
Transmigrated to HOTD with a System (drooped?)

Here it is our mc is gonna have a death march sistem with some extras. It's gonna be an Harem cause it's the apocalypse and i want an harem (drooped dont know if i'm ever gonna write it again but probably not i'm a noob author and the story itself doesn't have much content might try to write again with another story)

Night310798 · Horror
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9 Chs

Chapter 6 - Would you sell me your soul?

*pi pi pi pi * "ugh what is that?" Lucy says while opening his eyes.

"oh? nice it has an alarm too… let's see what time is it?" he says while looking for his phone until he gets it.

"Huh so 6 am… that's fine for getting ready" lucy get's up and spends 30 minutes in the bathroom getting ready for the day

"ah… that was great. Now let's make something to eat for the day mmm maybe i should make something for shizuka too… yup let's do that" saying that he started making a small breakfast for himself and lunch for the both of them.

*Skill Cooking Acquired*

"Oh this one would be great if i had more points...mmm well… I still have some time. I could make the same thing that I did yesterday…well it's to make Shizuka happy so… maybe she would even reward me " he finishes with a perverted grin before starting their lunches. Lucy then started killing ants and small insects until he heard the familiar. Level up!

"Huff finally can't believe it took a full 10 minutes just for that at least i got some more money and bug catcher i guess… Now let's max this. Some might say it's a useless skill. I say the quickest way to get a girl is through her stomach eheh" Saying this he quickly whipped up lunch for the both of them, with all the skill of his maxed out cooking skill, which puts the best of cooks in the dust .Finally being finished he sees he still has 40 minutes left for the time she told him to be ready. "mmm lets see the system" saying this he goes to his farm/house add on and sees that the plants are still growing " Nothing here yet … mmm it's been 8 hours since i put them there so i'm guessing the strawberries take about 12 hours to grow here and the rice 24 hours… mmm not bad let's see the shop"

Saying this he goes to the shop add-on and sees that everything was sold but, there was a robbery of 50 gold which left him with 150 g. So he decided to buy 10 of each product to sell since he still had profit even without the clerk.

Leaving the system aside for the day he starts going out with his stuff and the lunches packed together he remembers."Huh… she never told me where her house was… good thing i remember from the anime..."

And he takes off to Rika/Shizuka house. When he gets there he rings the bell but seeing no one coming he rings again and waits after a minute of waiting the rings two more times. After a few seconds he hears some noises and the door bursts open and from it emerges a wild shizuka wearing only thin white panties and a tank top that looks like it's gonna rip any second.

Seeing this Lucy says

"Damn! I could get used to seeing this every morning!or anytime you want"

He says while murmuring the last part but Shizuka still hears it and gets immediately flustered and a huge blush could be seen on her face.

"Humm Humm L-Lucifer - kun w-why are you h-here so e-early?"

"Early? we have 20 minutes until the time you said though" when he says this her eyes get huge and she suddenly starts running to get ready while she screams "Come in!"

And while doing exactly this and while closing the door behind him he doesn't take his eyes off Shizuka's gorgeous body, her huge boobs bouncing around while she runs and her gorgeous round and big ass rippling with every step she takes while running "I could really get used to this..." He murmurs again. While she was getting ready he asked "Want me to make you some breakfast?" while she answer's while still in a rush in her bedroom "Please do!" and he makes her a small breakfast that takes him 5 minutes to make while she gets ready in the top record of 5 minutes.When she gets out and starts smelling the mouth watering smell of the breakfast he made her eyes gain a new shine and she quickly starts eating while releasing some small moans. "So you are a foodie huh?" he says with a smile.Hearing this she suddenly stops and gets embarrassed but starts eating again without saying anything.

"I made lunch for you by the way and I'm wondering if you would like to eat it together with me?" Lucy says. Having finished eating, Shizuka answers

"Of course yes Lucy - kun and if it's half as good as breakfast i would like you to make it for me every day!!!" She says with shining eyes.

"Sure, sure if i get to see what i saw today every day i would even cook you breakfast daily haha " Hearing this she gets embarrassed again "Mou..! stop teasing me Lucy - kun you bully!"

"Oh? Who said I was teasing? you are quite the beauty you know?" Hearing this she gets even more embarrassed her head lots like a tomato because of her blush

"F-Forget w-what you saw. L-Lets go to school." Saying this she gets up and they both go to her car, when she gets into her car demeanour changes. "S-Shizuka?" Lucifer says slightly scared with the change. When she starts speeding to the school he only has time to say "Oh shit!" and get the belt strapped on really fast. When she stopped at the school after 20 minutes of insane driving Lucifer gets on the ground and keeps murmuring "I'm alive, I'm alive" When she gets out of the car she looks at him and asks "Lucifer-kun?" while tilting her head with a finger touching her lips.

"Why don't you go ahead Shizuka? I will try and make some friends to show me around and don't forget you are having lunch with me"

"mmm, Ok" she answers cheerfully and goes do her stuff.

Getting up Lucifer starts looking around to see if he can find someone that looks familiar and he does he sees an orangy-brown haired girl talking with two boys that seem to be looking to each other one at a time."huh? strange… but it would make sense i guess" Then he starts walking towards them when he gets near he says "Hello Lucifer Morningstar i'm a new student here from class 1 A could one of you lead me to the teachers office?"

"Oh! H-Hello Lucifer - san nice to meet you my name is Rei, Rei Miyamoto from 1 A like you. This is Hisashi Igou from 1 A too and this is Takashi Komuro from 2 A."

"Nice to meet you Rei - san, Hisashi - san, Takeshi - san. Would you be able to show me where it is Rei -san?"

"Humm S-Sure! Bye guys see you later" saying this she gestures for Lucifer to follow and he starts following

"So.. Rei do you know what activities we have in here?"


"ah… sorry sorry i'm from america so i'm not used to all this. Is it a bother for you if i call you Rei?"

"Hum...Hum… I-I guess not..." she says a bit embarrassed

"Nice! Thanks Rei !"

"Mmm" she nods slightly her head and they reach the place then she says "And here we are! See you in class"

"Yup see you in class and Thank you Rei"

"You're welcome " She says while walking to class

Seeing she is gone Lucifer knocks on the door and pushes it open and sees many teachers.

"Hello? I'm Lucifer Morningstar from 1 A and it's my first day" When he says this a woman with dark red hair and brown eyes goes near him.

"Hello Lucifer - kun ~ i'm Kyoko Hayashi and i'm your homeroom teacher nice to meet you" she says with a smile

"Nice to meet you too Miss Kyoko" Lucy gives her a smile back

"W-Well let's go to class shall we?" She says while starting to walk to class. When they arrive from the short trip where Lucifer spent all the time walking slightly behind her where he could check her ass she turns around to him with a smile and says "You stay here until I say you can come in. Okay?" She says with a naughty little smile

"Sure!" Lucifer says with a grin cause he knows he was caught checking her out.And she goes in and after a minute or two she calls him in and tells him to present himself

"Hello everybody my name is Lucifer Morningstar and I'm 17 Nice to meet you all please call me Lucifer or Lucy as I'm used to it because him from america and also sorry if i mess up some time while calling you or something"

After finished Kyoko ask if anybody make any questions and suddenly some hands go up mostly from girls but some from guys

"Okay one at a time" says Kyoko

"H-Hello Lucifer - san, d-do you have a girlfriend?" asks random girl 1

"No I'm 100% single unfortunately"

"Do you like any of us here from what you see" asks random girl 2

"Humm… Well thats a hard one well you are all beautiful but from looks alone i would say the pink haired girl sorry, don't know your name, Rei - chan and miss Kyoko but i'm more of a personality kind of guy so.. yeah any girl here has a chance i guess if that's what you are asking" While hearing the first part most girls get a bit down while Saya that has her hand up, Rei and Kyoko get a bit of a blush, but with the second part they all get happier again

"First my name is Saya Takagi. Second you said Lucifer Morningstar Like the Devil?" She asked curiously

"pff, sorry sorry i'm asked that a lot but yeah i am exactly like the devil!" he says with a smile

"Would you sell me your soul? " he asks with a grin.

Sorry for the delay i had an exam so here is a bigger one to make up

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