
Transmigrated to be the alpha's witch

"Meet my wife." Three words that totally destroyed whatever was left of her already shattered world. Born an omega and sold off by her parents, yet saved by a mate who is already mated to another, Jade is forced to slave under the cruel hands of her mate's wife, loosing her life in the process. However, she is given a second chance at life, when she is transmigrated into the body of the powerful witch, Gana, two hundred years into the future, but still retaining memories of her past. Here, in this new but modern world, she meets her second chance mate, the great lycan king Zen, but it seems fate is still bent on breaking her as she risks loosing him to the hands of another woman. Having her memories as Jade but embodied as Gana, she is determined to win back her mate and nothing will stop her from reclaiming him, not even the dark forces of the enemies that surround her.

Excelhights · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Chapter 25: Dead Man




Have you ever felt fear? Such real fear that leaves you paralyzed and unable to move? Unable to think? Unable to comprehend what happens around you?


That's what I feel right now. I'm in his car; he's driving, yet I see and feel nothing. The silence in the car is tense and unsettling.


"I'm sorry."


Why is he apologizing? He didn't hurt me. In fact, he saved me. If anyone should apologize, it should be me for leaving without notice. It's me being careless.


It's because of me that he beat that guy to unconsciousness. I wonder if he's awake now. Zen didn't kill him.


"You can drop me off at the bus stop." I said, sinking my head deeper into my thighs.


He let me sit at the back, so I could raise my legs on the seat, even though it's inappropriate.


"No, I'll take you home." Zen stated. From his tone, I don't think he's going to give me any options.




The rest of the drive was quiet. It felt awful, but what could I do? I couldn't start a conversation; I was too shaken to do that. Besides, this doesn't feel like the right moment for a chitchat.


Zen drove me home. He didn't leave until I was inside the house.


At least I'm safe with him. That I know.


An urge to call my parents came, but I shoved it aside. They had a lot on their plate; I shouldn't add to it.


But I can't keep this to myself. I need to tell someone, or else I'll die here.


Suddenly, I grabbed my phone, quickly dialing Ellie's number.




"Hello, Ellie?" I clutched the phone even harder. My hands were shaking; they could slip anytime.


"Gannie?" The excitement had toned down to worry. "Are you okay?"


"Hey, Ellie.  "I just wanted to ask if we could cancel today's plans at the club."


As expected, she would ask questions. "Why? What happened?"


"Well, something came up; I can't make it." I was trying to sound fine, but I'm not. Ellie will pick it up. She'll know I'm lying.


"Gan, you are not okay." What happened?"


Immediately after she asked, I broke down.


"Gannie, are you crying?"




"Oh gosh, you're crying." "Hold on, I'm coming."


She made it in forty minutes. I wonder what she told Mingan so he'd let her go.


After hearing what happened, she was furious.


"Urgh, why are jerk a*ses everywhere? Who is he? I'll get the cops involved here. He needs to pay for his crimes." She paced up and down the living room.


"Mr. Hyson already broke his nose and lips. I don't think the cops are necessary." I mumbled out


"He did what?"


"Well he..." And I told her everything.






I read and re-read the headlines, my eyes refusing to believe what I saw.


I rarely read the papers, but today I felt compelled to do so.


My parents were seated across the table, eating breakfast. They looked up the moment I slammed the papers back on the table in shock.


"Sunshine, is everything alright?" Mom asked, dropping her fork.


There was a horrific look on my face. I was terrified. If I said everything was fine, they'd know I was lying.


"Yeah, you look like you just saw a ghost." Dad added.


"They found a body by the river down at Marina's." The words trembled out of my quivering lips.


"A body?"  Dad frowns.


"A man's."  I replied, looking down at my plate.


"They find bodies every day." The mafias and mobsters here in New York aren't going to stop with their clashes." He emphasized. "You shouldn't let it get to you."


Mom and I agreed with him. It was always the Italians versus the Russians or Mexicans. Sometimes, it was Italians against other Italian mafia families. In either case, someone was always dying, and a body would be found.


Suddenly, I didn't want to eat. I lost my appetite. Forcing myself to eat will result in bulimia.


"I'll go up to my room now. "I still need to get ready for work." I pushed my chair back and excused myself.


"Sure, honey." Dad said after me. I'm glad they understood and didn't ask questions.


The door was locked behind me the moment I got into my room. I crashed against it afterwards, my hands flying to knit in my hair, then drag the strands till my roots hurt.


It wasn't just the body. I was terrified because I knew who was in the papers. I knew the dead man.




"That man is incompetent. Tell him to present the full-scale records before I fire him." I heard the loud, angry voice of my boss.


"Yes, sir."  Diana's voice.


My knuckles were only inches from connecting with the door in a knock when it opened, and Diana came out.


"Gana, you're here. Good morning. How are you? The boss mentioned..."


I looked across her shoulder to the man inside.


"I'm fine now. Thank you." I appreciated. It was nice of her to ask about my condition after yesterday's incident. All I saw in her eyes right now was genuine concern.


"I'm sorry it happened. But if you need anything, I'm here. Okay?"


I nodded.  She brushed past me with the files in her hand as she returned to work.


I glanced at Sir Hyson, then exhaled and went in.




No reply.


"Are you still mad at me?" I need to know. I feel so guilty already.


He looked up. "And why would I be mad at you?"


I shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe because I abandoned you, and that's what got me into trouble."


The cold look in his eyes softened. "You didn't know a pervert was there. You are not completely at fault. It's also my fault for not finding you on time. If I had been one second late, I can't imagine what he'd have done to you."


Cold shivers ran through me at the thought.


"Thank you." I said this after a few minutes of silence. "Thank you for saving me."


Like a clueless man, he stared at me.


"I caused you a lot of trouble, yet you saved me. I'll be forever grateful. And I still haven't thanked you for paying my hospital bills. Sir Hyson-"


"If you are really grateful, have lunch with me this afternoon."


My eyes widened. "Lunch?"


He hummed.


I can't believe this. "Alright. I'll have lunch with you."


I was excited. I was ready to start working when I remembered something really important.


"Mr Hyson?"


"What is it, Miss Alfonso?" He drawled.


Despite the buzz in my ears, which was caused by his voice, I went on to ask, "About the man who harassed me..."

Zen replied sharply, his anger evident. "He's been fired from work."


"He was found dead this morning." They said he was killed by a bear.