
Spicy and Fragrant Boiled Fish

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

At noon, the sun blazed.

Elder Westwood sprinkled powder on the poisoned blood that Chen Rong coughed out and cleaned it up.

"Chang Xia, I'm really fine," Chen Rong promised repeatedly. Unfortunately, no beast listened to him. Hence, Chen Rong could only continue to lie down and watch the beasts work.

He knew exactly what that meant.

His sickness incident would probably spread throughout the entire Heluo Tribe, from the elders to the children.


Chen Rong could not think about his future life in the Heluo tribe.

There were six cooking stoves built outside of the beast lair.

He polished the smooth stone pot, cleaned it, and set it on the stove. The cured pieces of meat were poured into the oil-filled stone pot. Within moments, the tempting smell of burned meat filled the air.

Mu Qin waved her spatula and looked at the stone pot in front of her with a burning gaze. She instructed Root, "Root, you have to go to the rocky beach when you're free. Chang Xia said that it's more convenient to cook fried meat with a stir-fried stone pot. We lack a stone pot at home. Go to the rocky beach and pick a few stones to create a stone pot."

She had a reason for asking Root to pick a few more stones.

Her purpose was the same as Chang Xia when she asked Ya Dong for rosewood. She wanted to make a stone pot for the shaman. Chang Xia would send furniture, and her family would send a stone pot.

"In the afternoon, I'll just stop by the rocky beach," Root replied.

He had lived with her for decades. When she asked him to pick stones, he guessed what she was thinking. Without a word, he nodded and agreed.

"Where do we put the rosewood, Chang Xia?" Ya Dong shouted. While Chang Xia and the others were cooking fried meat, Ya Dong and Shan Kun had gone back to the tribe and brought over the rosewood that Ya Dong had moved over. Along with him was Nuan Chun who was full-bellied.

She carried the basket on her back and followed the two of them.

Nan Feng saw Nuan Chun in the distance and stepped forward to take her basket.

"We'll put it somewhere shady and out of the sun," Chang Xia replied.

"Okay!" Ya Dong carried the rosewood and dropped it in the shade of the beast lair. The ground shook.

Chang Xia didn't know much about wood.

However, looking at the beautiful patterns on the cross-section of the rosewood, she was in an extremely good mood.

"Nuan Chun, sit down."

When she'd admired it enough, Chang Xia asked Nuan Chun to make herself comfortable.

Nuan Chun pointed to the basket on Nan Feng's back and smiled. "I brought you some yellow bark root pieces. I've stewed them with meat before and they tasted delicious.. I thought… you'd like them."

"Really." Chang Xia happily walked over and took out the yellow bark root pieces from her basket. She took a closer look and realized that they were actually yams. Immediately, Chang Xia said excitedly, "Nuan Chun, the yellow bark root pieces are yams. Where did you find them?"

The tribal females would go out every day to pick and collect.

The vegetables like leeks, cabbages, and so on were all called wild vegetables. Cabbage was called root pieces.

The wild vegetables were added when the meat was stewed.

That taste made Chang Xia's scalp tingle.

In the past, her body was too weak to eat, so she could only bite the bullet and eat. Otherwise, she could only drink rice flour paste.

Chang Xia had offered an opinion before.

Unfortunately, she, a cub who spent most of her life in bed, had no say at all.

If the beasts became adults and married, they could live independently.

Chang Xia thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

Marriage was indeed scary, but compared to the daily food, Chang Xia felt that perhaps marriage wasn't so scary after all.

So she happily followed Root and the tribe to the Great Normandy Market.

"Yam. That's certainly a better name than yellow bark root pieces." Nuan Chun clutched her stomach and leaned back. She opened her mouth and said, "The shrub forest has a barren patch near the pine trees. I dug it at the edge of the barren patch."

"The yams are good, Chang Xia?" Nan Feng said briskly.

Chang Xia nodded and opened her mouth. "Yam stew, yam hotpot, and stir-fried yam. No matter how you eat it, yam tastes very good. For some old people in the tribe who aren't in good health, eating yam is good for their health. For people like me and Chen Rong, eating more yam is also good."

With this explanation, not to mention Nan Feng and the other gluttons, even Root and Mu Qin could not wait to go to the barren land of the shrub forest.

"Nuan Chun, are there a lot of yams growing in that patch of barren land in the shrub forest?" Mu Qin said eagerly.

Nuan Chun thought for a moment and replied, "There's quite a lot. I accidentally dug out yellow bark root pieces last winter. Those were yams. I went to dig some more this year at the beginning of spring."

"Okay, okay." Mu Qin was thrilled.

Root nodded at Nuan Chun and said, "Tomorrow, I'll talk to the clansmen who went out to pick herbs and ask them to dig for yams in the shrub forest."

"Chief, the season when yams are easiest to pick should be the cold season," Chang Xia said. The yams were usually dug out from November to December, and considering that the Twilight Forest was different from Earth, she was a little uncertain.

"Chang Xia, you can also pick them at this time. The yams in my basket were dug two days ago. They taste very soft and glutinous," Nuan Chun said.

Chang Xia picked up a yam and studied it.

Nuan Chun was right. The yams had indeed not germinated, and the reeds had not grown any buds. Chang Xia suddenly thought of the white fruits all year round and immediately lost all her thoughts.

"Then let's stew some yams with meat at noon to try." Chang Xia didn't dwell on it and quickly decided to cook an additional dish at noon. Chen Rong had coughed up so much blood previously and needed some nourishment. The conditions of the tribe were limited, and she couldn't cook anything else. She could still make yams stewed with meat.

Hearing this, everyone agreed.

They learned that there was good food at noon.

Mu Qin and Nan Feng took over Chang Xia's cooking of the fried meat and asked her to prepare lunch.

With her belly sticking out, Nuan Chun followed Chang Xia. In her words, she wanted to learn from Chang Xia. Whether it was going back to the tribe to teach her people or going home to do it herself, it was a very suitable choice.

After hearing that, Chang Xia didn't stop Nuan Chun from helping.

She asked Nan Feng to go to the White Lake to get the fish and prawns. Chang Xia brought Nuan Chun to pick up the food sent by her clansmen. Apart from a portion of the meat, the rest was made into fried meat.

Wild vegetables and roots.

These were the ones Chang Xia most wanted to rummage through.

As expected, she quickly found a treasure.

Chili. Chang Xia had found a fist-sized bell pepper. Picking it up, she was greeted by a spicy smell. Chang Xia smiled happily.

To Chang Xia, who grew up in Xiangnan, it was simply inhuman to be a vegetarian all year round.

After finding the chili, she quickly found Sichuan pepper, cinnamon, and other condiments that could add flavor. Chang Xia found cabbage and radishes among the wild vegetables. She was not surprised. After all, she had eaten them all before. It was just that the cabbage and radishes in Twilight Forest were twice the size she had seen before.

"What's so pungent?" Nuan Chun covered her mouth and nose and took two steps back. She said in surprise, "This taste is even more stimulating than ginger and garlic. Chang Xia, are you sure it's edible?"

Vaguely, she thought she saw the shaman putting this into medicine.

As for the taste, it was terrifying just thinking about it.

"Chili. Its taste is spicy. The ones next to it are peppercorns and cinnamon, all of which can be used in a dish," Chang Xia said excitedly. Praise the tribesmen. It seemed someone in the tribe liked to hoard as much as she did.

Except she was surprised there would be chili this season.

The peppers and other things were dry. One of the clansmen must have picked them and hoarded them in the past.

The cabbage and radish were wilted. It was obvious that they had been collected and stored last winter. In comparison, the fresh wild vegetables tasted better this time of year.

However, Chang Xia didn't mind at all.

Naturally, the more food there was, the better.

When the house cave is finished, she must make more cellars.

This way, he would be able to take better care of Chen Rong.

It would be a pity if such a good-looking male died. When the shaman came, she would definitely get the shaman to check on Chen Rong. Chang Xia didn't dare to take action without her incomplete "ability" before she could figure out the situation.

A beautiful male was like a pretty vase.

She would feel good just by looking at him!

In the distance, everyone listened to Chang Xia's explanation and smiled. Although they were curious about how Chang Xia knew all this, no one really asked.

"Chang Xia, are we still eating fish balls at noon?" Nan Feng asked.

Chang Xia shook her head, waved the chili peppers and other things in her hand, and said loudly, "At noon, let's eat boiled fish."

Chang Xia swallowed hard as she spoke.

Spicy and fragrant boiled fish, soft and fresh yam stewed with meat, fried meat and stir-fried wild vegetables. Then, she would also ask Mother Mu Qin to help make roasted meat. The fish and prawns would be directly steamed.

Soon, Chang Xia decided on the menu for this lunch in her mind.

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