
Transmigrating as the Evil Female Supporting Character in a Contemporary Novel

[Two-way first love, strong combination, the well-rounded male lead, growth-type female lead] Yue Yan transmigrated into a contemporary novel she recently read. In the original text, she was the female lead's best friend, but she was used by the female lead, who turned out to be two-faced. Yue Yan did all the bad things, while the female lead was thought of as a kind and pure beauty. As a result, Yue Yan became hated by everyone. The first thing Yue Yan did after transmigrating into the book was to sever ties with the female lead, and she stayed far away from her. She'd hide from her if she couldn't afford to offend the female lead! Chou Fei died in a spaceship crash. Somehow, he transmigrated into the novel as the female lead's backup fling. His only purpose for existing was to act as the lead couple's automated teller machine and bed warmer. Chou Fei, who knew the storyline in advance, decided to run away. He'd let someone else fill that role!

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40 Chs

Gossip And Buying A House (3)

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Yue Yan pursed her lips and smiled.

Yue Huaide said casually, "I didn't wait for a long time. You're just being polite."

When Yue Yan and Zhou Boyan came out at the same time, Yue Huaide had the illusion that his daughter and this kid looked quite compatible together.

However, this thought quickly disappeared.

The adult and the two teenagers went to several rented apartments in the city. Those with shop fronts were not big, and those with courtyards did not have shopfronts.

Yue Yan wanted both.

Zhou Boyan, on the other hand, wanted to choose a good environment. At least the surrounding security had to be good.

Yue Yan thought about it and stood on the same side as him. At this time, there was no control on the mafia. The mafia dared to kill and burn.

Yue Huaide also felt that public security had to come first, but the range of choices was reduced.

The house that met the requirements was on the other side of the city. According to Yue Huaide, it was a 20-minute walk from her grandmother's house.

The siblings of this family lived together. Half the street was filled with his family's houses. They were going to the coastal city to do business and were in a hurry to get rid of the houses and furniture. They had already sold two sets of properties.

The main house and the oldest brother's house were just renovated last year. The main house was a two-story western-style building. The courtyard was big enough, and the house was all newly built. The furniture was newly bought, and the courtyard was paved with gravel. Most importantly, it was actually a two-story building.

This house was relatively expensive, so no one dared to take over it.

Yue Yan asked for the price, but the other party insisted that they would not accept any bargain below 3,000 yuan. The house would come with the furniture.

She looked at Zhou Boyan. "Brother Xiaofei, we don't want this house. It's beyond our budget."

Zhou Boyan liked this house very much. He didn't say that he wanted to buy it, but bargained with the other party.

He was having a mental tug-of-war with the other party. 3,000 yuan was an exaggeration. 2,700 yuan was the other party's bottom line.

Seeing that the seller refused to give in, Yue Yan looked at the oldest brother's house opposite. This house was also a two-story house. Its renovation was just ordinary. It was also a large courtyard. The courtyard was paved with stone roads and there was a vegetable garden on both sides. She quite liked the style of this pastoral farmhouse.

"Uncle, how much is this house?"

The middle-aged man, who was having a mental tug-of-war with Zhou Boyan at the same time, replied, "2,500 yuan. No bargaining. The furniture is included."

Yue Yan smiled and said, "Uncle, both our families want to buy houses. Can you lower the price for us?"

The man looked at Zhou Boyan and then at her.

"You're not together?"

"We're together, but we're not family."

The man hesitated.

"Woof woof…" Two little black puppies ran out of the man's house.

"Uncle, look, your puppy has already helped us plead for leniency. Be cheaper. Our two families will definitely treat the house well when we buy it. This place will be our root in the city in the future."

After her coaxing and pestering, the middle-aged man was finally willing to let the houses go at a cheaper price.

The house that Zhou Boyan liked cost 2,700 yuan, and the house that Yue Yan liked was opposite the Zhou Family. It cost 2,200 yuan.

Of course, they did not pay on the spot. Instead, they agreed on a time to sign the contract. The man still had to go through the relevant property rights procedures.

At this time, houses could be bought and sold in the gifting manner.

After booking the house, Yue Yan heaved a sigh of relief. She still had 800 yuan left.

She looked at Zhou Boyan. "Brother Xiaofei, will your family agree to you buying such an expensive house?"

Ordinary families could not fork out 3,000 yuan. The most valuable things in this family were the main house and the oldest brother's house. The remaining houses were all sold for 800 yuan.

Hence, she was very worried that Zhou Boyan could not fork out so much money.

Zhou Boyan laughed at her worried gaze.

"My parents send money to my family regularly. Don't worry."

Yue Yan was shocked. "Your parents?"

"Yes, my parents work out of town."

Yue Yan guessed that Brother Xiaofei's parents might be the first batch of people to start a business. It was not strange for them to have a fridge at home then.

Wen Hongyu found out that the father and daughter had spent 2,200 yuan on the house when they returned home. She was in a daze while she cooked.

Yue Yan took a bite of her favorite scrambled eggs and almost died from the sweetness.

"Mom, you put the wrong seasoning in the scrambled eggs."

"Okay, I'll be careful next time." Wen Hongyu nodded perfunctorily.

Yue Huaide and his daughter looked at each other. The father and daughter were very worried.

"Mom, if you have something to say, just say it. Don't scare us."

Wen Hongyu shook her head. "No, I'm just too shocked. What does a 2,000 yuan house look like?"

Yue Huaide added, "It's 2,200 yuan."

Yue Yan comforted her mother. "Why don't you follow us to take a look when we sign the contract? The house is quite big. It's two floors and has a big courtyard. It can even grow vegetables!"

She did not have her own house in her previous life. She was finally going to have a home in this life!

Wen Hongyu did not know if she had agreed or not. She was in a daze for the entire night.

The next day, Wen Hongyu returned to her maternal family. Her brothers treated her well. After all, she was the only girl in the family. Her three older brothers were all married, and her younger brother had gone to join the army.

"Little Yu is back. Sit down." Her oldest sister-in-law pulled her to sit down with a big belly. There was no one at home today. Everyone had gone to work.

"Sister-in-law, where did Mom go?"

Wen Hongyu was restless. She felt like she was dreaming when her husband and daughter bought a house worth 2,000 yuan. She urgently needed to talk to her mother.

"Mom knows that you're coming back today and has gone to buy meat."

It was rare for Wen Hongyu's family to not favor boys over girls because she had three older brothers. She was lucky and had been pampered since she was young. It was also because of this that her family found it difficult to accept her rash marriage.

The sharp-eyed sister-in-law could tell that Wen Hongyu was distracted. "You look like you have something on your mind. Did you suffer?"

Wen Hongyu forced a smile. "No, Huaide won't bully me."

Sister-in-law was worried. "Why don't I help you call Mom back?"

Wen Hongyu hurriedly sat her down. "Sister-in-law, don't run around. You're with child. You must be having twins with this big stomach."

As soon as she finished speaking, the old lady returned.

"Mom!" Wen Hongyu rushed forward and hugged the old lady.

The old lady was holding a bag of meat and looked energetic. "What's wrong? Did you suffer?"

Wen Hongyu let go of her mother. "No, I just missed you."

The old lady put down the meat and pulled her daughter. "Nonsense. You have dark eye sockets. Did you quarrel?"

Wen Hongyu shook her head. "We really didn't quarrel. Something happened at home…"