
Transmigrated To Medieval World With The Ability of Supreme Summoning!

This is the story of Treyvonn Moore, a fifteen year old kid who was suddenly transmigrated with the power of Supreme Summoning. With this power, he can conquer kingdoms, countries, and countless worlds. Watch as he grows in power, from some random 15 year old kid, to a ruler of worlds. Note: He is extremely OP from the start, but he will struggle a little bit. This will not be a harem, but it will have some clichés found in harems. He will make mistakes, as he is not perfect. If you want a Mary Sue main character, this novel isn't for you.

Malxxotic · Fantasy
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Chapter 1: Wishes That Lead to Future Strength

Hey, I'm Treyvonn Moore, 10th grader. I'm currently sitting in my boring English class. I wish that this day could just be over and I could go home, not having to deal with this foolish nonsense. I also wish I could go and find some good novels to read. That'll surely make me feel right at ease. Now, you might be shocked that someone who hates English class will love novels, something with English elements. But I wish I could tell you just how different they truly are.

"Treyvonn! Pay attention. We don't have all day to wait for you, stop dilly dallying in class! Get your act together!" Scolded Mr. Madison. He was the dreaded English teacher. Why can't I have any that are actually normal. It's pretty annoying how much this guy is on my case. He has the classic English teacher look. Glasses, humongous bald spot in the back of the head, only wears dress shirts and goofy ties, that's him.

I sighed, and opened my text book to page two hundred forty-six. I wish I could go into some sort of fantasy world or whatever. It might be foolish, but I'd rather have actual thrill then just wasting my life away with this stupid English class. I started to daydream about capturing all the hot babes, and wooing everyone with my power. Daydreaming about what would happen if I actually got sent to a medieval world. I had hopes, dreams that were just out of reach for some random kid like me.

And then I heard it.


Huh, what was that. Did anyone else hear it? I looked around suspiciously, only to find my fellow classmates still attentive to Mr. Madison's writing on the whiteboard. He was doing a lecture about what to add to our power point that was due next Friday, telling us what font to use, etc.

Useless things.




Everything went black, and then I woke up in a white space, like the ones in those cliché reincarnation novels where some random god shows up and gives them power, but I wasn't so caught up in my fantasies to not have my doubts.

Have I been kidnapped? If so, then that definitely isn't good for me. I haven't been able to say goodbye to Ma yet, and I don't want to leave her without saying a proper goodbye. My mother since birth, she's raised me to be the fine...gentleman that I am today? I don't know, but I love her dearly.

I heard a sudden voice.

"Hello m'rtal, welcometh to the plane of reincarnation 'r transmigration. This is the lodging we sendeth the special, 'r int'resting souls. But to beest frank, thou art neith'r. "

"Then, sir deity, uh..." I paused. "Why exactly have you brought me here, you said yourself I wasn't special or interesting. Even if that kind of hurt." I whispered the last part to myself, but I had a feeling that he definitely heard me.

"You seeth, soul. I has't cometh to answ'r thee wishes. I, in mine own nev'r-ending kindness, has't hath decided to grant thee whatev'r 3 wishes thee so desire. "

Huh, what's with this Shakespeare-like deity. I'm not complaining though, it's kind of captivating.

"Well, m'rtal. Beginneth thy wishes already. I has't plenty of oth'r beings, yond art int'resting to reincarnate. Appreciateth mine own kindness, and get moving. Respectfully. Bef're thee asketh, thee can't wisheth f'r unlimit'd wishes, 'r aught of the s'rt. Neith'r the three o's. Aught else is p'rmitt'd. " The being said with disinterest.

I frowned at how rude that was, but then again. He was granting me three wishes. Three whole wishes. My frown curled up into an excited smirk as I began to state my wishes.

"My first wish, will be to get a powerful summoning system. Make the voice male, and make the system sentient to help me. But don't make it rude, or make it disrespectful to me. I much prefer a system that will do it's best to help me succeed." I hated system slave novels, and I will not become a system slave. I don't want a female voiced system either, as I am not some horny weirdo who wants to romance his system. All I want is a powerful system.

"Then, i shalt grant thee yond wisheth. T is forsooth acceptable. "

"Next, I wish for unlimited Mana. I don't want to have to deal with the complications of not having enough mana to fully utilize my abilities. I need unlimited mana, and I mean truly unlimited mana. Meaning infinite, if I can clarify. I absolutely must not run out of it. The type of infinite being I can spam spells at rapid pace without having to worry about mana loss. I will never loose mana. That is what I mean." I made sure to clarify what I meant so absolutely no loopholes could be found in my wish, that was the mistake several other Mc's in my position in novels make, they never elaborate.

"Did grant" Was all the deity said.

"Finally, I would like to be blessed with the ability of cloning and Almost unlimited potential. This is absolute cloning, where my clones share my exact amount of health, and my summoning skills. They must have absolute loyalty to me, and I must not have any drawbacks for the use of this ability. That includes loss of stamina, mental pain, physical pain, etcetera. It must cost absolutely nothing to use this ability of mine to get stronger." I made it clear what I wanted and left nothing out. I also said almost unlimited potential because If I said unlimited, then I could potentially become omnipotent, and he made it clear I couldn't wish for the three O's.

All he did was nod his head while looking at me with a little bit of respect in his eyes. Little did I know, the deity was sighing in relief.

'Finally, I has't hath found a m'rtal with actual smarts' Thought the deity, but he quickly went back to normal.

"Off thee wend." He sent me away."

And so, I was in a fantasy world.