
Transmigrated with Ethereal Emperor System

Born Alexander Von Gestar, the illegitimate son of James Von Gestar, King of Vikeria. Alex and his mother were alienated since his birth. When he was 10, she died under mysterious circumstances. Later during the coming of age at 15, he died and his body was occupied by someone else. This is his adventure in this new fantasy world. Support me with power stones, comments and reviews.

MS_Reddy · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 11

"My lord," a young boy bowed in front of an old man. This man has a noble aura around him. Anyone who meets him would think of double-crossing him. They definitely wouldn't want to make an enemy like him.

"Speak," the old man said. This is the Baron of Therin town, Thomas Vyker. He had deployed troops to hunt any high-level beasts roaming in the area. When the beast tide comes, the lesser the number, the better for the town.

He had already ordered the captain to follow the footsteps of the scouts and kill any beast that was following the same path. Even the non-aggressive beasts would cause a ruckus when they charge straight into troops, breaking the defense. So he ordered to kill any beast that was headed towards the ritual area.

Though he wanted to reduce the strength of the beast tide, he isn't a reckless man. He also ordered them to retreat if the threat is too much. They can defend much better from the city walls, which gives them a bit of protection unless they face flying beasts.

"My lord, Captain Ripley sent a message that they are returning and the threat might be more than calculated," the young boy replied.

"Hmph, go call Captain Vikers and Captain Riley. Tell them to come here at once."

"Yes my lord", the boy rushed away as soon as the order was given.


Dalton's Inn...

Alex couldn't stop laughing looking at the saber in his hands. After he got his hands on it, the system informed him that it is a growth-type weapon.

What is a growth-type weapon?

A weapon that can increase its rank by consuming. It may be energy or blood or even weapons. It is even said that growth-type weapons would have a will of their own. As they are growth weapons that can change ranks, they don't have any rank of classification. They have their own rank termed SPECIAL.

They wouldn't accept anyone as their master.

No one knows the procedure but it is said that depends on the weapon itself. The most sought quality is growth, which can only be triggered when they accept a master. This is termed the TRIAL OF ACCEPTANCE.

They won't choose their master easily but once they choose they remain loyal.

One might be wondering how loyalty works here.

After they chose their master they bound themselves to them. This bond can't be removed unless the master dies. If their master was killed by someone, that person would never bond with them in their lifetime. Moreover, the difficulty of the trial of acceptance for the descendants of their bloodline increases exponentially.

This however doesn't lower the greed of people. Even if they can't use it, they can sell them for a large sum. Sometimes, assassins were hired by the rich to kill the owner and collect the weapon. The one that hired could use it if they pass the trial.

The weapon only records who killed their master and when this loophole was found, there was a massive hunt for these weapons. There are many who didn't like that greedy and evil people would get their hands on their weapons.

Instead of losing them to the hands of vile, many either destroyed or buried those weapons.

With no definite way of how to produce these weapons and the loss of many, these weapons became a myth as time went by. Rumors still say that some exist in powerful hands but they are kept secret.

Alex couldn't believe how easily he got the saber from that scammer. He thought he had to do the acting much much more which burden him. After that man started saying things that has nothing to do with the saber, he almost his patience.

Luckily he was saved by the sudden arrival of another customer. Alex didn't know who it is but understood that she is a captain working under the baron.

Long story cut short, the swindler couldn't prolong it under the eyes of a captain.

Alex played innocent, portraying that the man is trying to swindle, which made the captain frown. The man sweated when he saw the captain's face. He can't destroy his life here. He needed this for a few months before things cooled down in the kingdom.

To keep up his appearance, the man had no choice but to sell the saber, a sheath for it, and basic saber art for practice. All this for a price of two gold coins and the basic sword that Alex was keen on getting rid of.

Remembering the man's face, Alex could swear that if that man get his hands on him, the worst things might happen.

'I should remember him and to not go his shop ever.'

After he got the saber he went and bought health and stamina potions which would greatly help during a long battle. This was relatively over without any drama. He returned to the Inn and went straight to his room.

'I should learn the basic saber art.'

'Battle is coming and I need to prepare for it or else this life would be wasted without achieving my goals.'

'Kekeke, many things to do, things I missed out in last life.'


In the middle of the forest...near the ritual site...

Three grey-robed men can be seen kneeling before a red-robed man. No one can see their face which was obscured by masks and their entire body is covered with robes.

There are other men wearing grey or blue robes. The only similarity is the same weird symbol present on their masks.

"Do you understand your order?" the red-robed man asked with an authoritative voice.

"We understand master," answered all three at once.

"For the glory of our god, Athral, the god of chaos. Annihilate humanity," the red-robed one declared.

"For Athral. Annihilate humanity."

"For Athral. Annihilate humanity."

"For Athral. Annihilate humanity."

The robed men surrounding these four, started to chant their god's name, reverberating through the forest.