
Transmigrated to Another World: Cursed XinYi

The story revolves around a young and beautiful girl XinYi who was killed by her lover. Things take a turn post her death when instead of dying XinYi gets a new life in a new body in a different Era. with a new body and a new life XinYi faces several challenges. Right from saving herself from Qian. will she ever be able to fall in love with someone? what more is waiting for XinYi to come?

silklove_ · Fantasy
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2 Chs

XinYi killed Qian by stranguling him to death

When XinYi opened her eyes and looked around her. She saw that everything around her old fashioned. The curtains were old-fashioned. She was in the corridor. She looked around the area suspiciously. Her eyes fell on the walls, which was designed elegantly.

She looked outside of the window towards the moon and came to senses,she realised that she was being taken up by a few men. XinYi tried to move her body, but her whole body was covered in a blanket. It was hard for her to move an inch in it. She was shocked when she realized that her whole body was naked inside the blanket.

XinYi tried to look at the men who were taking her somewhere. She realized that those bodies were very big and looked strong. They had wore soldiers's dress. Even after carrying XinYi body they were so calm while walking. They didn't make any voice while moving.

XinYi realized that they were good at fighting. She gritted her teeth when she realized it.

XinYi was a professional killer in the modern world. She was very expert in killing. She was heartless, and she could kill anyone with a blink of eye. She didn't think before taking someone's life.

Xinyi had only trusted one person in her life. He was Doctor Fang Li. She had loved him the most. They were even going to marry soon. But destiny had planned something else. He betrayed her. He tried to kill XinYi by doing her heart transplant.

He tried to take her heart to save the life of her fiancé. He was doing the surgery of XinYi heart. In the process of surgery, XinYi opened her eyes when the medicine wore off suddenly. She took the surgical knife and stabbed it in the heart of Fang Li. He was the died the moment XinYi stabbed the knife in his heart.

But, that moment, XinYi eyes got blank due to the surgery pain. She becomes unconscious. She thought that she would die at that moment. But, she was shocked to see herself in a new body and a new place.

She had realized that it was not a movie play. And she had come back in life to old time. She even got a new body. The body was covered in a blanket and was taken to a room.

Both the soldiers were standing in front of the door in a blink of eye. The door of the room was opened from inside.

"AHh AHHhh, please save me."


A very small aged girl was screaming who was already lying on the bed like an unconscious. XinYi came back to reality when she heard her voice. She looked around the room with unlikable eyes.

The room was really luxurious and big. The wall of the room had a unique design. The essence of a slaughtered lion, which must have been taken during hunting, was pasted on the wall. But, the most beautiful and eye-catching thing in the room was that big bed.

On the bed, there are two bodies colliding. They were having sex. One of was a man, which was good-looking and almost looked like the age of 27-30. He had very long hair and a strong body. He had a small smile on his face. Below the man on the bed, a small young girl. She was simple by looks. It was clear by looking that she wasn't enjoying that thing.

The girl was in pain. Her hair was all messed up, and she was all covered in sweating. Her body was trembling, and she wasn't enjoying that thing at all. Her face becomes pale moment by moment. Her voice slowly disappeared.

Xinyi face became cold seeing how that man was treating the girl. Both the men took XinYi to another room while the man on the bed didn't get bothered by it. He kept on doing his business. He even gets more rough than before on that small girl.

The girl had taken to her extent but now she couldn't able to take it more. She screamed until she was unconscious. Her voice slowly disappeared. And blood came out from her mouth.

The man got to the other side of the bed and threw the girl on the ground by his legs. He started abusing the girl. The girl had blood on her mouth, and nobody knew if she was alive or dead.

"Go and feed her to grave yard dogs. She was good for nothing." The man on the bed ordered the one of the soldiers in an angry tone.

"YES Master" one of the men replied and took the body of a girl.

The other soldier put the body of Xinyi on the bed. "Master, we have another girl for you." The soldier said.

"Yakk, how ugly is this girl? Where did you get her from?" He looked at the girl in the blanket and yelled.

Xinyi didn't have seen her body at all. She didn't know what she looked like. She just knows that her new body is really weak, and if she tries to fight then her new body will not be able to handle it. Therefore, she thought of enduring everything silently and attacking when the right opportunity came.

Both the soldier bowed to him. "Master, we could only find her in this much of less time. And if we see properly than she is not that much ugly and she is still unmarried. She had just taken shower."One of the soldier said.

That man had signaled both the soldiers to leave the room.

They both left while leaving XinYi and taking the dead body of the girl with them.

In that room,Qian and XinYi in rolled blanket was left. He stared at the Xinyi and then at her eyes. She wasn't even one bit scared of him. Not even XinYi was begging him to leave her. He was shocked to see it.

"Aren't you scared?" He asked.

"No, I am not scared of you." XinYi replied.

Xinyi was scared of many thing but, man who is going to die soon? She isn't scare of him.

"I have never seen a bold girl like you." He stated.

He again looked at XinYi and realised how beautiful she is. Her deep ocean like eyes were shining like stars. But, the body that Xinyi had is quite thin. Her skin is very pale. The body is very beautiful if we ignore the mark on her forehead which was from the childhood.

That man hasn't enjoyed XinYi body yet. So he had to ignore that mark on her forehead. Qian was like a wild wolf. He tightly pressed his stomach against her stomach and then left it. But, his expression become normal when he realised that XinYi doesn't have any kind of power. His frown eyes become normal.

"You are not just an ugly girl. You are bitch. You are worthless." He cursed XinYi. And become normal as it was easy for him now. He could easily enjoy. All the girls in the kingdom are afraid of him. Till date, no girl with whom he had done wrong was left alive.

He was impressed by Xinyi's bravery and response. He started having doubt on XinYi calm behavior. He thought that XinYi is very good in fighting. But, when he touched her stomach he realised that she doesn't have any kind of abilities. He started calling XinYi as garbage.

He again looked at XinYi and started thinking then he remembers where he had seen her. She is Chaoxiang's first wife's smallest daughter.

"Chaoxiang's daughter?" He said,

After listening to him. XinYi could see all the memories of that girl. His words work like key. With that her whole memories was replayed in front of her eyes.

The old master of that body was lost in the childhood. After they found her. They got to know that because of illness she will alway be weak for the rest of her life. Everyone in the family see her as a disgrace. When she was 3 years old the mark on her forehead started to show up. Everyone calls her ugly and she was treated worst than a servant.

She had nothing special. But, then her engagement was fixed with prince Shoi-Ming. She was trapped here because both the soldier had given fake letter of Shoi-Ming and called her at that a deserted place.

Qian was from a royal family but everyone knows that he just had a one bad habit and that was playing with girls body. Using a innocent girl. He had an bad habit of doing it. Rumors says that he can sleep with 6 girls in one night. Whoever girl he sleeps with always end up dying or gets mad for the rest of there life. Every girl in the kingdom was afraid of him.

The main owner of XinYi body had also tried to kill herself. XinYi had also died in the modern world and she knows everything about the old owner of the body. XinYi had planned to live a good life in her body. She had decided to remove the ugly word from her life. She had a smile on her face thinking all this.

Nobody knows what was going on in XinYi mind. And here Qian was still staring at XinYi. He saw that the girl whom he calling ugly had a really beautiful and gorgeous smile. He was taken after seeing the smile.

Lust ran over his whole body. He removed the rope from of the blanket and that was one of his biggest mistake.

Rope is a weapon. At first it was used in wars but now it was used for doing these lustful things. He removed the blanket to see XinYi body but his vision became blurry. XinYi kicked hard on his private part and strangulated him to death.

"Are you okay Master?" One of the guard asked when he didn't hear any kind of voice from inside the room.

XinYi was quite good at copying others voice. He asked the soldier to come inside the room.

*Bang Bang*

She called him towards them and then she slashed the neck of them with Qian's sword. XinYi then ran away from there. While going out from that place a maid had saw her. She had kill that maid too.

This place was a secret hideout of Qian. He uses this place for fun. That's why there were just a few of servants and soldiers. It was easy for XinYi to run away from that place. She was far gone by the time news of Qian's death spread.

XinYi just had a blanket in the name of clothes. XinYi started using her magical power for going to one place to another.

A/n: (please support my new story)