
“Transmigration, really?”

"Did I just travel back in time or what?" Arjun looked at his younger self in the mirror and pondered.

After checking his phone for the date he realized he actually is in the past by almost six years, because the previous night he was on a reddit post about the Russia-Ukraine war and now nothing is happening in that regard but the Panama paper scandal is quite popular.

At this point in life Arjun was just a High School final year student in India, but having apparent future knowledge about exams and career path along with general trends of future excited him. He could now focus on building his social relationship and improve his coding ability further or enjoy his newly acquired free time like he always did previously, playing games, watching anime and reading novels and mangas.

"Of course I am going to play F:GO first" he liked the game for many reasons but the main two points were waifus and the character Arjuna of Yuga Kshetra chapter, because he had a very striking resemblance to the actual character. After searching for a few minutes on the app store and internet, he could not find the game anywhere. He was dumbfounded upon finding that the whole Nasuverse franchise doesn't exist. This bought him more shock than travelling back in time, because he could not comprehend a world without Artoria's existence.

The gentle winds of spring brought him back to reality and he proceeded to sigh in disappointment. Experiencing the tiredness after realizing the cruel reality, he decided to sleep and hoped this was all but a dream, but fate had something else in its roster.

After some time he woke up to a feeling of displacement and falling down on ground .Then suddenly some very mind boggling information was stuffed into his brain and he was at a loss of words at his current predicament. Apparently he was sent with all other earthlings to other worlds by god for 10 years to prepare for learning magic and other skills because the earth was evolving into a higher level and was gaining mana. They also do not age and will be sent back at the exact time they were basically kidnapped by the Almighty God.

This sounded awfully similar to a novel he had read previously. Then it stuck him, he didn't just go back in time but also to a different reality. "Transmigration, really?" Some time passed then he looked around, finding himself among many other confused and bewildered earthlings. Suddenly an old and gruff voice was heard from the front of the crowd "Welcome all, as you may already know you have been sent here by god to train for 10 years in preparation of upcoming changes. I am the leader of this city and was assigned by angels as your guide and one of the teachers to help you train in the following years."

The old man continued "These people beside me will help you in training and will guide you to your accommodations after I complete answering any questions you have", silence followed for few seconds and then many who got transported here started asking various questions like regarding them going back immediately, why they had to train, why they should listen to him and various other questions, same even offered him various types bribes and threats to get an upper hand, thinking their previous world's money and position will matter here but they could not be blamed for this because that's how normal humans will react when in shoved in a situation like this. The old man just sighed and tried to answer their questions in the most orderly manner possible but kept getting interrupted by others asking questions. He just gave up after some time and released an aura-like thing, shutting everyone up.

He continued '' No, you will not be able to go back whatever you do" after a small pause "You have listen to me, so that you don't end up dying after you go back to your world. Now any further questions will be answered by your assigned leader tomorrow morning after you take some rest tonight, please follow your team leader to your assigned accommodations. ". Looking at the darkening sky all of them relently understood the current situation. Then we were separated into groups of fifty based on names apparently, how they even knew our names was a mystery.

After walking for 10 minutes we could see a building which looked like a hostel .The leader who had glowing pink hair then explained where to find our dining hall and how to visit our training grounds from tomorrow morning. Then each of us were assigned rooms in the six storey building. After checking out his room, which had 1 medium sized bedroom, 1 washroom and a balcony, Arjun went to wash up and proceeded to have a very light dinner. Coming back to his room after dinner Arjun flopped on the bed and processed the events since he came to his teenage self this afternoon. He was mostly sure that this was the Everyone Else Is A Returnee verse. He decided he would think about the future after he woke up tomorrow morning because his eyelids were closing up due to tiredness.

Next chapter