as this day. On the table is a pile of scrolls that has messy scribbles and brushes scattered all around it, some leftover fabric and several bolts of different types of fabric were piled up along with the scrolls.

I smiled, feeling proud of myself.

Who would've thought that it would be this easy to leave that prison-- inn? Did Lord Māo seriously thought that I would behave so nicely like what he wanted?

No way I'd be so nice to do that.

I've chosen to be strong to defend and fight for myself to live in this life, so what's the point for me, if I'm to be tamed be someone? That would just be dangerous for me. If I'm to be tamed, I could end up being manipulated and used. I'm fed up, I don't want everything to repeat itself even in this dream.

Just as the NPC named Li Yang started to take my measurements, a system window appeared in front of my face.

Oh, how I missed this scene.

The screen changed and showed a pop-up, ⟨⟨Sub Quest Found! Participate in the In-Game Event!⟩⟩

An in game event? That's new...

Does this mean that something important is about to happen soon, or I'm just reading too much into it?

The latter is highly likely.

The screen changed again and displayed the information of the In-Game Event.

⟨⟨Greetings to all Immortals! Are you ready to celebrate the Lantern Festival with us? Then, hurry up and join the first in-game event!⟩⟩

⟨⟨Objective: Find and talk to Old Guang in the stone bridge by the arena. ⟩⟩

⟨⟨Penalty shall be given if you fail to meet the objective upon accepting to participate. Would you like to participate in this event?⟩⟩

I would be a coward if I say no, wouldn't I? Let's play for a bit!


⟨⟨Confirming with the system... ⟩⟩

⟨⟨Completed. Your answer has been recorded.⟩⟩

⟨⟨A separate reward shall be given by the system upon achieving success in this event. Have fun!⟩⟩

Hopefully, I would somehow. But then I should look forward at least to the rewards that I would get. If the rewards are good enough, I can ignore the shortcoming of the event, if it turned out to be like all those repetitive MMORPG events.

The system screen disappeared and the view of Li Yang taking my measurement came back into view.

I guess even immortals from the higher realms also need to work hard to live, if it's not to live, what would be the point of wasting effort?

I spoke, "Lady Li Yang, you and Yan Chao Xiang seems close."

She laughed heartily as she picked up a brush and started to record the measurements that she took. Her long braided golden hair slid away from her back as she bent her body towards an empty scroll that is sprawled out on the table.

She spoke, "Master Yan just loves the attention, other than that, I'm only a hard-working cultivator around the Lim Capital. How about you? Are you actually a prince from the neighboring capital? If Master Yan actually kidnapped you, just tell me and I'll be ready to help!"

She turned her head towards my direction, her face was dirtied by the ink upon accidentally brushing the tip of the brush on her face.

She spoke, "So?"

I chuckled and shook my head. I answered jokingly, curious what would be her reaction.

"If my answer is yes, would you save me?" I said.

She made a surprised expression with her palm covering her mouth, she spoke in an exaggerated joking tone "Oh my! So you're just a fragile handsome guy after all!"

So she's smart. I guess she does know Yan Chao Xiang quite well, their conversation earlier was just to mess with each other.

As she laughed, she entered a separate room and came out with a few sets of hanfu. She peered at the scroll where she recorded my measurements and then gestured for me to take the one that she picked, I took it and went to change behind a paper screen.

I actually thought that I would need to at least wait for one to be tailored within a few days, but it seems we would just be taking premade sets due to conflict with time, the Lantern festival would be starting the day after tomorrow and would be celebrated for five days straight.

After several minutes, I finally finished putting on the whole set. Its color is a combination of royal blue, white, and gold. Dark blue ribbons hanging by the waist.

I called her and she immediately appeared behind me.

She whistled as she spin me around to take a look, "What a small waist! You have such a pretty build, don't you?"

She placed her hands on my waist, she smiled mischievously, "Won't you come with me instead? I may not look like it, but I'm actually from the Dragon Clan! You will certainly live a good life with me!"

Her cheerful laughter filled the room, it felt contagious that I ended up laughing with her. Yan Chao Xiang shouted from the first floor, complaining that we have left him out of the fun.

Lady Li Yang rolled her eyes and shouted, "Didn't you already have a lot of fun with your lovers?"

She turned her face back to me and shrugged.

"Hmm, just ignore him. Ah, I forgot your guan and mask, I'll be back!"

She ran towards the same room where she took the sets of hanfu earlier, and disappeared.

I should go now.

I carefully pushed a window open and jumped on a nearby roof, taking in the beautiful lively sight of the capital before disappearing into thin air.

If I don't want to be caught, I should just use the teleportation ability that I got from the Heart of Anubis. Suffering from its backlash for a few days after I had it refined into my body was worth it after all.

In a blink of an eye, I found myself behind a huge cherry blossom tree, a few meters away from it is a bridge situated above a lake. An old man wearing a black hanfu.

He must be the NPC whom I need to talk to start the event.

I quietly approached him as he attached pieces of paper on the lanterns that are hanging above the stone bridge.

A minute after placing the last paper on the tail of the lantern, he turned around, upon seeing me, he smiled and bowed slightly.

He spoke, "Would you like to try and answer my riddles, Young Master?"

⟨⟨You are about to start the quest from the "Master of Riddles" in-game event! Please be warned that a penalty will be deducted from your character if you fail to complete the event. Have fun!⟩⟩

I smiled, "Indeed I do, Old Master Guang."

He raised his eyebrows and laughed, "An interesting man you are, Young Master. Then please, feel free to choose your first lantern, take your time."

He stepped aside, letting me approach the lanterns, which had papers attached in its tail.

Actually, I won't have to use my head at all. I would easily know the answer for any of these riddles if I just look at them, but I don't want to ruin the festival for this old man...

I took off the paper from the lantern and opened it, inside is a single riddle.

Old Master Guang spoke, "Two small boats, five guests in each; sail on land but never on water; busy during the daytime, anchored at night. What is it?"

He smiled, "You picked that one, did you? You have a good luck. "

Should I stall for a while? No, I can't afford to do that right now. I might get caught...

I looked at him with a smile, "The answer is shoes, the five guests on the boats are the toes."

He chuckled while clapping, "Splendid! But that is only the start, please select another lantern, Young Master."

Great, how many do I need to answer?

⟨⟨Master of Riddles Event Progress! Quota: 01/15⟩⟩

Huh... I'll just randomly pick lanterns from now on then.

I sighed quietly and spent the next minutes answering several riddles from the lanterns, Old Master Guang continued to watch and listen to me with a smile. He looked as if he is genuinely enjoying this moment.

Perhaps it wasn't so bad to do this.

After another one, I'm finally only left with one more riddle to complete the required quota to complete the event.

Although the event felt very short now that it's about to end, it felt nice to see that the old man had fun for the day. Elders really are easy to please...

I picked the last lantern and opened the paper.

"Sometimes it's curved like a smile, other times, it's round like a plate. What is it?"

Ah, this word...

I looked up before looking at the old man, "The answer is the Moon."

He turned around as he hummed happily, he took out something from the box and turned around to face me, he extended his arms and handed me a comb.

A comb?

He chuckled, "The Lantern Festival is soon to come, isn't it a good day for a young master such as you are, to look for a lovely lady? Or perhaps a man. Have a good day, Young Master."

⟨⟨Congratulations! You have completed the quest from 'Master of Riddles' In-game event! Rewards has been sent to your inbox!⟩⟩

The window screen disappeared as I looked around for a moment.

I already snuck out and took a long time, what harm can be done if I took a little more longer?

Several minutes passed as I strolled around the streets, each houses and the pavilions of various stores were filled with colorful lanterns and other decorations, I turned into an alley where a familiar scent rooted from, but was immediately surrounded by some thugs.

I sighed.

What a cliché scene...

They started chattering among themselves, their eyes glued on me, while they surrounded me, suddenly, a cultivator wearing a veiled weimao interrupted without any word. She stood on the roof of a pavilion behind me, eyeing the thugs. The veil of her hat softly fluttered in the wind, revealing a glimpse of her porcelain-like skin, her lips is as red as a cherry fruit.

The master seamstress...?

This is Tired(Third, get it?) I wasn't supposed to update this novel for this Sunday, but felt guilty so I wrote a quick one. I will be editing it tomorrow after some rest, thank you for reading!

Note: Don't forget to clear cache, or you won't be able to read the edited versions!

Mx_Thirdcreators' thoughts