
Transmigrated to be the alpha's witch

"Meet my wife." Three words that totally destroyed whatever was left of her already shattered world. Born an omega and sold off by her parents, yet saved by a mate who is already mated to another, Jade is forced to slave under the cruel hands of her mate's wife, loosing her life in the process. However, she is given a second chance at life, when she is transmigrated into the body of the powerful witch, Gana, two hundred years into the future, but still retaining memories of her past. Here, in this new but modern world, she meets her second chance mate, the great lycan king Zen, but it seems fate is still bent on breaking her as she risks loosing him to the hands of another woman. Having her memories as Jade but embodied as Gana, she is determined to win back her mate and nothing will stop her from reclaiming him, not even the dark forces of the enemies that surround her.

Excelhights · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Chapter 29: Reactants II


My blood froze.

The cold threat caused my body to react in a way which I did not want.

The chills coming from his aura which I had blatantly ignored a few seconds ago were taking effect on me. Instinctively, I stepped back.

Only now did I comprehend all my anger blinded me from seeing. His cold, domineering attitude, the way his piercing eyes narrowed when he scrutinized me... He gave off dangerous vibes.

"F*ck you." My stubborn mouth voiced out in a whisper which he heard.

He angled his head, then laughed, waving his hand to dismiss me.

He collected his whiskey and said something to the bartender, pointing upstairs.

Then he left, intentionally bumping into my shoulder as he passed my side.

"B*tch! Screw you!" I screamed after him.

He turned once, smirking at me.

My breath was suddenly caught in my throat, a tight knot forming in my stomach. I was scared.



I kept my eyes on my best friend. Everything was going well until a man who I think just arrived, broke through the line and approached the counter.

Knowing Ellie, if this man just cut through, she wouldn't let it slide. And I was right. She immediately went up to the man.

I stood up, worried for her. Mixed with the music, my ears could catch her curses. She was in a fight with the stranger.

I think he said something bad to her because Ellie's face turned pale, something that rarely happens.

The thought of going to that bar to defend her was the first reflex I got but that would mean I'd have to go through the crowd again.

While I still contemplated what I should do, the man left, Ellie returning after some minutes with my drink.

"Ellie!" I hugged her tight.

"I saw what happened. I'm sorry. It's entirely my fault." I buried my face in her neck.

"Chill." She pushed me back gently. "That jerk will get what he deserves soon."

"How can you be okay? He bullied you." I pointed out, checking her face for any abnormalities. Her colour was back. She didn't look as scared as she did, minutes ago.

Something also got my attention. I could smell light whiffs of a familar scent on her. For the moment, I ignored it. My concern for her came first.

"Gannie," she held out my hand. "Here." She laughed and placed my drink in my hand. "Pink to the brim." She joked and laughed again.

"One jerk cannot ruin our night out." She added, clinking her glass with mine.

"Crazy." I palmed my face. "I have a crazy best friend."

We sat and drank our cocktail mixes. I couldn't help but notice, Ellie was acting out of line.

This girl was bullied a while ago but she's already acting like she'd blow up any time.

I know she's always energetic and recovers fast from incidents but tonight, she's too excited. She knows something that I don't.

"What's up with you?" I gave her a stern look.

"Oh, nothing." She banished the question like it was unimportant.

Still, I eyed her with caution. This girl is full of crazy antics. She cannot be trusted.

She fished out her phone and texted someone. I was suspicious of that text. Especially after seeing the wide grin that reached her ears after she dropped the phone.

"Ellie?" I called slowly.

"Chill." She assured me. "I won't kill you or sell you off."

"... Not here." She added with an evil smirk.

I rolled my eyes at her playfulness.

"GANA!" I startled, my drink almost spilling on me.

I looked up to see four people grinning at me. Two ladies and two men.

I looked back at Ellie. Her grin had grown wider. She knew all about this.

"Surprise!" She yelled. "They were dying to see you so I arranged this little get-together." She quickly explained, seeing the murderous look forming on my face.

"Gana, Ellie said you bumped your head after that fight with Mingan. Sorry honey, we should have visited earlier but you know work." A brown haired lady with glasses sheepishly told me.

"Yeah. Cassie and I planned on visiting but there's been so much stress and workload at the office. Sorry." The second female, a brunette with blonde highlights added, apologetically.

"Well you guys are here. It's all forgiven." Not knowing what to say, I settled on that reply.

They took their seats.

"Hi, Alfonso." One of the two males waved at me. He looked timid. Also had glasses.

"Sup?" I answered back with him nodding at me.

The last one had a huge grin on his face. "Gana, how are you?"

First name basis. Really?

"I'm fine. You?"

"Same old, same old." He shrugged.

"Let's have some drinks." Ellie suggested.

"But the bar..." I reminded her, nodding my head at the longer line.

"No worries, we'll get the drinks." The one called Cassie, rose up. "Jenna?"

The second girl also stood up. "Yeah, let's do that."

Despite the line, they got all the drinks we needed and soon, we were having fun, talking about everything and nothing.

They were friends of Gana from her former workplace. At first, I didn't recognize them, but then Ellie remembered I still had a bit of 'amnesia'. A few introductions and we were cool.

Turns out the brown haired girl with glasses is Cassie, the brunette with highlights is Jenna while the guy with glasses is Toni, and the last guy is Bobby.

I was getting along with everyone. Well everyone except for Bobby. He wouldn't stop staring at me and whenever I caught him, he'd wink or smirk.

No one else noticed. It was creepy and I hated it.

"Hey, we need a refill." Cassie said, turning the wine bottle upside down.

"I'll go with you." Ellie stood up for the umpteenth time this evening.

"Toni, the floor's tempting. Let's dance." Jenna drew his hand.

Toni adjusted his glasses with one hand. He looked nervous. "Uhm Jen, I don't really dance." I expected that. Nerdy looking people like him rarely danced.

Jenna wasn't ready to listen to him. Against his protests, she dragged him to the dance floor.

"... Geez, you need to loosen up a bit."

That left me sitting with Bobby. Great.

"Wanna dance?"

I turned my head to him, "Huh?"

"It's just the two of us," I see that and I don't like it.

"... Why not spend the alone time on the floors?"

"I don't dance." I shut his request down.

"Oh Gannie. Such a liar. Of course Bobby, she'll dance with you."

Ellie? I thought she left with Cassie.

"Why are you here?" I stood up.

"Well, I left my phone. The line's long, we might be there for a while."

I looked over at the bar. She wasn't lying. The line keeps getting longer.

"... This will keep me company." She waved her phone. "Now, go off with Bobby. Have fun. Forget everything."

"Ellie." I stressed.

She came over and leaned. "Hey," she whispered. "It's just a friendly dance. Don't be so rude."

I groaned. Friendly dance my foot. How I saw it, it was beyond what she called it.

"Don't be a jerk." The whisper was harsher this time.

Another groan.

"Bobby." Ellie straightened up and smiled at him. "Have fun."

I looked over at him with a frown. "Fine, let's dance."