
Transmigrated with the strongest summoning system

Dawn lived a life full of regret. He always regretted his life choices. Thankfully, it wasn't over for him. One night after being lectured by his father he suddenly woke up in a strange new world, filled with magic. In the magical world, Dawn was able to awaken two Heaven-defying talents never seen before in the history of mankind. Armed with the power to summon creatures from another dimension and supplemented by his levelling system. He will stop at nothing to achieve his goal of Eternal life. . . "Oh, you can defeat one barbarian, what about 10,000 barbarians," Dawn said with an indifferent voice.

tjjfche · Eastern
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129 Chs

New skill :Flow Reversal

Dawn needed to first control his own mana as an expert before he could try creating more complex things.

Due to his low control over mana, his creations weren't stable; they tended to explode when they were far away from him.

Although this unique skill helped him in creating the objects he imagined, it was the same as Driving a car or Bicycle; one could know how to drive but mastering the activity was completely different.

The current Dawn was undoubtedly far more adept compared to his past when it came to using Mana Bending. However, it wasn't enough as his mana pool was huge, almost at the peak of Channel Construction Realm.

All this time Dawn wasn't idle, he was experimenting with his skill, Dawn came to the conclusion that he wasn't using his skill to its fullest potential.

Can he just make some crude swords and bullets with the skill, or was his imagination limited?

He considered whether he was able to control his mana or the mana of the others.

Then suddenly Dawn's mind was struck with an idea, can he also control the mana inside the bodies of others like Zombies after all they also must have mana inside their bodies.

So today Dawn decided to find out, he closed his eyes and focused on feeling the surrounding Mana.

Dawn wasn't able to feel anything for some time all around him was all-consuming darkness.

At that time Mana Bending kicked in, Dawn was able to perceive a one-metre ball made of mana at his present position.

Dawn expanded his range, he was able to perceive thousands of mana signatures but a lot smaller than his own following a predetermined path, just like the path that his mana follows from heart to whole body then back to the place where it started, creating a complete cycle.

Dawn noticed that their flow was different from his own, unlike him whose starting point was heart, the zombies' starting point seemed to be their brain.

Among the thousand glowing mana pools like a firefly, there were four mana glows that were similar to his own rapidly moving, wherever these glows passed smaller mana glows were completely extinguished.

Inside the Jewel of Emptiness, Sugar Watched everything with her calm gaze. Her hazel eyes shone with surprise, this wasn't her first time witnessing those armoured monsters at the Peak of Channel Construction Realm.

Sugar still remembered when she first saw those monsters, how frightened she was not for herself but for Dawn.

"They were here to kill Dawn," this was her first thought, but then they bowed in the direction of Dawn.

She realised they were his summoned monsters, but how was this possible?

A summoner capable of summoning monsters higher than his cultivation level.

Suddenly, Sugar came out of her reverie as she felt a strange sense all around her. It slowly covered the hundreds of metres.

"What the hell.." Sugar muttered in shock as this feeling was similar to a stage 4 expert mana sense but thousands of times weaker.

Dawn's heart started to beat loudly like a loud drum.

He tried to widen his range as far as possible, wind caused his dark black hair to flutter in the wind, Dawn focused on the mana circulating inside the bodies of Zombies.

While he couldn't just command the mana inside their bodies to come out, he could interfere with it slightly.

A small grin appeared on his face when he thought about it.

Dawn focused on the mana glow that was nearest to him and tried to take control of it, but as expected he failed.

But Dawn wasn't disheartened as this wasn't his goal to begin with. He took a deep breath and willed the mana to flow backwards.

Instantly, the mana inside the Zombie body compiled.

Boom! The zombie exploded like a watermelon.

Dawn smiled as he realised what he was trying to do was possible.

Dawn also knew he couldn't get this thought to his head, one of the reasons why he had succeeded was because the enemies were weaker than him, if he tried to do something like this to an expert at Channel Construction Realm he would harm himself.

But these zombies were no experts, Dawn instantly willed the thousands of mana flows to reverse and like fireworks, all the Thousand Zombies exploded.

The blood of thousands of Zombies painted the ground the black but it was nothing compared to the destruction that Barbarian Kings were causing.

Zombies were disappearing just by their presence alone wherever the Barbarians kings passed not a single Zombie was left standing.

However, Dawn also realised just how shocking was the first that he had just achieved, and He wasn't alone.

Similar to his reaction Sugar Jaws were hanging down the floor she opened and closed her eyes again to make sure she wasn't hallucinating.

How the mana flow inside the zombies suddenly gets reversed.

Then she looked at Dawn who still had his eyes closed, a strange glint appeared in her eyes.

A window had suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, Dawn was looking at it with surprise as this was the first time that it had happened.

[Ding! You have achieved something impossible.]

[A new skill has been created, please give the skill a suitable name.]

Dawn pondered for a moment before muttering in a low voice.

"Flow Reversal."

[Ding! Theek skill had been successfully named.]

The window disappeared leaving Dawn with his own thoughts.

When he created mana swords and mana bullets there wasn't anything like this, Dawn thought for a moment and wasn't able to come up with any explanation.

After some time he gave up on it, it was useless to waste time on such things.

He once again closed his eyes and this time he expanded his range by ten times covering almost the entire ruined city.

Thousands upon thousands of glowing fireflies appeared in his vision, thinking about what was going to happen. A small smile appeared at the corner of Dawn's lips.

Power stones please..

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