
Transmigrated with Ethereal Emperor System

Born Alexander Von Gestar, the illegitimate son of James Von Gestar, King of Vikeria. Alex and his mother were alienated since his birth. When he was 10, she died under mysterious circumstances. Later during the coming of age at 15, he died and his body was occupied by someone else. This is his adventure in this new fantasy world. Support me with power stones, comments and reviews.

MS_Reddy · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 1

"Where the hell am I?" a young boy shouted out.

The boy named looked confused when he saw the surroundings. It looked like a beach or at least can be categorized as a shore.

Even the clothes he was wearing are not his. His mind is pretty much a mess. He couldn't understand how he was standing there.

'I should have died. I was in the hospital bed, and she was beside me crying.'

'I remember her words. FIND PEACE WHERE EVER YOU GO.'

'She was choking in grief.'


'I can't see her again. When I took that decision, it was supposed to be my peace out but looking around... this doesn't feel like a dream that a dying person dreams about.'

He started to check for clues. The first to check is what he was wearing. A lot of things can be concurred by what someone is wearing.

It differs with climate, culture, and state of mind.

He was wearing leather gear typically used by people during the middle ages when Kings and Knights ruled the lands.

'Looks like I am in the middle ages or just went through Halloween last night.'

Suddenly a thought passed through his mind. He has seen this theme in many light novels he read while in the hospital.

'Am I in an Isekai?'


[Found a possible host for the system. Checking and verifying...]

'A System?'

'Did I hear it right?'

'Isn't this what a typical protagonist would get in the novels?'

'Does that mean I would be this world's Hero... Don't go there, idiot. You'll jinx yourself. Did you forget that those who shall not be named are calamity magnets?'

'Even if I am, I shouldn't just jinx myself. I'll live my life as it is and move along as any other.'

[Host is acceptable.]

[Integrating system with host.]


[Integration successful.]

[Welcome to Ethereal Emperor System]


[Host was awarded a newbie package. Please open it as soon as possible.]

The boy started to panic when the system bonded successfully. Though this would make his life easy, at the same time it would make him walk a path with thorns, a lot of them.

'Don't panic, if I become stronger before anything absurd happens, then there would be nothing to panic about. I need to keep my head down until then.'

"System, there are a lot of questions I want to ask you. Let's start with who are you and why you chose me."

[Host I'm the Ethereal Emperor System. I am here to make you strong. Anything beyond that is beyond your authorized level.]

'A typical answer I read from the novels.'

'For the moment there is no need to fret. I can think about that later but first, I need to learn something crucial.'

"System, Where am I and whose body am I occupying?"

[Host to know that please open your newbie package. There is an item that helps you with that.]

"Oh, then open the package."


[Newbie package opened and rewards are stored in system inventory.]

[Rewards issued: Memories x 1; Basic Sword x 1; Basic Sword Art; Silver x 50]

'As the system said there is something. I guess it contains the memories of the one I am currently occupying.'

[Host, you can consume the item named 'Memories'. You may feel a bit dizzy and small headache.]


'Whatever, let's get it done.'

"System, consume the item, Memories."

[Merging memories with the host.]

'Aarrgh!!! it hurts. Damn it, I should be more careful.'

The boy started panting, trying to catch his breath. A moment later he understood what happened.

'So that's how it is.'

The boy is called Alexander Von Gestar, the illegitimate son of James Von Gestar, King of Vikeria. Alex and his mother were alienated since his birth, as she was a maid.

His mother was raped by the king and the result was him. The king and his family only saw Alex and his mother as a stain on their royal family.

When he was 10, she died under mysterious circumstances. Alex was more or less sure of these mysterious circumstances.

He planned to run away as soon as he reached 15, the coming of age in this world but the plans went awry.

During the coming-of-age ceremony, he was forced to consume the Water of Oblivion as a punishment for the crime he didn't commit.

Everyone at the court knew what was truly transcribed but the outcome was the same. Adding salt to the wound everyone there jeered at him as if he did something wrong.

This water blocks the ability to use Mana or Aura when consumed. Sometimes people even die when consumed but not always.

Alex became of those few people.

After the ceremony, he was banished from the kingdom. He caught a ship out of the capital to a faraway kingdom but died en route.

'His own family killed him. Such an awful thing to do.'

'I have no idea where the ship is. Did they throw him out after he died?'

'Seems like it. They took away the small amount of money he had and threw him into the sea. At least they didn't throw him naked or else I would have been in a tough spot.'

'Alex, if you are hearing this, be at peace. I'll take your name and avenge yours and your mother's death.'

A moment later the boy felt light in his heart. It seemed like the remnant soul accepted its fate. he could now be at peace knowing that their deaths would be avenged one day.

The old Alex is gone and a new Alex was born at that moment.

'I failed to keep my promise before but this time, I will.'

'Now let's check what I have and what I have to do to keep my promise.'

"System, how can I see my profile or status?"

[Just say status.]

'Of course, it is.'




Name: Alexander {Von Gestar}

Age: 15

Level: 0

Bloodline: None

Bloodline Powers: None

Talent: Light and Darkness Affinity (Blocked by Water of Oblivion)

Origin Skill: Moon's Blessing

Rank: None

Skills: None


'Hmm, looks like there are a lot of things I need to know.'